My Eyes Are Stinging!**

Duan Fulin: ???!!!

What happened while I was out?! Director Jin, you weren't like this in the afternoon!

Director Jin was truly frightened.

One is a maniac who swallows poison at the drop of a hat! The other is a pervert who feeds people excrement!

Together, she just can't handle it!

[As expected of the woman I've been following for two seasons. In the first season, Director Jin threatened her; in the second season, well, kekekeke]

[To be honest, I'm starting to like Qiao Xi]

[The way she jumps off reminds me of how I feel every day going to work]

[Qiao Xi: Life is full of madness. Either you're mad today, or you'll be mad tomorrow. Better to be mad sooner than later.]


The hammer fell.

Qiao Xi clapped her hands, jumped down from the platform, and hung a sign on it.

It read—

**[Air-Conditioned Room for Rent]**

**[500 per hour]**

**[Credit available; settle up on the day the program ends]**

Everyone: ?

She's charging them right under their noses!

[This is way too expensive!]

[Too greedy, how could anyone agree to this!]

[It's not unreasonable to charge more for a scarce resource, especially when selling to competitors. If it were me, I'd charge 5000.]

A few people snorted.

Zhou Ninghuan: "500? Are you robbing people? Even if I roast to death today, I won't step into that air-conditioned room!"

That night.

Zhou Ninghuan stood at the air-conditioned room's door, shouting inside: "Zhang Shu! You've been in there for an hour! My turn now!"

"I need to extend!" Zhang Shu yelled.

"Not happening! Get out!"

The two almost ended up in a fight.

In the end, Zhou Ninghuan enjoyed an hour in the air-conditioned room, slowly handing out his phone QR code.

In a lowered voice: "Extend for two hours."

[True appreciation might come late, but it surely won't be absent.]

[Don't even mention him, the expression on our Young Master Yu's face when he came out earlier—made me want to go in too!]

[I saw Qiao Xi give him a watermelon as payment, just to make him enjoy the air conditioning before showing off to others.]

[Other people's movie stars: Thousands of dollars per performance. Our movie star: Half a watermelon for one performance, sometimes free.]

[After all, with so many people watching, can't we leave our Young Master a pair of pants?]

The last one to hold out was Duan Fulin.

Because of his special relationship with Qiao Xi, he stubbornly refused to go.

But after Yu Siyuan ate his watermelon and sighed for the 300th time, he finally couldn't resist.

He dashed upstairs!

"I'll rent it for an hour!" Duan Fulin said fiercely.

"Sure, 10,000, payment on site."

Duan Fulin: ?

Comments: ???

Duan Fulin was furious, "Why the price increase! They all paid 500!"

"That's the price for people. Animals affect the room's feng shui, so the price goes up," Qiao Xi said while eating a popsicle.


[Qiao Xi! You're too much!]

Duan Fulin was enraged!

He gritted his teeth and left.

He couldn't let this grudge go unpunished!

In the shadows, his manager called, warning him: "Lin Lin, it's a special period; you'd better endure it. Don't let anything slip! I've already transferred 100,000 to Qiao Xi. Don't provoke her; she's changed a lot this time! Be careful!"

"Do you want me to flatter her?"

The moment the words were out, both fell silent.

Duan Fulin frowned.

Actually… it's not impossible.

The manager whispered, "I remember she used to like you, right?"

Duan Fulin gritted his teeth and said, "Got it."

He hung up the phone, thought for a moment, and pulled out his swim trunks from his suitcase, heading out the door.

"Teacher Duan, please go to the lakeside," a small assistant from the program group whispered to Qiao Xi.

They still avoided the cameras.

Qiao Xi raised her eyebrows, clapped her hands, and got up.

"Xixi, where are you going?" Ye Sisi, who had just come out of the air-conditioned room happily, asked.

"Going to play with dogs!"

Qiao Xi waved and left.

Ye Sisi shrugged and muttered as she went in: "Strange, wasn't Big Yellow not allowed to be touched? Which dog is Xixi going to play with?"

