Little Whirlwind Spin Dry Technique

A pair of lips pressed against hers.

Yu Siyan took a breath and opened his eyes.

Lake water, eyelashes, a kiss...

The softness of the lips was unbelievable.

In the next second, the young man's hand wrapped around her neck and pulled her closer as she tried to pull away, leaning in for a deeper kiss.

Qiao Xi felt her lips being licked.

Qiao Xi: ?


She slapped his face furiously.

While dog-paddling, she glared at him, her mouth full of bubbles, clearly cursing.

Her mouth shape was clearly saying, "What's wrong with you, you brat?! And you blew air out?!"

Yu Siyan: "..."

The two climbed ashore immediately.

As soon as Yu Siyan was out of the water, he closed his eyes again.

"Fainted again!" Qiao Xi grumbled, grabbing Yu Siyan's legs and struggling to drag him towards the shore.



A human-shaped imprint was left behind as she dragged him.

From a hidden spot, Cheng Xi watched, nervously clenching his fists.

This level of skill—she must have dumped bodies before!

Just as he hesitated whether to step forward, Yu Siyan suddenly opened his eyes, winked at him fiercely, pointed to his mouth, and made a big inhaling motion before closing his eyes again.

Cheng Xi: ?

Mouth? A big mouth?

Then it dawned on him!

"Young madam!" Cheng Xi rushed over, shouting, "The young master has fainted! You need to slap him hard to wake him up!"

Yu Siyan: !!!

I meant CPR, you idiot!!!

Qiao Xi paused, and Yu Siyan's face turned pale.

He let out a whimper, pretending to wake up.

In the next second, hurried footsteps approached.

"What happened?!" Director Jin's frantic voice sounded from not far away.

Just as Yu Siyan was about to get up, Qiao Xi pounced on him.


She pinned him down again.

"Nian Nian! What's wrong, Nian Nian! You're only 23, why leave so soon!" Qiao Xi cried, "Even if the show didn't give you a set of fine kitchenware or a rich dinner, you don't need to be so extreme!"

Yu Siyan: ?

Comments: ??


[No way!!!!]

Director Jin's lips trembled, his mind blank.

Qiao Xi turned sharply, "Forget it, just give us the kitchenware! Nian Nian's last wish was for this!"

The director's team was completely dumbfounded.

Totally led by Qiao Xi, they panicked and sent someone to fetch the kitchenware.

It wasn't until they came to their senses that Director Jin shouted, "Quick, call a doctor! Hurry!"

"No need," Qiao Xi said calmly after receiving the kitchenware. She patted Yu Siyan, "He's too happy to hear about the kitchenware and has revived."

With that, Yu Siyan sat up.

Director Jin: !!!!!!!

[So it was just a scam for kitchenware?!]

[I was completely fooled; Qiao Xi always catches me off guard]

[I was so shocked that I didn't even realize anything was off!]

[Nian Ge may not be dead, but the whole director team probably wants to die]

[I knew Qiao Xi had something wrong, but Yu Siyan! Why are you cooperating with her?! Explain yourself!]

Director Jin felt weak in the legs.

The crowd was in shock and quickly lifted him up.

"Take me back! Quickly! I want to go back!" Director Jin said weakly.

Yi Han and Fan Zhiying, who had arrived, were stunned.

Yi Han, sharp-eyed, quickly approached Qiao Xi, "Are you okay?"

Qiao Xi, soaked, had a T-shirt clinging to her, making Yi Han blush. He wanted to take off his shirt to cover her but only had a short-sleeved shirt on.

Fortunately, Fan Zhiying stepped in, shielding Qiao Xi.

"How did you fall into the water?" Fan Zhiying frowned. "So clumsy! Stay here, I'll get you some clothes..."

"No need to cover up, it's not like I'm naked," Qiao Xi grabbed her. "Take the kitchenware back! Each of you take one, quickly! Don't wait for the director team to realize!"

The two: "..."

They were shooed away by Qiao Xi.

