Rounding Up, They Slept Together**

After the lights came on, the chat exploded!

In Room 2, Li Cheng was curled up in the corner, holding his head and screaming, while Qiao Yuyi looked at him speechlessly.

[Every time I type a question mark, it's not because I have a question, but because I think you have a problem.]

[Don't say anything. Yuyi is my facial expression double; the question marks on her face are already enough, no need for me to add more.]

Director Jiang laughed, "This Young Master Li is afraid of the dark? He's not even as good as Yu Sinian. At least Yu Sinian..."

He paused, then said, "Never mind, forget I said anything."

In Room 3, there was no sign of Yu Sinian; only a lump on the bed, completely still.

[Don't tell me Yu Sinian is in there... New fans won't believe it! New fans won't believe it!!!]

[What the heck did I end up becoming a fan of?!]

[But Nian Zai is really afraid of the dark! The reason he won the 'Fake Manly Man' title was because the show crew deliberately messed with him. In the last episode, they sent him into a haunted house, and he fainted and had to be carried out.]

At the Yu family home.

Aunt Li suddenly realized: "Oh no! The young master is really afraid of the dark! Did we forget?! Ah, getting old really messes with your memory!"

Uncle Liu: "Oh my goodness! It's one thing for us to forget, but how could the young master himself forget too?"

On the screen, Qiao Xi poked at the lump on the bed.

No response.

"Yu Sinian, stop fooling around," she said lazily. "Li Cheng isn't even here, what are you trying to pull?"

AI Assistant Six reminded her: "Master! He's afraid of the dark!"

Qiao Xi remembered, quickly got up, and pulled back the blanket.

Sure enough, Yu Sinian's delicate face was drenched in sweat, lying on the pillow with his eyes tightly shut, his hips arched in an omega shape.

In his daze, the young master's hand kept groping around.

He touched Qiao Xi's hand, only to be slapped away, then reached out again, only to be slapped away again!

"So many issues," Qiao Xi muttered. She checked his forehead temperature, then turned and walked away.

Yu Sinian lifted one eyelid.

Big mistake—he almost popped his eyeballs out!

He watched as Qiao Xi used both hands to hoist the bed on the other side!

Shakily, she carried it over!


The bed was set down, and Yu Sinian's legs were lifted, straightened, and tucked in. The whole process was smooth as silk. After arranging him into a peaceful posture, Qiao Xi lay down beside him.

Up in the tree, Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi clung to each other, rubbing faces, "Thank goodness, he didn't die!"

[I have six points to make: …]

[Who's mother tongue is speechless? Oh, it's mine.]

[But they slept together! And so close! Rounding up, didn't they just do it?]

[I don't care, I don't care! It's love! Love to the extreme!]

Qiao Xi turned off the lights, hesitating for a moment before leaving one on at the bedside. Then she climbed into bed and fell asleep within three seconds.

"Zzz—" Soon, snoring filled the bedroom.

A hand sneaked forward in the darkness, quickly reached out, and grabbed Qiao Xi's hand!

The next second, Qiao Xi turned over!

Yu Sinian immediately covered his head with a pillow, bracing for a slap.

However, the expected hit didn't come. Instead, when she turned, Qiao Xi's hand clasped his back.

The young master opened one eye to check, then switched to the other eye.

He took turns blinking, unable to believe what he saw.

After confirming, he kicked his legs under the blanket several times in excitement! Only then did he fall asleep, content.

Cheng Xi and Cheng Dong screamed in excitement!

Their diary with a lock was furiously being written in!

[August 20th, overcast. The young master held the young lady's hand! I feel rejuvenated! I believe in love again! If the young lady can have love, why should I be disappointed? Yes! I will strive! I will pick myself up! I will... oh right, Madam up in heaven, you don't need to bless the young master anymore. He seems to have a pretty strong life force, surviving even this. Could you maybe bless me instead? I'll burn your favorite durian as an offering on your memorial day next month! Deal, kisses!]

That night, they slept holding hands.

The next day, fans weren't surprised to see that Yu Sinian had completely lost the use of one hand.

He brushed his teeth with his left hand, ate with his left hand, had Cheng Xi tie his shoelaces, and even shot marbles at Li Cheng with his left hand. The first shot missed, but after three tries, he only stopped when he got caught.

At one point, Yu Xiao accidentally touched his right hand, and Yu Sinian's high-pitched scream almost sent her flying.

[Since becoming a fan of Yu Sinian, I've learned exactly how to write "disgraceful."]

[Don't even mention it. We fans of Qiao Xi aren't much better off. We spend every night memorizing the criminal code, fearing she might break a law one day.]

Everyone was brought to the entrance of a forest by the director team.

Director Jiang: "Next, we're going to..."

Yu Sinian raised his right hand, walking past Li Cheng.

Director Jiang: "...going to..."

Yu Sinian flipped the bird at Li Cheng, waving it up and down.

Director Jiang: " some live-action CS..."

Yu Sinian returned but didn't spare Yu Xiao either, waving a heart gesture at her as he passed by.

Director Jiang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

[The entire court was stupefied.]

[These moves are rubbing against the bottom line of solo fans!]

[I don't believe it. How could anyone who's a fan of these two have a bottom line???]

[I get it. This is what they call washing fans—turning solo fans into CP fans, right?]

Director Jiang couldn't take it anymore and yelled, "Change clothes! Get ready! Teams of two, the winning team won't have to help with the big cleanup tonight!"

Everyone sprang into action!

Before changing, Director Jiang asked them to put away their jewelry and belongings. When it was Yu Sinian's turn, he was reluctant to take off his necklace, and only did so after Qiao Xi gave him a smack.

"What's this?" Qiao Xi paused.

The young master looked everywhere but at her, refusing to speak.

Qiao Xi turned and held the necklace up to the sunlight.

The outside was transparent, and inside...

Was a shrimp??