Good Boy, Da Lang, Drink the Medicine, Grow Tall”**

"This is 500,000. It's for you," He Xuefang said, handing over a bank card.

"Oh, no need to be so polite!" Qiao Xi said, taking the card and tucking it into her pocket. "Is there anything you need me to do for you?"

He Xuefang: "…"

Xiao 6: "…"

It had long since given up on expecting the host to maintain her composure and was now just hoping she wouldn't cross legal boundaries.

He Xuefang took a breath and directly said, "And this is medicine."

She pulled out a packet of white powder and placed it in front of Qiao Xi.

Qiao Xi froze.

"What kind of medicine?"

"Whatever you think it is, it is," He Xuefang said with a gentle smile. "This is specially prepared for Yu Siyan. If you can get him to drink it without realizing, another 1 million will be transferred to your account."

Qiao Xi understood.

This stepmother wanted to poison Yu Siyan, and she was completely unmasked about it.

What a lawless woman.


"Madam has taken the packet of medicine," Cheng Xi reported in a low voice.

In the room, Yu Siyan lay on the bed where he had failed his earlier attempts, his dark eyes sinking with the light by the window.

After a long pause, the man said, "Mm, understood."

His voice was a bit hoarse.

Cheng Xi said, "Maybe it's just a bluff. She might not really make you drink it. Madam…"

He opened his mouth but couldn't bring himself to say, "Madam isn't like that."

Rationality told him that Madam was! She had been grinning ear to ear when she saw the bank card! He even suspected he could see directly into her stomach!

Yu Siyan waved his long, attractive hand, and Cheng Xi had no choice but to leave, sighing inwardly.

He had thought Madam was different, but it turned out…

The door creaked open.

Qiao Xi walked in, and the person on the bed didn't move, only glanced at her with the corner of his eye, waiting for her next move.

"Aunt Zhao!" Qiao Xi called, "I want pig trotters for dinner tonight, and also snow peas stewed with ribs, spicy hot pot, sour and spicy shredded potatoes, and that dark beef…"

After ordering eighteen dishes, she leaned back in a chair.

"I'm not eating," Yu Siyan's stubborn voice came.

So, he wanted her to poison his food? What a rotten trick.

"Who said you had to eat?" Qiao Xi looked at him in surprise. "I didn't order for you. If you want to eat, you should call someone yourself."

Yu Siyan: ?

You didn't order for me, but you ordered eighteen dishes?

At that moment, the food arrived.

Yu Siyan watched as the woman at the table rolled up her sleeves and, once the dishes were served, began devouring them like she had never eaten before, not even sparing the marrow in the bones!

Yu Siyan: "…"

After finishing, Qiao Xi burped and turned to look at Yu Siyan.

Yu Siyan immediately withdrew his gaze, leaning against the headboard in silence.

He knew the real show was about to begin.

Where would she put the medicine?

In the food? Under the blankets?

Yu Siyan squinted at Qiao Xi, waiting for her clumsy performance.

The next moment, Qiao Xi, seemingly from nowhere, brought out a bowl of water and pulled out a packet of white powder from her pocket.

She started sprinkling it into the bowl right in front of him!

Yu Siyan: ?

Cheng Xi, who was waiting in the shadows: ???!!!

She's drugging him right in front of him?! Is she that straightforward???!!!

After sprinkling the medicine, Qiao Xi grabbed Yu Siyan's chin.

"Come on, Da Lang, be a good boy, drink the medicine, and grow tall!"

"Mm! Mm! Mm!!"


"Did he really drink it?!" He Xuefang's face flushed with excitement.

Wang Ma nodded. "Absolutely! I watched her feed him! At first, I thought she had mixed the medicine in the sweet and sour ribs, but no! Then I thought it was in the braised pig trotters, but still no! And then…"

"Get to the point!" He Xuefang said impatiently.

Wang Ma: "She actually took out the medicine package right in front of Young Master, without any attempt to hide it!"

He Xuefang: "…"

She thought Qiao Xi was foolish, but she didn't expect her to be this foolish.

That worked out well, saving her a lot of trouble.

The sound of an ambulance arrived from outside.

He Xuefang couldn't hide her smile, watching as Qiao Xi carried Yu Siyan and ran towards the door.

She stood far away, hidden by the night.

If she moved a bit closer, she could see Yu Siyan's face bumping against certain unspeakable areas on Qiao Xi's body with each step she took.

And the man's ears were already red.

At the hospital.

He Xuefang followed behind Yu Zheng, grabbing the doctor and crying, "Doctor, how is my son?"

Yu Zheng's fingers were tightly clenched, his body covered in sweat, looking somewhat disheveled as he awaited the doctor's response.

According to Wang Ma, it was poisoning!

But how could it happen?

He Xuefang cried as she said, "Just tell us directly, we're all waiting!"

"Calm down, family member." The doctor pushed her hand away. "He's fine."

"Wuwuwu, my poor son, how could this…"


He Xuefang paused, looking up. "What did you say?"

"He's fine, just a stomach upset from something he ate." The doctor pushed up his glasses and smiled. "Nowadays, young couples worry too much about each other. Don't worry, the blood test results show he's as strong as an ox. Just pay the fee and you can leave."

He Xuefang: ?!

How is that possible!

She pulled Qiao Xi to a corner as soon as she came out. "What on earth is going on!"

"I'm asking you!" Qiao Xi came up with a face full of anger. "Was that medicine effective? After drinking it, he's fine, able to sing and dance. It turns out to be a tonic? If you had said it was a tonic, I wouldn't have been so anxious!"

He Xuefang was stunned by this scolding.

"N-no, it's not a tonic…"

"Then is the medicine ineffective? What's your source for the medicine? If you really can't find it, I can provide a source for you. Don't mess around. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me; I fed it to him, so you give me the money!"

He Xuefang was infuriated.

No one died from the medicine, and she had already given out 1.5 million?!

"You didn't succeed, so the remaining money is not to be given," she said, still somewhat clear-headed. "I'll look into the medicine issue. You'll get paid only after you succeed next time."

Qiao Xi glanced at her, curling her lips, and didn't bother to argue further. She turned and entered the ward.

The person on the bed was lying down, still covering his head and ignoring her.

"Alright," Qiao Xi kicked the bed. "Still sulking? I'm giving you some money. Just drink a few bowls of salt water; it's not a loss."

Yu Siyan remained silent.

Qiao Xi thought for a moment and said, "Fine, I won't split it 80/20. How about 70/30? Just for your performance fee."

The person on the bed suddenly turned over, with red-rimmed eyes.%MCEpastebin%