"Stand back," Qiao Xi wiped her face and then said to Yu Siyan.

[Wow, she didn't even dry off, is she trying to show off]

[That made me laugh, honestly, saying Qiao Xi is trying to be provocative, I'd sooner believe Zhou Ninghuan is]

[What did Ninghuan do to you!]

[There's nothing to hide, it's just dirty people being dirty]

[But Qiao Xi really has a great figure, new wife material!]

[She even told Yu Siyan to step back, does she want to show off or something?]

Yu Siyan frowned, glancing at the camera.

The direction he stepped back just happened to block the camera's view.

In the next moment, Qiao Xi suddenly spread her arms wide.

"Little Whirlwind Spin Dry Technique!" she yelled, spinning wildly in place!

Leaves flew up! Water droplets sprayed! Yu Siyan fled frantically!



[Alright, I underestimated her; she can actually spin dry?!]

[Qiao Xi, do you remember you're supposed to be a beauty? Can't you maintain your image!?!]

After spinning, Qiao Xi was actually half-dry.

"How about it? My special skill, pretty good, right?" Qiao Xi asked.

Yu Siyan: "..."

A person losing the ability to speak can't be without reason.

That night, lying in an air-conditioned room, Yu Siyan tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

He opened his eyes, his slender fingers moving to touch his lips.

He thought of the moment she tore off the tape, then of her lips in the lake...

His heart raced.

He fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Cheng Xi, crouched in a tree, reported to Cheng Dong, "Yes, smiling while sleeping, very peaceful."


The next day's activity was planting seeds.

With the air conditioning and kitchenware incidents, the other teams were furious!

They angrily demanded the items back, saying Qiao Xi had tricked them out of it, and they wanted the same.

Director Jin replied, "If you can trick me, you can have them. Now get lost!"

This infuriated Zhou Ninghuan.

His team vowed to humiliate Qiao Xi's team in the upcoming planting competition!

After gathering in the field, Zhou Ninghuan sneered and pushed his seeder past Qiao Xi.

"Our team doesn't stoop to sneaky tactics like some people! You can't cheat in farming; we'll see who wins soon enough!"

Qiao Xi leaned lazily against a tree, spitting out watermelon seeds.

"When it comes to winning or losing... I don't think we've ever lost?"

"Pfft—" Fan Zhiying chuckled.

"Why are you so smug!" Zhou Ninghuan stomped his foot in anger, dropping the pretense, "We'll win this time! We have a seeder, do you?"

"We have air conditioning." Qiao Xi hit his sore spot.

"We, we also have Old Sun! He's a planting expert! What do you have?"

"We have air conditioning."

Zhou Ninghuan: "..."

He was fuming with anger.

At this moment, Yu Siyan handed Zhou Ninghuan a piece of paper.

"Wipe your mouth."

Zhou Ninghuan's eyes lit up!

"Brother Nian, you're so kind..."

"Don't spit blood on our field," Yu Siyan said.

Zhou Ninghuan: "..."

[I'm dying laughing, air conditioning is a killer move, instant kill]

[Of course, every night Qiao Xi charges them a high fee, the whole team sleeps like babies! How can they not be furious!]

[Qiao Xi stabs, Yu Siyan twists the knife, I'm shipping them so hard, who understands!]

[I don't get it, I won't ship them, I'll never ship them! Qiao Xi is not worthy!]

[I'm struggling! I feel like these two are romance-proof, but together they have such strong chemistry?!]

Before heading to the field, the director's team announced a game.

Through a scavenger hunt, they would determine the quality of seeds for each team.

The seed quality was divided into high, medium, and low, determining the yield, making this step crucial. Each team sent their best members to participate.

The contestants were: Qiao Xi, Duan Fulin, and Zhang Shu.

"A maze has been set up in the woods, and the correct exit holds the seeds! Additionally, there are envelopes buried along the way; you can dig them up and open them tonight."

"Note, the contents of the envelopes vary; some are good, some are bad. Team members, please choose carefully!"