She Really, Really Loves Me**

The room was shrouded in darkness.

Yu Siyan slammed the door shut behind him, and his body immediately felt a surge of heat.

He tugged at his collar.

Suddenly, a voice from the bed rang out.

"Take it off!"

Yu Siyan: ?

He gritted his teeth, feeling humiliated and infuriated!

Was forcing him enough? Now there was this request too?!

But Yu Siyan knew that he couldn't fight against the inevitable.

Since he couldn't escape tonight's fate, it was better to take the initiative.

He undid the buttons of his shirt with one hand.

After undoing a few, he stopped.

Wasn't that enough?

Undoing more would be excessive.

"Is that all? Just take off this little bit?" 

Yu Siyan: !!!

The humiliating words echoed in his ears!

He angrily stripped off all his clothes and threw them on the ground. With a straightened leg, he walked toward the bed.

At this moment, Jo Xi heard Little 6's voice breaking down.

"Master, how can you use the props on me!"

Jo Xi: "These props are all so weird; I wouldn't use them. Telekinesis? It sounds unreliable. Look, even a doll's clothes can't be removed. It's just useless."

Footsteps suddenly approached from behind.

Jo Xi turned her head at the sound.

She locked eyes with the awkward-looking man.

The fabric he wore was pitifully sparse.

Only his lower half barely covered him, and his upper body was exposed, revealing well-defined muscle lines. The whole person was inexplicably flushed.

Jo Xi: ?

Her mind was full of question marks.

Jo Xi was momentarily stunned, "You…"

The next second, Yu Siyan pressed her onto the bed.

As Jo Xi fell onto the bed, she noticed the veins on his arms bulging, his breathing rapid, and his face flushed.

"Let's go." Yu Siyan was determined, "Take what you want."

Jo Xi: ?

What do I want?

However, the man on top of her was nearing collapse.

He closed his eyes, holding back something, and when he opened them again, he seemed to have made up his mind.

He leaned in and gently kissed the side of Jo Xi's face.

His soft lips brushed against her.

Whether it was intentional or not, his nose grazed Jo Xi's earlobe.

The room fell into a deep silence.

After a few seconds.

A loud crash erupted in the quiet Yu family mansion!


"What's that sound?!" He Xuefang was startled awake.

Turning to see Yu Zheng's bewildered face, they both rushed outside and ran into Aunt Zhao, who came to report.

"It's coming from the young master's room!"

"Go check!"

Suddenly, the entire mansion's lights came on.

When Aunt Zhao returned, she brought shocking news: "The young master has been sent to kneel in the ancestral hall!"

Yu Zheng: ?

He Xuefang: ? ?

Yu Zheng closed his eyes. "Despite all precautions, his mental state has finally deteriorated… Send for a doctor."

"But he…" Aunt Zhao bit her lip, hesitated, and then said, "He was put in there by the young mistress! I heard he was… not wearing clothes when he went in!"

Yu Zheng was stunned.

He Xuefang then cleared her throat and laughed.

"Oh dear, young people and their passions, let's not interfere!"

This news spread through the family like wildfire.

At first, Aunt Zhao said, "The young master was thrown into the ancestral hall half-naked!"

Then it became: "The young master did a striptease and was thrown into the ancestral hall!"

Later, the news spread throughout the circle.

Several of Yu Siyan's friends in the group frantically forwarded the message: "What?! Our Year Brother practiced stripping and did a show for Yu Uncle, causing Yu Uncle's eyes to go blind, and ended up being punished to kneel in the ancestral hall?!"

In the ancestral hall.

"What? The medicine didn't work?" Cheng Dong scratched his head, "No way, I saw him shower once when we were kids, and I thought he had special talent! I was worried the young mistress couldn't handle it!"

Cheng Xi: "I didn't expect that before I even got comfortable in my seat, the young master was thrown out… But you can't throw people out like that! Kneeling as punishment is too much!"

After hanging up, Cheng Xi entered the ancestral hall.

Yu Siyan looked up at the ancestral tablets in the candlelight.

He had taken the antidote and was now mentally stable.

Cheng Xi spoke loudly, "Young master, don't take it to heart. My brother says many men are like this! I haven't tried it myself, but I might be too!"

Yu Siyan turned his head. The antidote was just starting to take effect, and when he glanced at Cheng Xi, his eyes were still shimmering with tears.

"Feel free to scold me!" Cheng Xi declared, "Just think of me as Jo Xi! Whatever you want to say, I won't retort!"

Yu Siyan understood the implication.

Cheng Xi waited.

Then Yu Siyan's slightly pink lips parted and spoke: "...She really, really loves me."

Cheng Xi: ?

Yu Siyan's expression softened, and he sighed.

Before Jo Xi threw him out, she said, "Who told you to demean yourself so? Any random woman, and you'd go for her? Take care of yourself! Save your chastity for someone who deserves it!"

She cherished him so much, unwilling to touch him.

It was a pity that this love would never be returned.

Yu Siyan shook his head and continued to look at the ancestral tablets.


Yu Siyan stayed in the ancestral hall all night. At breakfast, he appeared on time with dark circles under his eyes.

He instinctively scanned the room.

"Stop looking." Yu Zheng said sternly, sipping his porridge, "She left early this morning."

Yu Siyan raised an eyebrow, then kicked his stool away and sat down, distancing himself from Yu Zheng.

However, Yu Zheng did not appear angry. Instead, he said, "Don't eat, just drink the porridge. Heal your stomach."

Yu Siyan squinted.

He looked at the porridge, which was full of angelica and goji berries.

"Have you gone senile?" Yu Siyan asked.

Yu Zheng set down his bowl and wiped his mouth, still not angry.

But as he walked out the door, he paused and turned back with a stiff expression, saying, "This afternoon, a rehabilitation coach will come over. I've consulted with the doctor; it's normal for some bodily functions not to recover after lying in bed for a year."

With that, he left.

Leaving Yu Siyan to ponder at the table, exchanging glances with Cheng Xi.

Cheng Xi shrugged, confused about what had happened.

In the shadows, He Xuefang gritted her teeth!

This was the first time they had finished a meal so harmoniously! It seemed she needed to plan ahead!


Jo Xi took a taxi to the hospital, yawning along the way.

After Little 6's analysis, they both agreed that Yu Siyan might have developed some psychological issues after being scared by her entering the bathroom last time, and he needed time to adjust.

So Jo Xi went off to find her manager, Zhu Feng, to sign a work contract.

Following the assistant's address, Jo Xi entered Ward 209.

But as soon as she stepped inside, she bumped into the assistant carrying a coffin.

Jo Xi: ?

She glanced at the ward number, then at the coffin.

Then she covered her mouth, "When is the funeral?"%MCEpastebin%