How Many More Surprises Does This Woman Have That He Doesn't Know About?

"Three bowls! You made me drink three whole bowls!"

At that time, he really thought he was going to die.

"Go big or go home. Your stepmother isn't that easy to fool." Qiao Xi rubbed his head.

With that rub, Yu Siyan's face stiffened, his anger visibly subsiding, though his eyes were still red. He suddenly reached out his hand.

"Let's split it fifty-fifty."

Qiao Xi almost let go, nearly smashing Yu Siyan's head into the wall!

Luckily, Yu Siyan anticipated this and dodged in time, falling onto the pillow with a soft "oof."

"Ouch, that hurts..." he murmured.

"Stop faking it." Qiao Xi wasn't buying it. "It's fine to mess with my feelings, but trying to swindle my money? Absolutely not."

Yu Siyan paused and then held up two fingers. "200,000."

"In your dreams," Qiao Xi sneered. "150,000, not a penny more."

"180,000," Yu Siyan conceded.


Yu Siyan: ?



Yu Siyan: !

Seeing the amount about to vanish, Yu Siyan gritted his teeth and finally agreed to the initial 150,000.

After Qiao Xi left, Yu Siyan lay in bed, clutching the 150,000 he had just gotten, turning over and failing to suppress the smile tugging at his lips.

Outside, Cheng Xi was on the phone with Cheng Dong. "All clear, it was a false alarm. But is our young master broke? He got 150,000 from the young madam and hasn't stopped smiling."

"You just don't get it." Romance expert Cheng Dong explained slowly, "Money earned by risking your life is always more valuable."

Makes sense. Cheng Xi learned something new.

Meanwhile, Qiao Xi was just leaving when Yu Zheng called out to her.

Yu Zheng said, "The Yu family is hosting a banquet tomorrow night. Bring Yu Siyan along."

Qiao Xi: ?

"I can't." She flatly refused.

Yu Siyan had the guts to smear thermal underwear on your face today. Tomorrow, he might just relieve himself in the middle of the banquet!

She couldn't afford to lose face like that.

Yu Zheng pondered for a moment, then pulled out a black card. "Here is some living expenses. I was going to let you buy a dress with it..."

Qiao Xi stopped dead in her tracks.

She quickly turned around, extending two fingers to firmly grasp the black card.

Snatching it, she put it away with fluid motion.

"Dad," Qiao Xi's face beamed under the hospital corridor lights, "Rest assured, I'll bring my family tomorrow at 8:30 sharp."

Yu Zheng: ...

Qiao Xi left with the card, happily strolling around the hospital entrance.

"Xiao 6, this family is great." She sighed, "Hey, can you check if there's anyone else suffering from the same money-throwing problem? I'd be happy to visit them and offer my help."

Xiao 6: ...

High EQ: I want to help them with their problem.

Low EQ: I don't want to work hard anymore. I want to be a gold digger.

In the car, He Xuefang said, "Siyan might not listen to Qiao Xi after all. Tomorrow is Ah Cheng's birthday banquet, and you're going to gift him shares. Siyan would just be unhappy if he went."

Yu Zheng frowned, "He needs to see this so he stops being aimless!"

At this moment, the butler turned and said, "Sir, stop being so stubborn. You clearly prepared a gift for the young master too."

He Xuefang's expression changed.

She forced a smile, "So that company was for Siyan? You're so thoughtful. Siyan definitely won't disappoint you!"

A few days ago, she saw Yu Zheng handling a contract for a small company under his name.

She thought it was for some woman, and had been secretly keeping an eye on it. Turns out, it was for Yu Siyan!

Better off giving it to another woman!

Luckily, Yu Siyan and Qiao Xi didn't get along. Asking Qiao Xi to invite Yu Siyan to the banquet would surely backfire...

"The young master agreed!"

The butler exclaimed, reading the message on the screen, "The hospital staff said the young madam called the young master about the banquet, and he just said 'oh'. He didn't flip the bed or throw a tantrum!"


He Xuefang couldn't believe it! Her long nails dug into her palms!

Yu Zheng, however, smiled in relief.

It seemed his guess was right after all.


The guest list for the banquet had been set a week ago. Hearing that the youngest Yu would attend, all of the capital's upper circles were abuzz with excitement.

Qiao Xi, meanwhile, strolled around the dress shops with her new funds.

"Show me your cheapest dress!" she demanded.

The shop assistant smiled and brought out a black evening gown. "This one fits your requirements."

Qiao Xi checked the price tag —


"Thank you, put it back." She smiled and walked out of the store.

Xiao 6: "...Didn't you just get money?"

Qiao Xi: "Do I look like an easy mark?"

Spending 10,000 on a dress for one night?! She'd rather kiss Aunt Zhao than spend that much on a dress.

Xiao 6 worried, "But without a dress, how will you get in tonight?"

"Don't worry, people always find a way."

Xiao 6: ...

It's scared! Someone save it! People may find a way, but what if the problem-solver isn't human?

As evening approached, Yu Siyan stepped out of his room in a custom-tailored suit.

The maids stared, Aunt Zhao praised, "Young master looks so handsome!"

"Yes, it's been a while since he wore a suit!" Cheng Xi had stars in his eyes.

Yu Siyan glanced around the garden, "Where is she?"



Cheng Xi's eyes lit up, understanding immediately. "Young master, I'll call her right away!"

Yu Siyan smirked.

Calling him effeminate? Today, he'd show Qiao Xi...

"She's here!"

Cheng Xi returned, pulling He Xuefang along. "Look, our young master is so handsome today! Way more handsome than your Li Cheng!"

Yu Siyan: ?!

The two locked eyes, an awkward silence filling the air.

He Xuefang was furious, turning away without a word!

Yu Siyan beckoned Cheng Xi over and kicked him in the backside!

"I told you to get Qiao Xi, Qiao Xi!" he yelled.

Cheng Xi clutched his butt, rolling around on the ground, realizing, "Oh, the young madam? She's in the dressing room!"

"She's doing her own makeup?" Yu Siyan frowned.

Didn't Dad give her money and an appointment with a makeup artist?

Cheng Xi nodded, "I was curious too, so I asked why she didn't call a makeup artist. The young madam said she's done makeup for others before, no problem!"

Yu Siyan was thoughtful.

She'd been a makeup artist... this was beyond his expectations.

How many more surprises does this woman have that he doesn't know about?

The next second, the door opened.

Yu Siyan quickly adjusted his collar, turning to face the best angle.