Kissing Your Red Lips in the Dark Night

"It's none of those," Qiao Xi said.

"None of those? Are you okay?" Fan Zhiying responded bluntly, "What else can we do besides singing and dancing?"

[Hahaha, self-awareness level: max, Xiaoying darling]

[Fan Zhiying's straightforwardness is real]

[Fan Zhiying: Not double-standard at all; harsh even on herself]

[I feel like she and Qiao Xi don't get along; two tigers can't share one mountain, two leaders can't share one team]

"Don't talk nonsense," Qiao Xi said. "We'll also take first place."

The three team members: ?

The live comments: ?

Fan Zhiying laughed in frustration and rolled her eyes.

"Come here," Qiao Xi gestured, calling everyone over.

The other two teams quickly finalized their performances and took their turns. Qiao Xi's team was scheduled last.

The first group, led by Zhou Ninghuan, performed a rap, complete with hand gestures and floor work.

Due to the language barrier, the translator next to them was sweating profusely, repeating everything.

When they reached the line, "Kissing your red lips in the dark night," a few elderly villagers in the front row clearly couldn't sit still!

"Oy..." Li Dazhuang exclaimed, burying his head.

Er Zhu: "Can we really listen to this stuff for free now?"

Only Gou Dan and Xiao Cui exchanged glances and blushed.

[Translator: Never thought I'd be translating rap in my lifetime]

[Everyone, pause and look at Gou Dan and Xiao Cui; I think there's something going on between them]

[Villagers: I understood, I'm just pretending]

[Too funny, the old guys in the front row look like they want to die on the spot]

[Li Dazhuang: I should've died when I was fifty]

Zhou Ninghuan came off the stage, full of confidence.

Director Jin said, "Please, villagers, give your scores!"

The scorecards went up clattering—9 out of 10 villagers gave a score of one.

Only Gou Dan gave a five, which seemed more like a sympathy score.

Zhou Ninghuan immediately looked crestfallen. "They... they just don't appreciate it!"

When it was Ye Sisi's group's turn, Duan Fulin had already talked to her, securing this opportunity, and Ye Sisi agreed.

Learning from the previous group's experience, Duan Fulin sang an old song.

He had trained in vocal music, and his powerful voice resonated naturally, even prompting two villagers to sing along, earning a round of applause!

[Our brother is so talented! Certain slandering girls should be jealous now, right?]

[Qiao Xi, take a good look; this is the kind of popularity you can't insult!]

[Laughing, what else can Qiao Xi do? Look at her group's predicament; singing has already reached its peak with our brother. Is she going to dance herself?]

[Maybe Nian Ge can showcase some acting skills? A scene or two would do.]

[Act what? Rural love stories?]

[It's Qiao Xi's turn; let's see how she'll embarrass herself.]

"The final group, Qiao Xi!" Director Jin called out.

She was curious about what Qiao Xi would perform.

The next second, she saw Qiao Xi standing alone on stage.

Just one person?

Ye Sisi worried, "Sis Xi seems to only know how to act, right?"

"Don't worry," Duan Fulin said with a smile, "She's so confident; she must have something up her sleeve."

His comment was caught on camera, and the fans in the live comments immediately started sarcastic remarks.

Meanwhile, at the Yu family.

"It's great that Nian Nian and Xi Xi are in the same group," He Xuefang clapped her hands, saying, "I wonder what Xi Xi will perform! Nian Nian shouldn't cause any trouble on the show, right?"

She glanced at Yu Zheng.

This was a plan He Xuefang had specially arranged, knowing that Yu Si Nian had always caused trouble on shows. With so many recent changes, she needed to decrease Yu Si Nian's favor