The Kid is Finished, and the Old Ox Hangs Himself**

A few seconds later, the garden erupted with loud crying!

Qiao Xi didn't stop. She continued to pull the little one's right hand and threw another punch!

"This move is called—you're still fatherless!"

"This move is called—the kid is finished!"

"This move is a resurrection! This one's a puppy peeing! And this one's the old ox hanging himself!"

For a while, the garden was filled with screams.

Cheng Xi and Cheng Dong widened their eyes, their heads leaning together, bodies trembling as their teeth chattered, "Then, should we call our move… surviving together?"

They watched helplessly as Li Cheng was lifted and shaken up and down by that terrifying woman, then saw her shove the little master's butt right into Li Cheng's face. The unforgiving butt cheek seemed to write a vulgar word on Li Cheng's face out of thin air.

Qiao Xi still asked, "Got any gas? Let it out, let him smell his own mouth!"

The little one tried desperately to burrow into Qiao Xi's arms, his short legs kicking wildly, "I don't!"

"Cheng Xi, you're up!" Qiao Xi shifted her target.

"Oh." Cheng Xi jumped down from the tree, squatted, and started preparing.

Li Cheng on the ground: ???

He crawled up using both his hands and feet, "Mom! Mom!!"

Suddenly, footsteps approached, and He Xuefang and Yu Zheng rushed over upon hearing the noise, screaming!

Qiao Xi turned her head to look.

Yu Zheng, who appeared twenty years younger, looked somewhat like a more serious version of Yu Siniann, with phoenix-shaped eyes. He wasn't as dazzling as Yu Siniann, but he was still a handsome young man, no wonder the women fought over him.

"Who are you!" He Xuefang yelled, "How dare you!"

Yu Zheng's face darkened, staring at Yu Siniann.

"Who am I?" Qiao Xi sat down with the little master in her arms, crossing her legs, "I'm the Dark Sorceress Xiaoyue."

As soon as she finished speaking, the little one in her arms suddenly looked up.

Qiao Xi pressed his head back down and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know me, just take a look at this red thing in my hand…"

"Master!" Little Six's teeth began to chatter, "Calm down, calm down…"

"Calm down for what? Isn't this world supposed to not interfere with ours?"

"That's what they say…"

"Then why bother."

Little Six: !!!

When Qiao Xi said that, it didn't mean she wanted to die; it meant she didn't want any living being on this planet to survive!!!

He Xuefang shouted, "It's just a plunger! You, you crazy woman!"

"Shh." Qiao Xi made a silencing gesture, then shook Yu Siniann slightly, "Baby, want to see some magic?"

The little one's face turned beet red in an instant! Then he nodded firmly.

The next second, the plunger shot towards the sky, "Gunalare, God of Darkness—Wuhu Lala—Kiss this!"

She threw it hard!

"Ah!" He Xuefang screamed as the plunger hit her mouth directly!

Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi: "Wow!"

Little Six: "Ahhhhh!"

Qiao Xi: "Use the item, double-sided tape!"

Yu Zheng had just helped He Xuefang remove the plunger when their mouths stuck together!

Yu Zheng: ???

He Xuefang: !!!!!

"Mmph mmph mmph!"

A minute later, they finally managed to pull apart, both letting out a simultaneous *yuck* sound!

Qiao Xi lazily waved her hand, "Use the item, triple-sided tape."

Yu Zheng's left foot stuck to He Xuefang's right foot, and his right foot stuck to her left foot.

Their hands were raised and directly tied together!

Cheng Xi and Cheng Dong hugged each other, "Oh~ a waltz of love!"

"What's going on!!" He Xuefang yelled as she hopped around.

Qiao Xi slapped her with the plunger, "He Xuefang, keep your voice down. If you want to seduce a widower, how can you be so careless? Where's your professionalism? Where's your sincerity? And where's your ambition?"

He Xuefang: !!!

Where the hell did this crazy woman come from!

Li Cheng cried as he stepped forward, trying to separate the two.

"And you!" Qiao Xi slapped Li Cheng again, "Repeat what you said earlier. If you don't, my dark magic as Xiaoyue won't spare you—let me put it this way, I'll glue Cheng Xi's butt to your face for life."

