Yu Si Nian Wet and Sticky**

Qiao Xi looked utterly defeated and pushed him away. "Stop panting like that, ancestor. Breathe through your mouth, or you're going to suffocate yourself. Were you an oxygen tank in your past life?"

The young master, who was only half-conscious and had only caught the last two words: !!!

"Y-you... be quieter! It's not good if the staff hears!" He wriggled around on her shoulder.

Qiao Xi: ?

She yelled at the top of her lungs, "Director! Director! Is this enough? Get this thing off me already! Hurry!!!"

Ning Lan suppressed her excitement and said seriously, "No, the emotions aren't right. We need to do it again."

"Again?!" Qiao Xi pointed at the person who had turned into a puddle on her, "Do you think he can handle it?"

Suddenly, Yu Si Nian sprang up, pretending to be drunk and staggered around. "Makeup artist! Touch up my makeup!"

Makeup artist: "..."

In her entire career, she had never seen such a red face, but she gave it a try.

Ning Lan looked at the sky. "Forget it. The sunset is almost gone. By the time we finish with the makeup, it'll be too late. Let's call it a day. You two, go home and work on your chemistry. Especially you, Qiao Xi. When you come to the set, act like a couple. Stop acting so distant. You're playing a cool boss lady, not a killer!"

Qiao Xi waved her hand, removed her makeup, and shrugged off the sticky young master to go to the hospital to change her bandages.

Xiao 6, still dazed and excited, asked shyly, "Master, how do you feel?"

Qiao Xi, lying down for her bandage change, flinched as they touched a sore spot.

"Ow! Be gentle... How do I feel? I feel wet and sticky."

Xiao 6: ???!!!

"Yu Si Nian is completely wet and sticky." She grimaced, getting off the hospital bed. "Is something wrong with this kid? Was he like this when I first met him?"

Qiao Xi couldn't quite remember.

She had gone through her tasks repeatedly, so she was used to the process and didn't pay much attention to the mental state of her targets.

But something was off with Yu Si Nian, who had always been a tough nut to crack.

Qiao Xi decided swiftly, "Let's go check out his mental state. We'll travel through time."

Xiao 6 got excited. "Alright!"

"Master, once we use the function, time here will pause. Nothing that happens in that timeline will affect what's happening here, and you'll be given a reasonable identity to enter the Yu family!"

"So, what's my identity?"

"A maid responsible for cleaning toilets: Aunt Qiao."

As soon as Xiao 6's voice fell, Qiao Xi's vision went black.

She thought she had fainted from anger, but when she focused again, she was standing under the midday sun, right in front of the Yu family's mansion, holding a fancy prop—a red toilet plunger.

The role-playing was very thorough.

Qiao Xi looked around.

If it weren't for the fact that this was the Yu family, she wouldn't have recognized it.

The current decoration was completely different from the future. Now it was all gaudy and flashy, with a distinct nouveau riche vibe.

"They're here," a familiar voice came from the entrance.

Qiao Xi turned around quickly and saw the younger version of Aunt Zhao!

Standing beside her were a pair of twin boys, one with a round face and the other with a square face, with almost identical features.

The round-faced one shouted, "Bro! Is this the rich family we're going to?!"

The square-faced one replied loudly, "Shush! Keep your voice down! Don't let them hear us! They might think we're country bumpkins and give us low wages!"

Aunt Zhao: "…"

Qiao Xi: "…"

Well done, Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi. You've really lived up to your potential since you were seven.

Aunt Zhao led them inside but paused when she saw Qiao Xi.

Their eyes met, and Qiao Xi grinned.

"Who are you?" Aunt Zhao asked.

Qiao Xi raised the toilet plunger in her hand.

Aunt Zhao immediately understood. "Oh, you're here for the ritual? The master is inside waiting for you. Go on in."

She pushed Qiao Xi along but warned her, "The news of the madam's death just came in, so be careful with your words. Don't jinx it."

Xiao 6 explained, "At this point in time, the villain's mother just died."

Qiao Xi halted, "Did she die here? Inside?"

"No, his mother and Yu Zheng had a one-night stand and had a child. She was Yu Zheng's first love. Yu Zheng always wanted to marry her, but she refused, so after giving birth, she sent the child to him and went traveling around the world. Yu Zheng didn't even know he had a son until then, so he never accepted the villain."

"So, Yu Si Nian never met his mother?"


"What about his stepmother?"

"A business marriage." Xiao 6 read through the information. "The villain's mother's will stated that she wanted the villain to live a prosperous life, free from worries. So Yu Zheng began to expand his business, and the Yu family started growing during this time. The character bio also mentions that Yu Zheng is a hopeless romantic who tried to numb himself with relationships but only met increasingly terrible women. Eventually, he gave up and married He Xuefang through a business marriage. The He family and the Yu family had always been connected, and after the villain's mother died, He Xuefang often brought Li Cheng to the Yu family."

As soon as Xiao 6 finished speaking, a sweet voice suddenly called out from behind them.

"Ah Zheng!"

He Xuefang, dressed in a white Chanel-style suit, rushed past Qiao Xi and headed inside.

Qiao Xi stepped back.

She wasn't interested in watching such a melodramatic scene. She was more curious to see if the five-year-old young master was up to any mischief.

Qiao Xi navigated the mansion with ease, guided by Aunt Zhao's directions, until she reached the back garden.

"Do you know your mother is dead?" A cold, childish voice echoed. "You'll never see her again. When my mom marries into this family, this will be my house."

Eight-year-old Li Cheng stood in the garden, his small figure exuding an intimidating aura.

The person opposite him remained silent.

"I'm talking to you, can't you hear? It's because you don't have a mother, no one taught you manners… Ah!"

Li Cheng suddenly screamed, clutching his mouth.

Cheng Xi poked his head out from the tree, holding a clump of yellow mud. "Thief! Take that!"

Cheng Dong rushed forward, and they started wrestling.

Throughout it all, the little boy sitting on the stone bench said nothing, just kept his head down.

"Knock, knock."

The toilet plunger tapped twice on the table.

The little boy looked up.

His dark eyes were as clear as gemstones, framed by an English-style cap, a small jacket, and leather shoes. His fair face showed no emotion.

"Are you mute?" Qiao Xi grabbed him and lifted him up.

"Hey!" The young master immediately started kicking.

"You grow up to be quite a character, don't you? Let me show you how it's done. This move is called—'You Don't Have a Mom Either!'"

She grabbed the young master's hand and delivered a left hook!


It landed squarely on Li Cheng's face.