Yu Siyuan, eating watermelon, turned his head.

"She's going to play with dogs?"


Cheng Xi and Yu Siyuan exchanged glances.

Yu Siyuan put down his watermelon, "Let her go, it's none of my business."

Cheng Xi: "Young Master, if it's none of your business, why are you running?"

"To digest!"


The moonlight was gentle, and cicadas chirped.

Qiao Xi approached the lakeside, and suddenly, ripples surged on the lake's surface!


A shirtless man emerged from the water, shaking his head!

He was wearing only swim trunks, and as if by accident, he stepped towards Qiao Xi one step at a time.

Xiao 6: Damn!!!

My eyes are stinging! My eyes are stinging!

Qiao Xi stopped eating her popsicle. "Xiao 6, the last time you gave me the information, show me again. Wasn't there a character profile or something?"

Xiao 6 quickly pulled it up.

Qiao Xi flipped through it and found the page on "Duan Fulin."

As expected, she hadn't remembered wrong!

"Look, it even records the size! Duan Fulin is a 6! He's truly a 6! No wonder I felt empty!"

Qiao Xi showed Xiao 6 the data.

Speaking of this author, they're quite thorough.

Xiao 6 didn't dare make a sound.

Qiao Xi suddenly got excited: "By the way, show me Yu Siyuan's profile."

Xiao 6: "No!"

"Or Li Cheng's? The male lead should have one…"

Xiao 6 elegantly closed himself off, not hearing the rest.

Just then, Duan Fulin reached Qiao Xi and began to subtly show off his physique.

He even made a bubble sound: "Qiao Xi, I invited you today…"

"You want to hear me sing, right? Fine, listen up, three songs."

Duan Fulin frowned.

Qiao Xi started singing: "Little crayon, wearing flower clothes. Red, yellow, blue, and green, so beautiful."

Duan Fulin: ?

Qiao Xi: "Another one."

"I'm a little bird—how to fly, can't fly high!"

Duan Fulin: ??

Qiao Xi: "Last one."

"Little trumpet, beep beep beep, the seagull doesn't want to fly~"

"Question: What do they all have in common?"

Duan Fulin: !!!

Duan Fulin persisted in acting: "Xixi, don't you want me?"

"No thanks, I have my own toothpick."

Duan Fulin stared.

Before he could think further, a piece of clothing fell from the sky!

In the next moment, Yu Siyuan's figure appeared behind Qiao Xi, grabbing her hand and trying to leave!

"Who?! Ambush!"

Qiao Xi threw him off!

He ended up standing by the lakeside, and with a parabolic arc, he fell in!

Cheng Xi's shocked face appeared in the moonlight.

"Madam!" he shouted, "You've thrown Young Master in! He can't swim!!!"

Qiao Xi: !

"Who told him to sneak up like a thief?!"

She ran, and with a splash, jumped into the lake!

Meanwhile, Duan Fulin struggled to get out of his clothes, his face filled with disbelief, and suddenly looked at Cheng Xi: "Did you just call her what?"

Cheng Xi thought quickly, "Young Master Lai Lai, asking her to stop owing money to others."

Duan Fulin: ?

He gritted his teeth, "I clearly heard something about 'Madam'…"

"I don't distinguish between NL! Do you discriminate against me?" Cheng Xi shouted.

Duan Fulin: "…Well, that's not…"

"Not is good! Remember, every person with an accent is equal!"

In the lake.

Yu Siyuan struggled and choked on water.

Xiao 6 was still saying, "The antagonist had a traumatic experience with a stepmother who drowned him as a child! He has a fear of water! Save him quickly!"

Qiao Xi: He has so many fears, water and mice!

"Not just that, there's also a mop, bamboo, and a small dark room!"

Qiao Xi: …

At that moment, she saw Yu Siyuan.

In the translucent water, the young man's eyes were closed, sinking deeper.

She immediately did the Qiao-style dog paddle!

And pulled him up.

The next second, she贴 close to him and began to give him air.