Cheng Xi blushed.

Li Cheng: !!!

Li Cheng immediately shouted, "It wasn't me! It was my mom who made me say it! She said if I said those things, I wouldn't have to attend my finance class today!"

As he spoke, he repeated the words he had said earlier, even adding things he hadn't mentioned before.

He Xuefang: …

Yu Zheng's face darkened after his initial shock, "You made him say those things to my son?!"

"It's not like that, Ah Zheng, let me explain!"

"Yeah, let me explain~" Qiao Xi mimicked her in a mocking tone, "Kids don't know any better, it's not what you think! I wasn't trying to seduce you at all! I wore red and green today just to pay my respects to your late wife! My full makeup is just something I was born with~ Don't misunderstand me, okay?"

He Xuefang: …

Yu Zheng: …

Yu Zheng began to examine her outfit and makeup, his face turning dark.

The two began to argue.

Qiao Xi, satisfied with her antics, picked up the little master and left.

The little master obediently lay on her shoulder without saying a word.

Qiao Xi flipped him over to see his little face smiling like a bean sprout.

Qiao Xi: …

What a fool, even dumber than when he grows up.

She pushed him back onto her shoulder, and at the same time, her stomach growled.

"You hungry?" The little master suddenly sat up, fumbling through his pockets until he pulled out a wad of red RMB, "I have money. Xiaoyue, what do you want to eat?"

Qiao Xi instantly smiled, "Good boy."

Little Six: "You just called him dumb…"

"Little Six, could you please show some respect to the ATM? Stop saying things like that."

Little Six: …

Qiao Xi took the red bills and casually found a burger joint outside for a big meal.

Across from her, Yu Siniann lay on the table, watching her.

His black, gem-like eyes looked up and down before finally asking, "How did you stick them together?"

"I told you, magic."

Yu Siniann: "I'm a child, not an idiot."

"Oh." Qiao Xi chuckled, affectionately, "You should've said so earlier, I almost misunderstood."

The little master: …

"Eat up. You're so skinny, do you not like eating?" Qiao Xi asked.

"Usually, there's nothing to eat." Yu Siniann replied, "That old… dad punishes me, doesn't let me eat."

Qiao Xi pondered.

Cheng Xi, observing secretly, said, "It seems like Aunt Qiao feels sorry for him."

Cheng Dong: "I don't think Aunt Qiao has feelings, let alone sympathy."

The next second, Qiao Xi slammed the table and said, "If you're not eating and you're already 1.9 meters tall, what would happen if you did? Don't eat, these burgers have hormones. Let Aunt Qiao handle them."

She then took a big bite!

The little master across from her: …

Cheng Xi and Cheng Dong: …

Little Six then said, "Master, you can only stay in this timeline for a day. Tonight, there's an important event where the villain is locked in the basement by his stepmother. The Yu family searches for five days before Aunt Li finds him while checking on the pickles in the cellar. You might want to see that scene yourself."

Qiao Xi wiped her mouth, "Sure."

Half an hour later, Qiao Xi, wearing a glove on her right hand, lifted a rat in front of Yu Siniann, "This thing is called a rat, got it?"


The little master turned and pounced into her arms.

Qiao Xi: ?

"Little Six, didn't you say he got his fear of rats after being locked in the basement? He hasn't been locked up yet."

Little Six was desperate, "I don't know."

Qiao Xi threw the rat away and said to Yu Siniann, "Anyway, there's nothing to be afraid of with rats. If you ever see a rat, just shout Gunalare, God of Darkness. I'll be watching over you in the shadows. Don't chicken out, just charge ahead. If you tear down the house, the rat will definitely die. Got it?"

Yu Siniann's small body froze for a moment, then he obediently nodded.

"Thank you, Xiaoyue!"

"No need to thank me. Now show me your courage. When He Xuefang comes later, use any means to lock her and her son in this basement. Can you do it?"

The little one: "Yes!"

"Louder! Not fierce enough!"

He straightened his short legs, saluted, and shouted,