This Kiss Would Be Earth-Shattering Even in Animal Planet

Fan Zhiying was at a loss for words.

She thought she'd seen the peak of it last night when she saw Qiao Xi hanging onto Captain Yu Siyann and refusing to let go. But today, it got even more outrageous!

[Holy crap, there's no way to explain this one! Yu Siyann's solo stans, it's your turn to speak up.]

[Let me try! He's just into ox carts.]

[I'll give it a shot! He's tired from all the cheering for Qiao Xi earlier, isn't he?]

[Boohoo, I can't come up with anything. It really looks like he likes Qiao Xi! But I don't want this sister-in-law! Can't we get one who won't eat people, doesn't wear a face mask, and doesn't swing from trees? My wish isn't that unreasonable, right?!]

The ox cart started moving.

Qiao Xi leaped on, sitting next to the old ox, with Yu Siyann standing proudly behind her.

The pride on his face was so intense that you'd think he'd done something for the country.

Duān Fùlín, limping alongside, kept his cold gaze fixed on Qiao Xi's back!

"Ahem." Yu Siyann suddenly cleared his throat, seemingly casual as he spoke to Duān Fùlín, "Has she ever taken you on an ox cart ride?"

Duān Fùlín was stunned for a moment.

Then he replied, "No."

"Oh, never been on an ox cart?" Yu Siyann chuckled, "Then how can that be called love?"

Duān Fùlín: ?

Everyone: ???

Up in a tree, a page turned.

[August 3rd, clear. The young master is so handsome! The young master is so handsome! Wishing him and the young mistress a happily ever after!]

After writing this page, Chéng Xī flipped it over, took out a pen with invisible ink, and wrote again—

[August 3rd, the diary was discovered by the young master, so I had to write two versions. Here's the real record: the young master learned a new skill today—falling on purpose. My brother says that by the time the show is over, the old Yu family will be thoroughly embarrassed. He's currently provoking that guy surnamed Duān, trying to assert his status as the official partner.]

Duān Fùlín, who had been attacked by Yu Siyann all the way, had a dark expression.

Returning to the cabin, he slammed the door shut, only to meet the gaze of Lǐ Tāo, who was hooked up to an IV.

"Brother Li?"

The door closed.

Lǐ Tāo couldn't hold back and scolded him a bit before saying, "The public opinion outside is really against you right now! Someone's bought a negative trending topic about you, but it's actually boosting Qiao Xi's popularity. Listen to me, pay the money back quickly!"

Duān Fùlín's face darkened immediately.

"Who else could it be but her buying it! Brother Li, stop talking. There's no way I'm paying the money back! I don't even have any money left! I spent it all! I even owe a bunch of gambling debts!"

"But I..."

"That b*tch must've forgotten how she used to grovel to me! Now that she's hooked up with Yu Siyann, she thinks she can dump me? Dream on!"

Lǐ Tāo: "...She's already been called here."

Duān Fùlín: ?

At the door, a voice with a hint of amusement spoke up—

"Linlin, talking in private?"

Duān Fùlín turned sharply to see Qiao Xi standing there with a milk bottle in hand, leaning against the doorframe and taking a big sip.


Lǐ Tāo: "..."


Duān Fùlín gritted his teeth, sneering, "You heard everything, right? Let me tell you, Qiao Xi, don't think you can escape this! I don't have the money, but I know plenty of people from the underworld! Think carefully before you keep going against me!"

"People from the underworld? Do you think I don't know any?" Qiao Xi turned to the doorway and said, "Look, there's Old Sun, there's Big Pillar, and over there are Er Gou and Xiao Cui kissing."

Duān Fùlín opened his mouth.

"I'm not joking!"

He was at a loss for words, gritting his teeth as he threatened, "Of course, if you're sensible, I can still act like before and continue our CP (couple pairing)! The profits from hyping our CP can all go to you!"

Lǐ Tāo tried to intervene, but it was too late.

Qiao Xi chuckled.

"Hyping our CP, huh?"

If she remembered correctly, the original Qiao Xi had lost everything, both reputation and wealth, from hyping up their CP. Did this guy think he could pull the same trick again?

"So, what do you think?" Duān Fùlín thought she was tempted, and a smile crept up his face.

"I was thinking..."

Duān Fùlín's face lit up!

Qiao Xi: "But how can we hype a CP between different species?"

Duān Fùlín: ?

Qiao Xi had already taken a step back, "Old Huang, come here!"

The big yellow dog on the ground barked loudly and charged over!

"Go ahead, give him a mommy's kiss!"

Little Six: ?

Little Six: !!!


[Ding! Item sent successfully!]

Qiao Xi turned around and walked away, sipping her milk more smoothly.

Behind her, Duān Fùlín and Old Huang collided!

Lǐ Tāo rushed over, frantically trying to separate the man and the dog despite being hooked up to an IV.

"Fùlín? Are you okay?"

In the next moment, Old Huang stuck out his tongue and gave a big lick.

Duān Fùlín froze.


The world felt warm and bright!

A surge of warmth flowed through his heart!

This familiar sense of security! This selfless sense of devotion! This overwhelming sense of dependence!

This was the love of a mother!

Duān Fùlín couldn't help but let out a baby's cry!

Lǐ Tāo: ???

He tried to reach out to pull Duān Fùlín away.

But Duān Fùlín placed a finger to his lips, "Shh."

Then he turned to the cameraman who had just arrived, picked up Old Huang, and kissed him back.

Shouting, "Mom! I love you too!"

Lǐ Tāo: ???!!!!!

The comments: ???!!!!

The just-awakened Old Huang: (゚∀゚) ノ

[Holy crap!!!!!!]

[That kiss would be earth-shattering even on Animal Planet!!!!!!]

[Linlin, what's wrong with you! Did Qiao Xi hit you? I knew she'd go too far eventually and knock you silly!!!]

[No, no, no, I don't believe this! I don't believe this!]

[Screenshots and gifs, check my homepage if you need reaction images.]

News of Duān Fùlín hugging Old Huang spread quickly.

Zhou Ninghuan burst out laughing when he heard.

"Kissing a dog and calling it mom? Hahaha! How is that any different from me eating shit in public!"

Teammates: ?

Zhou Ninghuan: "..."

The comments: "..."

He pretended he hadn't said anything and went to Qiao Xi's cabin to pick up his costume.

Before he left, his manager called him: "Crossdressing is fine as long as it gets attention! We've already bought trending topics, and five hundred marketing accounts are ready to post videos. There are photographers planted among the villagers, too. Don't worry! As long as you act confident, this will definitely go viral!"


Five minutes later, Zhou Ninghuan was crying as he called his manager, "No way! I can't do this! Tell the photographer... Ahhhh! Don't drag me in! I won't wear it! Not even if you beat me to death!!!"

In front of Qiao Xi's cabin, Fan Zhiying and Yi Han each grabbed one of Zhou Ninghuan's arms and dragged him inside!

When they came back out, Zhang Shu jumped up at the first sight!

"You, you..." she exclaimed, "You guys are too much!!!"

[Enough talk, let us see!]

[I've gone numb, what kind of outfit is it? Does Qiao Xi have clothes that are too inappropriate to wear???]

[I bet it's a sexy outfit, you won't believe me! Blind guess: lace!]

[Blind guess: thong?]

[Blind guess: uniform!]

[I've got my prayer beads ready, whatever it is, I'll do my best to keep my virtue!]

[Yu Siyann, you'd better stop looking so excited.]

[This kid is completely corrupted, completely corrupted!]

At that moment, Qiao Xi strutted out with a confident air, turning around and waving—

"Presenting Zhou Ninghuan's new look!"