You Didn’t Take Me as a Man**

On the other side, Yu Sinian swung down from the tree and shot Tan Xiao in the leg.

"Ouch!" Tan Xiao exaggeratedly fell to the ground!

Yu Sinian used his long legs to kick off the tree trunk, propelling himself higher. He aimed his gun at Li Cheng.


Li Cheng barely managed to dodge, with some paint brushing past his ear.

"Nian Nian, catch!"

Qiao Xi threw the gun over and ordered, "Kill them all!"

"Understood!" The young master saluted, then turned around, twirling his gun in his hands with a slight smile. "Manager Li, I'm giving you five seconds to run. Five—"

Li Cheng immediately turned and ran!

[? At least hesitate for a second!!!]

[You don't understand, this is clearly someone with experience]

Yu Sinian: "One!"

The person moved immediately!

Yu Xiao shouted, "Yu Sinian! Be honest! Who taught you to count down like this!!!"

The young master seemed to ignore him, his tall and handsome figure rolling and moving around, showing off in front of Qiao Xi, then starting to shoot at Li Cheng!

Yu Xiao was speechless for a second, covering his nose, afraid that something would fall.

[Damn, so cool and so handsome!]

[Being good at fighting and dating, it has to be you, Nian Zi]

[Wow, really so handsome!!! Xi Jie, are you joining or not? If you don't, I'll really unfollow! I'm threatening you! Did you hear me!]

Li Cheng was smart enough to wait until Yu Sinian came down before he climbed out through the window of the room.

He then fled, being pursued, unable to escape.

The two continued to fight, exchanging blows.

Finally, as Li Cheng was crouching and observing the enemy, a cold sensation pressed against the top of his head.

He looked up to see Yu Sinian's upside-down face, smiling mischievously.

Li Cheng: "..."


"It's over!" Director Jiang jumped out, "The winners are Qiao Xi and Yu Sinian!"

At the Yu family, applause erupted.

"Ahhhh! Young master won! Young master won!!!"

Uncle Liu turned to give a high five, then looked closely in surprise.

"Master… Master?"

Yu Zheng quickly retracted his hand and smile.

"I came to see what you're slacking off with." He sneered, "As expected, none of you are working properly!"

Aunt Zhao rolled her eyes, "Hmph, men."

Yu Zheng: "..."

On the scene.

Yu Sinian happily put away his gun and was about to find Qiao Xi.

As the camera retracted, a sarcastic voice sounded again from behind.

"Sometimes I really envy you."

Yu Sinian ignored him, in a good mood, and waved to Qiao Xi.

Li Cheng wiped the paint off his face and passed by, "No love from father or mother, finally liking someone, and still has to chase after them. If I were you, I wouldn't have this kind of optimism."

The smile on Yu Sinian's face slowly faded.

He turned back around, his fist already clenched.

"Big fool, watch out!" His fist clenched tight, and he swung it!

Li Cheng didn't even try to dodge and instead walked right into it!

"Damn!" Another voice shouted.

Yu Xiao said, "Qiao Xi fell!"

Yu Sinian's face changed drastically. He withdrew his hand and hurriedly ran off!

At the hospital.

"Ouch—It hurts, doctor, can't you use anesthesia?" Qiao Xi lay on the bed, crying out in agony.

Doctor: "No one gets anesthesia for a bruised butt…"

Yu Sinian was displeased, "How can't you? It's split in two! It's so serious, can't you take another look?"

Doctor: "..."

But the butt is naturally in two halves!

Yu Zheng walked in, and the doctor, visibly relieved, immediately said, "Mr. Yu, the patient is not in serious condition. She's strong and just has some flesh wounds. Besides, she managed to save herself in time when she fell, so it's not serious. Just need to rest and recover."

Qiao Xi lay on the bed, sighing.

Shouldn't have joined in the excitement.

She just saw Yu Sinian's expression change and wanted to see what he and Li Cheng were talking about, forgetting she was still on the roof and ended up stepping into thin air.

