I've Been Single for a Long Time, I Want to Go Wild

Qiao Xi hurried upstairs, but before she reached the top, she ran into a breathless Ye Sisi, followed by a few police officers. As soon as Ye Sisi saw Qiao Xi, she burst into tears and rushed forward.

"Sister Xi! Waaa... I was so scared, Sister Xi, waaa..."

Qiao Xi frowned and quickly looked her over. "Did he hurt you?"

Ye Sisi, eyes brimming with tears, shook her head.

The policewoman behind them spoke up, "Hurt her? She broke the guy's head and stomped on him several times! When we arrived, she was still stabbing him with a vase!"

Qiao Xi: ?

Upstairs, Duan Fulin was being carried down on a stretcher, badly injured.

As they passed by, Ye Sisi glared at him fiercely, "He tried to hug me! So disgusting, and he wanted to hug me! I was terrified! This is self-defense! Waaa..."

Policewoman: "..."

Qiao Xi: "..."

Yu Siyan: "..."

Ye Sisi handed over a recording to the police while crying, "This contains the entire process of him trying to hurt Sister Xi! You must make sure he gets what he deserves!"

After finishing the statements at the police station, Qiao Xi grabbed Yu Siyan.

"Actually, Ye Sisi is usually very gentle and cute, you know that. What happened earlier was just an accident, don't misunderstand her."

The young master paused, remembering Cheng Dong's words.

Then his mind automatically translated the sentence into— "Oh, Ye Sisi is gentle and cute, right? That's what you think, isn't it? You sure like watching her, don't you? Go ahead, keep watching! You're not sleeping in my bed tonight!"

The young master looked up abruptly, confusion written all over his handsome face. "What do you mean?"

Qiao Xi: "Ye Sisi."

"What Ye? Such a long name, I can't remember it. I can't remember it at all. I'm leaving; I still have to deliver wedding candy to Cheng Xi."

Qiao Xi: ???

Unable to bear it any longer, Qiao Xi spoke to Xiao 6, "After the romance arc ends, can I beat him up?"

Xiao 6 didn't dare respond.

Just then, Qiao Xi's phone rang—it was an unfamiliar number.

When she answered, a soft voice came through, "Auntie! It's Bai Bai! You promised to come to my birthday party! It's tomorrow!"

Qiao Xi finally remembered her promise to Lu Bai Bai.

"Okay, I'll go back to the village tomorrow."

As she hung up, a shadow suddenly appeared behind her, startling her.

"I'm going too." The young master, who had returned, spoke domineeringly.

Qiao Xi: "You're not allowed to go. Stay home and play with your dad."

"I want to go!"

"Go where? You'll just wreck the place, and I can't afford to pay for the damages."

Yu Siyan squinted, then watched as Qiao Xi pulled out her phone.

"Hello, Cheng Dong, set up a gathering for me. Call Yi Han, Cheng Xi, Zhou Ninghuan, and yourself. Why? Why does there need to be a reason? I've been single for a long time, and I want to do something wild."

The next day, on a bullock cart along a small road in the creek village.

The young master, sitting in the back, sang happily, wearing sunglasses and handing Qiao Xi a bottle of Wangzai milk.

"Want some, Xi Xi?"

"Get lost!"

Qiao Xi, driving the cart, gritted her teeth at Xiao 6, "When I get back, I'm going to glue his and Ye Sisi's mouths together with 502 glue!"

Xiao 6: "..."

Big bad guy, why did you provoke her! Why did you provoke her!!!

As the cart approached the fields, they heard a commotion.

"What are you doing! That's not how you plant seeds!" Zhang Shu's voice was particularly loud.

Standing nearby were members of the ABC boy band, Qian Haoxian, Guo Yang, and a few familiar singers and actors, all well-known, at least B-list.

They were all covered in dust, looking exhausted.

Guo Yang couldn't take it anymore and threw down the seed bag.

"Zhang Shu, everyone's been listening to you because you're a veteran guest, but you're never satisfied with anything. What exactly do you want? Just say it—are you picking on us on purpose?"

Zhang Shu's face flushed with anger.

Li Siyao pulled her back.

After most people withdrew last week, the program team had brought in well-known contestants, and the ratings had temporarily skyrocketed.

But it didn't last long because these people were brought in last minute and hadn't learned anything. Moreover, they were arrogant, relying on their fanbases.

Director Jin was still stirring things up, not only giving them excessive workloads but also making them stay near a chicken coop, waking them up at dawn every day! No one could eat or sleep well; who could stand it?

[Haoxian hasn't eaten rice in two days! Lost 6 pounds! Jin Minmin, you have no heart!]

[I've seen it all; the program falls apart when Qiao Xi isn't there! Look at my boys, they're losing weight! Damn, I get more upset every day watching this trash show! Can't the production team see the comments?!]

In the director's office.

An assistant reminded that there were tens of thousands of new angry comments.

Director Jin waved it off, "Let them be. The ratings dropped from 500 million to 500,000! At least the argument brought a slight increase. Without this drama, who would watch the show? Continue!"

Li Siyao stepped forward, "Sister Xi said before, the seeds need to be spaced out when planting..."

"Sister Xi, Sister Xi, Sister Xi!" Guo Yang sneered, "You've been nagging about her for three days. If you like her so much, go with her! Besides, if she's so great, why did the show kick her out? Huh? Tell me!"

Zhang Shu yelled, "You're planting in Qiao Xi's team's field. You're messing up her field—if she sees the show, she'll come over and punch you!"

"Huh?" Guo Yang gestured, "Let her come. Call her right now, tell her to come! I want to see if she can fly or teleport here!"

"Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle—"

The bullock cart arrived.

The two people on the cart were so fair-skinned they seemed to glow, both wearing sunglasses.

One had a Wahaha bottle, the other a Wangzai milk.

Everyone: ???

[Am I seeing things???]

[Is missing them so much causing hallucinations???]

[The person in the front looks like Qiao Xi???]

[And the one in the back looks like her shadow, Nian Zai!!!]

[What do you mean! Doesn't Nian Zai care about his reputation! Why are you saying the obvious!]

[They've been live streaming recently; I bought three sets when Zhou Ninghuan did frog jumps yesterday. How could they be in the village?]

Li Siyao was the first to react, shouting, "Sister Xi! Sister Xi! Is that you, Sister Xi?"

The bullock cart stopped, and the woman turned around.