Simple Insults, Ultimate Enjoyment

The next second, the entire place erupted in screams!

"Ahhhh! It's really her!"

"Is Sis Xi back?! Did she come back to beat up Director Jin?!"

At the same time, the bullet screen comments surged!

Director Jin frowned, not having a chance to properly recognize the person on the screen.

But she saw the "popularity" meter in the top left corner skyrocketing!





... A hundred million?!

Her eyes widened.

The producer exclaimed, "A village woman who looks like Qiao Xi appeared, and the ratings skyrocketed!"

"Impossible." Director Jin frowned directly, "What does this have to do with Qiao Xi? It was the conflict I directed!"

"No, no!" The assistant said, "That, that really seems to be..." He paused, then shouted, "It's really Sis Xi! Look at that face, it's like everyone owes her five million, it has to be her!"

The entire director's team dropped their equipment and crowded around the monitor!

Director Jin's eyes widened!

The woman on the screen was walking with her hands behind her back, in the same posture as an old man strolling around the village, looking as if she was inspecting her territory.

This aura, who else could it be but Qiao Xi?!

And the distinctive accessory by her side, Yu Siyan—absolutely unmistakable!

The producer was pleasantly surprised, "She must still want to be on the show! Duan Fulin is off working on something else, her reputation has improved, and she revived this show, she won't want to leave!"

Director Jin raised an eyebrow, agreeing, "Then bring her over. Seeing her sincerity, I suppose we can have another talk."

By the field, Guo Yang's face turned pale.

He had heard rumors about Qiao Xi, but he never imagined she could just appear out of nowhere!

Zhang Shu complained, "Qiao Xi, they ruined your field!"

"Now it's ours!" Guo Yang immediately retorted, "Get it straight, she's already been terminated from the contract!"

[He's right! Who's in charge of the show? Why care about the previous people? He may not be good at it, but he's working hard to learn! Were you born knowing how to talk? Everything is learned!]

[Dude, maybe I wasn't born knowing how to talk, but you were definitely born with a keyboard in your hands]

[Team Yan, gather up! Guo Yang's diehard fans are many, protect Yan Yan!]

[Sis Xi, go ahead! If anything happens, take responsibility yourself! Get him!]

[Hahaha, watermelons ready! By the way, want to join Qiao Xi's fan group? There are three reasons to stan Qiao Xi—first, she is a walking disaster; second, don't worry about her getting cursed, because she definitely will be; third, if she does get cursed, we don't need to handle it, she can take on two troll groups by herself. Such a hassle-free Sis Xi, aren't you tempted? Join the fan group below! Let's enjoy some simple insults and ultimate fun together!]

[Count me in! Damn, that makes so much sense, I'm tempted!]

Qiao Xi gave him a sideways glance, then looked at the field, and lazily took a step forward.

"What are you doing!" Guo Yang shouted, "Are you going to hit me?"

"Don't get excited, you're scaring Lao Huang," Qiao Xi said, pointing at his feet, "Look at him, he's so scared he almost pinched one off."

Guo Yang: ?

Guo Yang looked down and his scalp tingled!

"Ahhhh! When did this dog get here?!"

Lao Huang wagged his tail, winked at Qiao Xi, and strutted away, leaving quietly.

Li Siyao asked excitedly, "Sis Xi, are you coming down to the field now? Will you join us? Which team are you on?"

"I'm not here to participate in the show," Qiao Xi said directly, "He's right, this field is no longer mine. I have other matters, so I'm leaving."


Ignoring the calls behind her, Qiao Xi got back on the ox cart and left with the young master.

In the director's room.

Director Jin put on formal attire, surrounded by the snacks that Yu Siyan usually stole from her, and the producer and others sat up straight, all waiting for movement at the door.

Finally, the sound of footsteps came!

Director Jin sat up straight immediately!

"Director Jin!" The assistant came in, panting, but no one was behind him.

Director Jin withdrew her gaze and frowned, "Where is she?"

The assistant, catching his breath, said, "She went up the mountain! Said someone invited her to a birthday party, not here for the show!"

The whole team was shocked!

Director Jin immediately pulled up the footage.

But the popularity, which had just hit a billion, was now down to just a million!

So the earlier spike in popularity was really because of Qiao Xi!

[Damn, this show is really boring without Qiao Xi]

[She just appeared with a dog, and it's more interesting than these people working]

[Yu Siyan: Are you insulting me or ignoring me? Be clear]

[Ah, so disappointing. I'm out, this show is poorly planned]

[Never mind, let's go watch Huan Huan's livestream. This morning he was selling constipation plums, and now he's cosplaying as a plum tree. Hurry, go watch, I'm laughing so hard noodles are coming out of my nose]

[Hahaha, I watched it and came back, it's hilarious, go quickly!]

Just because of these few comments, the popularity instantly dropped by another 500,000!

Director Jin was trembling with anger, almost fainting!


The ox cart reached the foot of the mountain, and they had to get off and walk.

Qiao Xi held the hand-drawn map that Bai Bai had sent her yesterday, marking the small roads and turns.

At the end was a little smiley face, melting her heart.

Beside her, the young master's head seemed to have no bones, leaning on Qiao Xi's arm after walking a bit, and soon half his body was leaning over.

Qiao Xi gritted her teeth and pushed his head away, "Don't slack off, walk properly!"

Yu Siyan leaned against her lazily, "It's all stairs, I can't walk."

He sniffed the orange-scented flowers, his nose twitching.

"Sigh, I can't help it." Qiao Xi sighed, "Remember, I'll only demonstrate this method once. It's my unique skill, learn well."

Yu Siyan was still immersed in the orange scent, "Hmm?"

The next second, he was pushed against a tree.

When he opened his eyes, Qiao Xi was already in a horse stance, looking serious!

"Watch carefully!"

She spread her legs, using the strength of her hips, and quickly walked up the stairs with an outward eight-shape stance!

One step at a time, one second per step! It looked effortless!

The whole scene exuded an ancient flavor.

Yu Siyan: ???!!!

System Xiao 6: ???!!!

"Hurry, imitate me!" Qiao Xi shouted.

"I'm not tired anymore!"

"Can't you learn?"

"I'm really not tired anymore! I'm full of energy!"

Yu Siyan took big strides, three steps at a time!

Half a minute later.

Yu Siyan followed Qiao Xi, not daring to say a word about being tired.

When Qiao Xi stopped, he rushed ahead like mad, afraid she'd demonstrate again.

What would have taken half an hour, they reached in ten minutes, squatting by the woods, panting like Lao Huang.

Qiao Xi even gave Yu Siyan a thumbs up.

The young master closed his eyes, not wanting to look.

"Hey, young man, can I ask for directions?"

Qiao Xi suddenly stood up and walked towards someone coming out of the woods.

The man paused and turned his head.

He was dressed in sportswear, tall and muscular, with a bronze skin tone. His buzz cut gave him a strong and powerful look, his features were rugged, and his eyes seemed vaguely familiar.

Qiao Xi was about to take a closer look.

The next second, a pair of hands slid over and put sunglasses on her.

Yu Siyan stood in front of her and spoke, "Excuse me, how do we get to the Lu family?"

The man looked at him and smiled meaningfully.

"The Lu family?" He paused, "Follow me, I'm heading that way."

Five minutes later.

Bai Bai, wearing a little princess dress and a tiara, rushed out from inside.

"Auntie!" She dove into Qiao Xi's arms and greeted, "Hello, Uncle Hangman!"

Then, she looked behind them, surprised, "Uncle! You're back!"