Who Understands, She Really Dotes**

Qiao Xi dozed off and didn't hear clearly. "What?"

The little master chanted in her ear, "Kiss, kiss, kiss..."

"Enough! A kiss, right? Will you shut up if I do?"


Qiao Xi reached out, fumbled in the air, and grabbed his ear, pulling him closer.

Yu Siyan: !

Xiao 6: "Master, wake up!!! Open your eyes! Open your eyes!"

Qiao Xi moved closer.

Before their lips touched, Yu Siyan's pupils suddenly contracted!


The production crew frowned, exchanging glances.

"Why is there no reaction? Such a big basin of caterpillars, did we misjudge? She's not scared?"

"Impossible!" another person responded. "Even if she's not afraid of caterpillars, Yu Siyan is scared of rats, right? How could there be no reaction... What the—!"

With a shout, the wooden house in front of them suddenly shook!


The door split open!

Production crew: ?!?!?

Then came Qiao Xi's panicked scream: "Caterpillars!!! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The door burst!

The walls tilted!

The house collapsed!

Qiao Xi rushed out, paused, then ran back in!

When she came out again, she was carrying a screaming Yu Siyan, clinging to her like a koala!

The house collapsed right in front of them.


Dust flew everywhere!

Yu Siyan looked up, meeting the shocked faces of the production crew.

In a flash, he understood what was happening.

The next second, his peach blossom eyes narrowed, and he said, "Let's rush to the production crew! There are more pests there! We need to eradicate them!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" The crew tried to stop them.

Qiao Xi shot out like an arrow!

"We're doomed!" the assistant yelled.

"This is a disaster!" the producer shouted.

"The production crew's house—cannot be saved!"

Amid the chaos, the two of them wreaked havoc in the director's house, eventually securing a luxurious lunch for the next day and getting Director Jin to apologize tearfully before they stopped.

After Qiao Xi left, Director Jin collapsed to the ground.

Half of the production crew's house was cracked; they'd have to sleep in hammocks tonight...

"My god... What kind of monster is she?! Others scream when scared; she demolishes houses?! Is she crazy?! From now on, no caterpillars are allowed in this village!"

Meanwhile, Qiao Xi walked out the door, still carrying someone.

She suddenly realized and shook him off, "No more mice, get down."

Yu Siyan clung on, his chin resting on her shoulder, "My legs are weak."

"Weak legs? Then crawl."

Yu Siyan: ?

In the end, Yu Siyan refused to come down, and Qiao Xi, too sleepy to argue, carried him a bit further before tossing him onto a hammock.

She took the hammock next to him and fell asleep.


[Wait, why are you two here????]

[Ahhh, what are you doing there ahhhh]

[If I hadn't gotten up to use the bathroom, I'd never know you two were hugging like this!!!]

[Upstairs, you'll find out; it's trending already]

[Ahhhh, close enough! They slept together! They slept together! They slept together!]

[She's so sweet!!!! Who understands how much she dotes!!!! This time, I'm really shipping them]

The topic trended straight to third place.


Zhu Feng, staying up with dark circles under his eyes, was on the phone with Yu Siyan's PR team.

No one answered for a long time.

It took until the fifth call before someone picked up.

"Hello?" A lazy voice answered, "What's up so late?"

"Is this Yu Siyan's manager?"


"It's like this, I'm Qiao Xi's manager. Qiao Xi and Yu are trending..."

"What?! He hit someone again?! Or did he wreck the set? Oh god! Don't tell me he stripped down a director who tried to exploit him again?!" The manager Pan Ping shouted, "This ancestor really is..."

"No, no!"

Zhu Feng quickly explained the trending topic.

Pan Ping instantly sighed in relief, "Oh, it's just a scandal! You should've said so! No big deal!"

Zhu Feng: ?

"Alright, hanging up. Don't bother me with small stuff like this. I'm going back to sleep!"

Zhu Feng: ???

The call ended.

Zhu Feng turned to the mirror and removed his hat.

A shiny bald spot glistened on top of his head.

Two seconds later, he burst into tears and ran to the Buddha statue!

"Please, I beg you, bless me! I'm a young man, and I'm turning into a kappa!!!"

Despite the commotion outside, it didn't disturb Qiao Xi's sleep.

She slept soundly under the stars and the sound of insects, waking up refreshed, only to see everyone except the little master had dark circles under their eyes.

Zhou Ninghuan muttered but didn't dare to curse out loud.

Fortunately, today was planting day!

Their team had been waiting for this day for a long time because—they had a seeder! Today, they would redeem themselves from past failures!

Director Jin announced, "Since Zhou Ninghuan's team has a seeder, the other two teams will merge into one for the competition."

"Also, Da Zhuang is off today to get his certificate, so Xiao Cui will take over his work!"

Hearing this, Qiao Xi and Yu Siyan both turned around.


[CPA? Chef's license? Fieldwork permit???]

[Hahaha, the director loves joking around; I almost thought it was a marriage certificate!]

Director Jin said, "He said he called you, but you didn't pick up."

Qiao Xi remembered that her phone had been buried under the rubble yesterday, completely smashed. There were no new phones available in the village, so she hadn't gotten a new one yet.

"Probably some business license," Qiao Xi said, "Never mind, let's get to work!"

With the two teams merged into one, Duan Fulin and Zhou Ninghuan exchanged glances from afar.

Last night, they had reconciled, determined to deal with Qiao Xi together, realizing that was the most important thing.

So today, they had prepared a big surprise for Qiao Xi!

On the other side, Zhou Ninghuan gleefully showed off his seeder.

"Qiao Xi, look at this! Pressing this button can plant 10 seeds per second! Wow, you eight people can only plant eight; indeed, technology changes everything!"

Saying this, he walked ahead.

Qiao Xi didn't respond, just continued working.

She casually pulled Yu Siyan a little, preventing him from tripping over a stone in front of him.

The little master immediately turned his head, eyes bright.

Cheng Xi, hugging himself in the tree, provided commentary: "Oh~ she helped me avoid a stone~ see, she loves me so much~"

A moment later, Zhou Ninghuan came again.

"Wow, you've only planted three rows? We've unknowingly planted twelve rows! The efficiency is so high I almost feel bad! Director, what's the reward for first place today? I'm worried that planting too fast might be a bit disrespectful to the friends on the other side!"

[Zhou Ninghuan, if you cry later, I really won't sympathize]

[How many episodes has it been! Hasn't he learned anything! What kind of person am I even stanning???]

[Is Zhou Ninghuan part of Qiao Xi's team to help her gain fans?]

[Can't he tell the truth? Can't handle it, huh? Qiao Xi's been playing dirty for a while! Zhou Ninghuan is just getting revenge!]

[Even if she did cheat, the machine is still faster. If Qiao Xi wants to win, there's only one way: spray the seeds out of her mouth, like she usually does when cursing people, hahaha]

[That's too easy a win, Qiao Xi wouldn't do it]

When Zhou Ninghuan came the third time, Duan Fulin chimed in.

Duan Fulin: "Qiao Xi, control your teammates. We're a team now, even if you hate me, we should work together. Your teammates are slacking off; it's been so long and they've planted so little!"


Qiao Xi threw down the seed bag.

Everyone else: !