What a disaster, what a disaster.

Little 6 said, "Master, this fall has filled the shock value to level 30! Besides the props, you can now check the villain's heart-throb value and unlock the new system feature [Time Travel]!"

"Where to?"

"To the villain's past. Currently, you can travel to when he was 5 years old! Upgrading will unlock other age stages!" Little 6 said, "There must be a reason why the villain became a villain! Anyway, the feature is available, might as well use it!"

"Alright, let's put it aside for now. Check the heart-throb value and see how it's going with Ye Sisi."

Little 6 checked and found a glaring "0".

There's still one more query slot available.

Qiao Xi pondered.

Not Ye Sisi, not Cheng Xi, nor Yi Han… then who to check?

"Let's leave it for now, check when a suspect appears."

Just as she finished speaking, her phone rang.

Zhu Feng directly asked, "You're injured?"

Qiao Xi thought he was going to scold her and immediately moved the phone away, but Zhu Feng surprisingly said, "Great! You can join the shoot right away! I sent you the script two days ago, and there's a scene with an injury! I was worried you wouldn't be able to perform it like this! Hahaha! I'll tell the director to move the scene to today. You should start memorizing the lines now! Get ready to go on set!"

Half an hour later.

Qiao Xi silently looked at the script, then raised her head to see Zhu Feng and Director Ning Lan in front of her.

Ning Lan was known for directing literary romance films. This movie is a road film, and they happened to be filming in Haicheng. They had been waiting for the sunset to shoot the empty scene, and the timing just coincided.

In the script, the female and male leads fall in love at first sight during a trip and have a romantic adventure. The supporting roles are also noteworthy, for example, the second female lead is a resilient coffee shop owner who has locked her heart for years, only to encounter a persistent young man who relentlessly pursues her, leading to a significant storyline...

Unfortunately, Qiao Xi plays the second female lead, the resilient coffee shop owner.

Qiao Xi asked, "So who is the second male lead…"


The door opened.

The young master made a flamboyant entrance, all done up in makeup and costume.

"Smack!" Qiao Xi slammed the table and stood up!

Zhu Feng immediately shoved the contract in front of her.

The glaring words read—

[The script contains three kissing scenes and one bed scene. The actors need to fully cooperate with the director and crew.]

Turning the page, she saw her own name signed with enthusiasm.

It was quite a flamboyant signature!

Qiao Xi: "..."

After finishing the makeup and styling, Qiao Xi's wheelchair slid wildly in the fitting room.

"Little 6, if I jump down from here, can you give me half the points? We'll die directly and end the task early."

She pointed to the second-floor window.

Little 6: "..."

Qiao Xi turned her wheelchair around again, "Little 6, this money is so hard to earn! I can't bring myself to do it! Or, do you have any props that can turn Yu Sinian's face into mine?"

Little 6: "..."

You didn't have trouble doing it that night!

It offered a suggestion: "If all else fails… just drink some alcohol?"

"Click." The door opened.

Bright light flashed, then quickly withdrew through the crack in the door.

The young master came directly over: "The director wants us to rehearse."

Qiao Xi flopped onto her wheelchair, "Kid, let's take it slow. I know you can't accept it right away…"

"I can accept it." Yu Sinian tapped the script, "I'm an actor. I also know why you can't accept it."


The two heads leaned in, looking sneaky.

Yu Sinian whispered in her ear, "You didn't take me as a man."

Qiao Xi: "Yes, I see you as…"

She didn't dare say "son," fearing he might relapse. So, she took a roundabout approach and smiled, "A relative."

Yu Sinian: "..."

He could tell it was "son"!

The young master continued, "Then let's change the way we think starting now."

"Do you think you can just change it?"

The next moment, Yu Sinian's hand reached out.

He grabbed the wheelchair and pulled it over.

"Try it."

As he spoke, he leaned down and kissed her.