By the Way, This Is My First Kiss**

Qiao Xi instinctively threw an elbow!

Yu Siyen had anticipated this and caught her arm with one hand, pressing his lips forward and refusing to let go.

Their eyes widened in mutual surprise.

Four hands above them exchanged a flurry of punches.

"Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!"

Instantly, the room was filled with the sounds of a brawl.

At the door, Cheng Xi stuffed his fist into his mouth, his eyes wide with shock. "Isn't this... a bit too fast?"

Cheng Dong was also worried. "Our young master is so reckless! Though she looks tough, if he keeps at it like this, our young lady could break!"


The door burst open.

The young master was thrown through the air!

"Damn!" Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi caught him, one holding his head, the other his legs.

Yu Siyen lay sideways, supporting his head with one hand, looking quite elegant.

Aside from a slightly swollen ear, his whole head seemed to be surrounded by pink bubbles. He even sneakily licked his lips.

He turned to Cheng Xi and said, "Five seconds."

They kissed for five seconds!

Cheng Xi and Cheng Dong: ?!?!?

Only five seconds?! How can you be smiling, young master? Don't you have any higher expectations for yourself?!

"Put me down!" Yu Siyen pushed them away and charged back in!

Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi could hear the young master babbling: "The script was written this way," "By the way, this was my first kiss," and "I didn't really want to do this, but the director insisted"...

Finally, Qiao Xi, with a dark expression, hauled him out.

She tossed him aside and said, "Just shoot it already! Hurry up!"

Facing it head-on or backing down—either way, it had to be done.

And to be honest, that kiss had some effect. The young master's lips were soft and sweet, like dough. She didn't mind it, almost like kissing a newborn piglet.

With that thought, Qiao Xi's mind broke free of its inhibitions. She quickly changed clothes and rolled her wheelchair to the set at lightning speed.

The first scene was in the car.

After makeup and costume, Qiao Xi was in a plain, elegant long dress with a braided side ponytail, instantly transporting everyone into a Jiangnan water town painting.

Director Ning Lan was amazed. "I didn't expect her face to be so versatile! Truly..."

"Bang!" Qiao Xi jumped up, refusing any assistance, and used the wheelchair's momentum to propel herself into the seat.

At the same time, she let out a howl.

"Ouch! Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

"So... nimble." Ning Lan commented stiffly.

It was like she'd opened her third eye.

"Hurry up! Aren't we supposed to catch the sunset?" Qiao Xi poked her head out. "What's the hold-up? The moon isn't going to wait, and the sun won't work overtime for you!"

The crew: "..."

The staff who had been chanting "Sister is awesome" and "I'm following her on Weibo" immediately canceled their follows.

Yu Siyen got in the car right away. He wore a loose light blue shirt with a white vest underneath, his sunglasses flipped back, radiating youthful energy.

When the two were framed together, the small crowd erupted in squeals!

"Damn! They look so good together!"

"No wonder the director is always hanging out in fan groups, they're really ship-worthy!"

Ning Lan immediately turned around and glared at them, her face turning red. "What nonsense are you spouting?!"

Outside, Yu Siyen's fans had gathered in a circle.

They had just received the notice and rushed from various places.

At the front, Yu Xiao gritted her teeth. "This little brat is filming a movie! And he's playing the second male lead! He must be doing it just to get close to Qiao Xi!"

Someone expressed concern. "It looks like a romantic role. There won't be any hugging, will there?"

Yu Xiao: "Hugging? You underestimate him. I've got a bad feeling. Well, what's done is done. Let's just watch for now."

Inside the car, they started rehearsing the scene.

When Yu Siyen hit the brakes, unbuckled his seatbelt, and leaned in for a kiss, a group of fans screamed.

"Yu Siyen!!!! Are you seriously filming a kissing scene?! You're kissing on camera?!!!"

"Yu Siyen! You've got some nerve! Are you hitting puberty or something?!"

