I've Changed Colors, I've Changed Colors

Qiao Xi didn't understand.

What kind of performance art was this?

But she quickly turned to the live stream and said, "Yu Sinián's shrimp necklace merchandise, does anyone want it? Press 1 if you do! We'll rush production at the factory this weekend and definitely get them to all of our dear patrons!"

Yu Sinián: !!!


[This is so ugly! I'm pressing 1 with tears in my eyes.]

[This is a bit crazy, but what can we do? 1]

[Sister Xi, when are you going to release your sun-protective headgear? We've been waiting for a month! 1]

[Those who understand business have already started making copies. Those who don't are still taunting rivals. Yes, I'm talking about you, Li Cheng. 111]

Li Cheng, who was mocking, mercilessly criticized Yu Sinián: "So it turns out that no matter how many fashion resources you have, you can't overcome distorted aesthetics. Only your fans would buy into this."

The young master couldn't care less.

As he passed by Li Cheng, he suddenly pointed at Qiao Xi's back, then at the shrimp necklace, made a gesture, and lazily glanced at him with his peach blossom eyes.

Li Cheng: "..."

When Li Cheng looked back at that shrimp necklace, his eyes turned red with jealousy!

Then, Yu Sinián handed the necklace to Director Jiang and instructed, "If you lose it, I'll die with you."

Director Jiang turned around and shouted, "Quick! Get a locked box! He's not joking!"

The director's team scrambled to find a box.

The guests all went into the dressing room to change into the uniform outfits.

When they came out, the entire director's team collectively exclaimed, "Wow!"

Leading the way was Qiao Xi!

With her hair tied up in a high ponytail and sunglasses on her nose, she wore a sleek military green camouflage outfit, carrying a silver prop gun on her shoulder.

Next to her, Yu Sinián had his waist cinched, showing off a perfect shoulder-to-waist ratio. He strode out with his long legs, his black boots hitting the ground, with a black gun hanging on his back, lazily slung over his shoulder.

[Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!!!!! I've changed colors! I've changed colors!!!!!!]

[Ahhhhh I can't take it, I'm a mom fan! A dedicated mom fan!!! Ahhhhhh husband!!!!]

[Qiao Xi, you... (covers nose) (nosebleed) (licks it clean) (throws herself into a coffin) (dies beautifully) (thinks of Qiao Xi's handsome look) (revives) (jumps) (shouts: I must date someone like this in this life!)]

[Sister Zhu is too enchanting! Even this outfit can't suppress her stunning face, ahhh!]

[Yu Xiao, your gaze doesn't need to be so direct. Just admit it, you're Yu Sinián's fan!]

At the same time, Qiao Xi received a notification from Xiao 6 that her shock value had surpassed 29, earning her the item "Little Tadpole Looking for Mama."

Qiao Xi opened it to take a look.

[Name: Little Tadpole Looking for Mama]

[Function: Can make a specified human learn to swim.]

Qiao Xi: "Xiao 6, you're giving me items more and more in line with my tastes."

Xiao 6: "..."

Nearby, Li Cheng, Rona, and Yu Xiao exchanged glances, immediately forming an alliance. Soon after, Zhu Yibai, Qin Ruiran, and Tan Xiao also joined in.

Li Cheng said, "Let's target Yu Sinián first. His shooting is accurate, so capture the leader first."

Yu Xiao sneered, "Cunning stepchild. Just because his shooting is good, he deserves to be targeted? Qiao Xi is even more dangerous! If you leave Qiao Xi, believe me, she'll wipe us all out! Is Nián's destructive power greater than hers? I'm not belittling Nián; Qiao Xi could crush him with just her big toe! You can't even figure out who's the leader? With that kind of judgment, how are you running a company?"

[Such pure personal attacks, no schemes, no tricks, just pure insults without any tact.]

[Wow, she even called him "Nián"!!]

[Everyone: We know you're the mole, but we'll give you some face and not expose you.]

[Alliance formed in one second, disbanded in one second. You guys should fix your internal issues first, okay?]

[The main thing is, the voice was so loud! Your main target is standing right next to you, listening to you insult him.]

Yu Sinián gave Yu Xiao a sidelong glance.

Yu Xiao, realizing belatedly, quickly added, "Of course! Yu Sinián is great too! He's quite handsome! Besides having a few screws loose, he has no other flaws! He's kind too, often helping out little animals..."

She finished, her mouth twitching, feeling a bit nauseous and unable to continue.

Director Jiang came out to smooth things over: "The guns are loaded with paint. If you're hit on a non-vital area, like the arm or leg, you need to act out being injured! If hit in a vital area, the sensor in your clothes will go off, and you'll be declared dead immediately! The last one standing wins. Ready—start!"

As soon as the words were spoken, two figures shot up into the trees.

Director Jiang: "Hey! Over there is..." the door.

Qiao Xi and Yu Sinián were already out of earshot, their figures vanishing!

"Damn!" Yu Xiao got riled up, "What a pair of primates! Quick, chase them!!!"

The group sprinted!

Once inside, it was a whole new world.

Under the canopy of towering trees, most of the sunlight was blocked out. The ground was covered with ominous vines, and nearby were abandoned shipping containers and a factory with sewer repair ads sprayed on the walls... The scene was incredibly realistic.

Yu Xiao's hair stood on end, "So creepy!"

At that moment, a small advertisement floated down from above.


"Ahhhh!" Yu Xiao screamed.

Looking at it, it was a small card that read "Big Money for Sons."

Yu Xiao: "..."

Li Cheng suddenly looked up, instantly raising his gun towards the treetops!


The leaves shook, and where the figure had been, red paint exploded!

"They're here, gather back to back!" Li Cheng shouted.

The group stood back to back, holding up their guns and starting to spin around.

After two minutes of this, Zhu Yibai couldn't help but say, "Don't you think we're being a bit silly?"

The group fell silent, evidently agreeing with the statement.

"Let's stop spinning," Tan Xiao took off his glasses, "I'm getting dizzy. Why not enjoy the scenery? Look at those layers of mountains in the distance..."


Five guns instantly pointed at his head.

Tan Xiao: "..."

[Poet Tan, Yu Xiao keeps telling you to shut up for a reason.]

[They really made me laugh to tears, and they didn't even forget to reload.]


A sudden noise!

Li Cheng quickly pulled back his hand, but it was too late—a red paintball hit him right on the right side of his chest!

He looked down, then drew his gun!

A figure quickly darted among the trees.

"Bang bang bang!"

None of the shots hit.

Then a megaphone appeared, and Qiao Xi's voice floated out, "Director, Li Cheng broke the rules; he didn't act injured!"

Director Jiang heard this and wanted to speak, but after searching for a while, couldn't find the megaphone.

The assistant pointed to the tree, "It's up there."

Director Jiang: ???!!!

He could only shout, "Li Cheng! You have to act! Immerse yourself in the role!"

Li Cheng gritted his teeth.

He could only clutch his chest and let out a groan.


Another paintball hit him right on the butt.

Yu Sinián quickly poked his head out, gave a smile, and ducked back in.

This time, Li Cheng could only act injured while furiously firing his gun!

The scene instantly became intense!

Qiao Xi got excited and shouted, "Nián, split up!"

"Roger that!"

Two figures leaped from the trees!

Qiao Xi grabbed onto a tree with one hand, kicked up, and landed on a shipping container, her posture sneaky but her movements incredibly agile!

"Quick, shoot her!" Yu Xiao shouted.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Qiao Xi jumped into a double-speed spin, dodging the shots!

Her movements were so nimble that they couldn't hit her, and soon the air around her was filled with red paint!