He's Not Straightening Out, He's Bending

"A shared bed?! And not separated by gender?"

Ye Sisi was startled, her face quickly turning red as she couldn't help but glance at Duan Fulin.

The show staff explained, "The conditions in the mountains are tough. You'll stay the same way the villagers do while they're working."

Everyone initially had complaints but had to swallow them.

[Well, even Liu Yuxi would delete his Ode to the Humble Room after seeing this]

[But at least separate the men and women, right? This is so inconvenient!]

[Relax, it's all part of the show. They sign contracts in advance. I'm just here for the drama, haha]

[Not necessarily. Director Jin is known for being tough. Remember the pig incident last season?]

The male and female guests quickly split into two sides, men on the left, women on the right. But the area connecting the two sides caused some awkwardness.

After all, even with a partition in between, it still felt like they were sleeping together.

Duan Fulin's eyes flickered as he looked at Ye Sisi.

He then smiled and pointed to the middle section, saying, "I'll sleep..."

"I'll sleep here!" Qiao Xi quickly interrupted, pointing to the spot next to him.

Just as Duan Fulin's finger was about to land on the middle spot, he swiftly changed direction, pointing to the farthest corner instead.


He finished speaking and walked away quickly!

[Hahaha, was Duan Fulin about to choose the middle spot?]

[Duan Fulin: That was close, almost walked into a trap]

[If I had this kind of reflexes, I wouldn't have found out my wife's child wasn't mine until after the birth]

[Microphone to the person above, tears ready. Go on]

The female guests quickly chose their spots, leaving the male guests in a quiet, tense situation.

No one wanted to sleep next to Qiao Xi, so they decided by rock-paper-scissors. Yu Si Nian lost miserably and ended up with the "prime spot."

Before leaving, Qiao Xi asked him, "You don't snore, do you?"

"Of course not!" Yu Si Nian replied immediately.

"Oh, I wanted to say that I do, and it's really loud," Qiao Xi said. "Hehe, you're doomed."

Yu Si Nian: "..."

[Today, I actually thought Qiao Xi was trying to flirt with Yu Si Nian. I'll punish myself with a drink for my rashness]

[Qiao Xi: I even want to be his father, do you believe it?]

[But they really have a strange kind of chemistry!]

Qiao Xi left and assigned tasks to the team members, each going to different villagers' homes.

Since this wasn't a scheduled segment by the production team, the cameramen took a break, letting them go on their own.

Yu Si Nian was assigned to Er Gou's house.

With the live broadcast paused, Cheng Xi followed closely behind Yu Si Nian, whispering, "Young master, I think the young lady has a strange vibe towards that guy named Duan! She wanted to sleep next to him earlier. You should watch out!"

"You don't understand," Yu Si Nian gave him a sidelong glance. "She just wants to be closer to me."

Cheng Xi scratched his head, still not getting it.

Yu Si Nian continued, "I need to confess soon, or she'll get too deep into it, and it'll be hard to pull her out."

"Actually, I think the young lady is quite nice. Why not just go along with it?"

"No way." Yu Si Nian shook his head firmly. "I can't get married, and I can't date."

"Why not?"

Yu Si Nian didn't answer but asked instead, "If one day you found out the world you live in is actually a book, what would you think?"

Cheng Xi: "Is this book... respectable?"

Yu Si Nian: "..."

He couldn't be bothered with Cheng Xi.

His memory flashed back to two years ago—after being hit by a car and becoming a vegetable, he briefly experienced a bizarre event.

He had traveled to another world, where he saw a bestselling novel titled "Stop Torturing Her, Mr. Li, She's Dead," and the supporting male character's name was the same as his!

Unfortunately, before he could read the entire plot, the rude author kicked him out.

But he remembered a few key points.

First, he absolutely couldn't get involved with a woman named Ye Sisi.

Second, stay single and childless for safety.

On the other side, Qiao Xi wandered towards Li Dazhuang's house, asking Xiao 6, "Why, despite all the effort, does Yu Si Nian's romantic plotline still not connect with Ye Sisi?"

"I don't know," Xiao 6 sighed. "We can't find out why he suddenly deviated from the storyline. All we know is that everything changed when he woke up from being a vegetable!"

Qiao Xi suddenly narrowed her eyes. "I know why!"

Xiao 6: "Master, you're so smart! What's the reason?"

Qiao Xi: "He's straightened out."

Xiao 6: "..."

After taking a basket of clothes from Li Dazhuang's house, Qiao Xi met up with Ye Sisi. They decided to take advantage of the situation and reveal the truth about their arranged marriage to her, to further the romantic plotline.

"So, there's nothing between him and me," Qiao Xi explained. "He can freely date now, you understand?"

Ye Sisi was shocked, "An arranged marriage?! So... the rumors are true?!"

"What rumors?"

"Well..." Ye Sisi stomped her foot. "Sister Xi, don't you think he's too close to his bodyguard?"

Qiao Xi: ?

Ye Sisi hinted, "Their relationship is like Mr. Li and Aunt Zhao!"

Qiao Xi: !

Ye Sisi blushed, "And, Aunt Zhao is a twin!"

Qiao Xi: !!!

So, Yu Si Nian didn't straighten out; he bent! And with two?!

This can't be, absolutely not!

Qiao Xi turned and ran towards Yu Si Nian's direction like mad.

Xiao 6 shouted, "Calm down! It's just a rumor! Rumors in the capital are always exaggerated. Aren't they even saying he's been kneeling in the ancestral hall because he's impotent?!"

Qiao Xi stopped abruptly, spotting Yu Si Nian's figure in the distance.

He was walking with a grinning Cheng Xi by his side.

"Right, I need to test him first," Qiao Xi decided.


Two minutes later, Cheng Xi was called away by Ye Sisi, who said she needed his help, leaving Yu Si Nian alone.

Yu Si Nian walked down the dark path, feeling relaxed as he smelled the fresh mountain air and listened to the birds chirping.

Suddenly, someone hugged him from behind.

Yu Si Nian: ?

The familiar scent made him hesitate to push the person away.

The orange scent, the discount supermarket body wash, only Yu family members used it, so...

He felt a stir in his heart.

"Young master, I'm so cold," came Cheng Xi's voice. "Can you hold me?"

Yu Si Nian: !!!

Xiao 6: !!!

Xiao 6 panicked, "Master! The voice changer isn't for that! Ahhh!"