"Ahhh! Who agreed to this trash role?! Was it your agent? Your team? Ahhh, I'm not letting them off!"

Yu Siyen poked his head out and yelled, "Mind your own business!"

Yu Xiao slumped to the ground, "We're doomed..."

"Xiao-jie, we can't just stand by and watch this happen!"

Yu Xiao nodded, "Yeah, let's not watch. Let's head back."

Fans: ?

Yu Xiao jumped up. "It must have been that old man Pan Ping who got him this role! Our boy may be a bit unwell, but Qiao Xi definitely wouldn't agree to this! They must have used some underhanded tactics! Let's storm the agency!"

At the agency.

Manager Pan Ping was sitting at home, unaware of the storm coming his way.

He heard the growing sound of protests and even peeked through the curtains to watch the drama unfold, chuckling to himself. "Whose fans are causing trouble now? Zhou Ninghuan's? Did he sell something again? Or is it Fan Zhiying? I knew teaching that trick on her livestream would freak her fans out, haha..."

His laughter trailed off as he froze.

He squinted and saw Yu Xiao leading the charge!

"Damn! Run!!! We're in big trouble, that little punk Yu Siyen must have caused a mess! Quick, stop eating and jump out the window!"

Back on set, Ning Lan finished explaining the scene and said, "Scene 56, Take 1, Action!"

Inside the car, Wen Yao asked, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

Cen Lang nodded, "It hurts, but I'm not sure if it's my stomach."

He unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled Wen Yao's hand to his abdomen. "Sister, can you help me check if this is my stomach?"

Wen Yao immediately pulled back. "I don't know if that's your stomach. But this is my hand, not an X-ray machine, so I can't tell."

Ning Lan: ?

Is that the original line?!

The line was supposed to be "How could my hand possibly tell?!"

"Forget it, close enough." Ning Lan waved her hand and shouted at the car, "Start the kiss! Start the kiss! Cen Lang, move closer! Yes, just like that! Wen Yao, don't be a statue, show some emotion! Look at him with those eyes! Let them sparkle!"


Qiao Xi looked up at Yu Siyen's eyes, and her heart skipped a beat.

This kid was really giving it his all.

"Kiss her!!!" Ning Lan was already shouting, her hands itching to push their heads together.

"Director..." The assistant tugged at her, pointing to her phone where she had been taking pictures, whispering, "It's too obvious you're a fan of this couple."

Ning Lan didn't care, she kept snapping photos, excitement making her break out in a sweat!

"Say the line!"

Inside the car.

Cen Lang's pitiful voice echoed. "I visit your shop 800 times a day, drank so much coffee that I got a stomach ulcer, and you still don't know what I mean?"

Wen Yao: "What do you mean?"

A moment of silence.

"This is what I mean."

Cen Lang leaned over, bracing himself on the seat, and kissed her.

Soft lips met, and the screen's temperature instantly skyrocketed.

Ning Lan: "Ahhhhhh!!!!"

The production crew: "Ooooohhh!!!!"

The extras selling kites on the beach: "Ooooohhh!!!!"

A tiny figure wearing an Ultraman mask pointed at the car and said, "Auntie and Uncle are kissing, kissy-kissy..."

She hadn't finished speaking when someone covered her mouth.

The kite-selling auntie turned her around. "Bai Bai, be good, don't look. They're just playing a game."

"You're lying!" Lu Bai Bai stomped her foot. "They're kissing! She loves him, he loves her, and then they can have a little Bai Bai!"

Lu Shibang gritted his teeth beside her. "Lu Cheng, that bastard, what nonsense has he been teaching her?!"

"Great-uncle," a little voice poked through, "You taught me this last time when you were drunk, hehe."

Lu Shibang: "..."

Liao Xinrou poked his butt with a kite stick!

"Ouch! I was wrong, I was wrong, honey, I was wrong..."

In the car, the young master kissed and kissed, but before Qiao Xi could react, he couldn't hold out anymore and buried his face in her shoulder, only the tip of his red ear showing.