Let's Kiss**

Yu Siye: !

In the next moment, Qiao Xi said, "Found it!"

She pulled out a notebook from her waistband, only to see Yu Siye already lying on the bed, with a look that said, "Do whatever you want to me today, I won't resist."

Qiao Xi: ?

She tapped him, "What are you doing?"

Their eyes met, and they were silent for a moment.

Qiao Xi held up the notebook, "Take a look at this."

The cover read: "Xi Xi's Daily (Volume 28)."

"I found it under the tree. I suspect the director's team sent a spy, someone pretending to be your bodyguard to slander us."

She flipped to the last page and handed it over.

The two heads leaned in together to read.

[August 1, sunny, the sun is killing me. When the young mistress was digging, a stone flew off and hit the young master. The bruise is heart-shaped. The young master has been muttering all afternoon that it's fate, that he has to accept it. Haha, he's been 'accepting' for half a month now.]

Yu Siye: ?

"That's still somewhat normal," Qiao Xi said as she flipped back a few pages.

[July 1, the young master was being sneaky, trembling in bed, and after about a minute, it was over...]

Yu Siye: ?!

He snatched the notebook and stormed out, teeth clenched!

"Hey?" Qiao Xi couldn't stop him.

When she got outside, she heard Cheng Xi wailing in the corner!

With slapping sounds accompanying, Yu Siye was using the notebook to hit Cheng Xi's butt and legs. "You like writing diaries, huh? I told you to write, not to slander! What do you do up in that tree every day?"

"Oww! Young master, waaah..."

Cheng Xi clung to his leg, "I didn't make anything up! I just recorded everything truthfully!"

"Slap, slap, slap!"

"Ah, ah, ah!"

After beating Cheng Xi, Yu Siye slowly tidied his clothes and was about to leave when his gaze landed on the notebook on the ground.

The notebook was open to the last page.

[Ten benefits of dating an older woman: 1. They are mature and gentle, more likely to tolerate everything about you. 2. You can die together. Studies show that women generally live longer than men...]

Yu Siye: ?

"You're dating?" He turned around.

Cheng Xi's face instantly turned bright red!

He reached out to snatch the notebook back!

Yu Siye was quicker, using a stick to flip it into his hand, then ran off while reading aloud—

"Being with an older woman makes happiness more likely? Yes, studies show..."

"Young master!!!!!!" Cheng Xi chased after him.

Yu Siye: "What's the probability that a woman will fall for a man after an accidental kiss?"

Cheng Xi: "Stop reading!!!!!!!"

Yu Siye: "Kissing techniques? First, gently hold..."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Cheng Xi chased him for two miles before retrieving his notebook.

But when he saw the expression on Yu Siye's face, he knew that although he had gotten the notebook back, he'd lost his reputation for the rest of his life! Waaaah!

Yu Siye, satisfied and feeling avenged, turned to leave.

Before leaving, he tossed something back.

Cheng Xi caught it instinctively. It was a bank card.

"In your diary, you mentioned dating costs money. Consider this a raise."

Cheng Xi: !

His face lit up with joy!

His young master was the best in the world! He decided he would confess his feelings right away!

As Yu Siye turned away, he began to ponder.

There are eight kissing techniques?

Then maybe tonight...

He glanced back at the room, thoughtful.


After a day of intense business battles, Li Dazhuang turned off the company's lights.

"Do we still have eggs?" Suddenly, Aunt Zhao's voice came from behind.

Li Dazhuang was startled, slipped, and fell backward!

"Hey, hey!" Aunt Zhao lunged forward, reaching out her hand!

A firm arm caught Dazhuang!

Their eyes met.

The soft lighting reflected on Dazhuang's face, and Aunt Zhao froze. The next second, a blush slowly crept up her cheeks.

Downstairs, Aunt Zhao's son shook his head at a group of gossiping servants: "You think my mom and Li Cheng are a thing? No way. She doesn't like Li Cheng! She's a modern woman! If she finds love, she'll go for it! Besides, timing is everything in love!"

The group nodded in realization: "Oh~"

In Xicun...

The wooden house was completed, thanks to Yi Han's carpentry skills before he became a star. He even arranged private rooms for everyone.

Compared to their previous accommodations, it was luxurious!

Everyone happily dragged their pillows and blankets to sleep.

At the director's team...

Director Jin sneered: "Is everything ready?"

She felt she had to get some revenge for the humiliation suffered today from those two little devils!

An assistant brought over a bowl of caterpillars: "All set! I observed that Qiao Xi is most afraid of these. She avoided them while digging today!"

Director Jin grinned evilly, "Tonight, remove the live feed from her door and place it in her room!"

Now that they had private rooms, it wouldn't affect the other guests.

Let her cry for help in vain!

As the moon climbed the branches, and the village was quiet with the sounds of birds and insects, the show's crew sneaked down the hallway.

Director Jin sipped her tea, leaning back in her chair, waiting for the show.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the monitor.

Director Jin: ?

"Hey?" The producer leaned closer, "What's this? Weren't our people supposed to enter through the window?"

Looking closely, both gasped!

"Holy crap! Yu Siye?!"

Yu Siye opened Qiao Xi's door and went inside.

The room had no cameras, so the feed cut off there.

Director Jin pondered for a moment, "Continue with the plan! Ignore him! Add two more rats; Yu Siye is terrified of them. Don't ruin our fun!"

The walkie-talkie responded, "Roger that!"

Inside the room...

The young master squatted down and shook Qiao Xi awake.

Qiao Xi, groggy and half-asleep, barely opened her eyes, "Hmm?"

"I have a drama to shoot soon. I've never done a romantic scene before and have no experience. I need to practice. Plus, my dad is super strict..."

"So?" Qiao Xi turned over.

"So, in the spirit of family, and knowing your feelings for so long..."

"Spit it out!" Qiao Xi was too sleepy.

The young master suddenly leaned close to her ear, his ears turning red, his voice soft—

"Let's kiss, Xi Xi."