What Kind of Wife Do You Want to Marry When You Grow Up?**

After the ghostly wails echoed from the basement, Qiao Xi swaggered out, followed by a small, proud little figure.

The tall and the short, one large and one small, high-fived under the night sky.

"Master, there's only one hour left until departure," Xiao 6 reported.

At the same time, the little figure behind her said, "Aunt Qiao, do you want to see my secret base?"

Qiao Xi glanced at his lower body and sternly asked, "What secret base?"

Xiao 6: !!!

Where are you looking? He's only five years old!

Qiao Xi, in an eerie tone, said, "If you hadn't refused to reveal specific data, would I be so curious? I still have an extension spell I haven't used, just in case he doesn't measure up, I could make up for it..."

"Ah! Stop! Stop!" Xiao 6, who thought they'd heard all the dirty talk, still couldn't take it and screamed wildly.

The little lord squirmed, suddenly grabbing her hand and leading her to the Yu family's attic.

Qiao Xi couldn't fit inside, only he could move freely, and he fished out a box, handing it to her.

When Qiao Xi opened it, there was a photo of a woman, stunning and beautiful, with the same peach blossom eyes, enough to serve as a paternity test.

The parents in this world have such obvious features.

"Is this your mom?" Qiao Xi asked.

Xiao 6 couldn't help but cry, "Boohoo, so pitiful! He's kept his mom's photo for years! Only able to miss her in secret! The villain really suffered a lot when he was a kid!"

The little lord proudly said, "Yes, isn't she pretty? I stole it from my dad."

Just then, a roar came from the villa, "Find it! Turn the whole house upside down if you have to!"

Qiao Xi: ?

She slowly raised the photo, "You just stole it?"

The little head nodded, rubbing his hands, "Hehe. He usually guards it closely, but today he finally argued with He Xuefang, so I had Cheng Xi grab it."

Qiao Xi: "..."

Xiao 6: "..."

It shouldn't have imagined those ridiculous scenes!

"Aunt Qiao." The little figure tugged on her sleeve, collapsing softly into her arms as she sat down. "Are you married?"

"Yes," Qiao Xi answered casually.

"Who did you marry?"

You might not believe it, but I married you.

Qiao Xi said, "Little kids gossiping too much will wet the bed."

The little lord said, "When I grow up, I'll talk nonsense like you."

Qiao Xi: "..."

The little lord continued, "Is the person you married good to you?"

That question was deep.

Qiao Xi thought about it, "Pretty good, kind of like you."

The little lord's eyes lit up, "Really that good?"

Qiao Xi: "..."

The little lord kept asking, "Do you like him? What do you like about him?"

"I like that he talks less and has a lot of money."

"That sounds like..." The little lord rubbed his foot on the ground, "You're describing me?"

A minute later, Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi slid in on their knees, hugging Qiao Xi's legs, shouting, "Don't hit him, don't hit him! Aunt Qiao, if you hit him, our wages will be docked! Think about it, if our wages weren't docked, we would've hit him long ago!"

The little lord ran around in circles, clutching his head, short legs moving quickly.

But Qiao Xi still picked him up.

"Ah! Let me go!" A sharp, childlike voice screamed, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong! I was wrong everywhere!"

Qiao Xi, expressionless, walked to the lake and tossed him in.


Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi: !!!

"Young Master!" Cheng Xi, heartbroken, was about to jump into the lake.

Qiao Xi: "Xiao 6, use the item [Little Tadpoles Looking for Their Mom]."

In the lake, the person who had been struggling suddenly began to swim like a frog.

Cheng Xi, who had been about to jump, stopped mid-air: ?

In the lake, the little legs kicked and flipped, swimming like a fish!

"Pfft..." Cheng Xi couldn't help but start laughing, "So ugly, hahaha!"

"Swoosh!" The little figure shot out of the water.

Then jumped up and began hammering Cheng Xi's knees.

"Smack smack smack!"

"Not ugly, not ugly! Very handsome! Very handsome!" Cheng Xi yelped.

Qiao Xi watched from the side, laughing.

He's been hitting people the same way since he was a kid!

Xiao 6 reminded, "Master, there are only five minutes left!"

Qiao Xi immediately stood up straight, pulling the little lord aside.

"Kid, I need to tell you a few things," she said. "First, I've used magic to teach you how to swim. When you're eight, He Xuefang will push you into the lake. When that happens, do what you did today and pull her down with you, got it?"

"Okay!" The little lord responded with determination.

His shout even made Yu Zheng, who was asleep in his room, shiver.

"Second, I have a question you must answer seriously, or Guna, the Dark God, will punish you."


Qiao Xi asked, "What kind of wife do you want to marry when you grow up?"

Though the little lord was still young, his personality and actions hadn't changed, so maybe his taste hadn't either.

She might get some clues to see what kind of girl he liked and mess with him accordingly.

The little lord looked up, his eyes shining brighter than the stars, "Someone like you!"

Big eyes stared into small ones.

Qiao Xi turned her head, checking to make sure no one was around.

"Look closely, I'm Aunt Qiao, Xiao Yue!" Qiao Xi pulled him closer, stretching his eyes wide and waving them in front of her face.

The more she waved, the redder his face became.

"Just like you," he mumbled.

"Repeat that. Who am I?"

"You're Qiao Xi, Qiao Xi, Qiao Xi." The little lord repeated three times.

Qiao Xi's vision went black.

She thought she had fainted again, but when she opened her eyes, she was standing at the hospital entrance, right where she had left off.

Looking down, it was still nine o'clock at night, nothing had changed.

"What a waste of time!" Qiao Xi grumbled, pacing outside the hospital, "I asked who he wants to marry, not who he wants as a mom!"

Xiao 6 quickly said, "It doesn't have to be as a mom! You were so cool today, if it were me, I'd like you too!"

Qiao Xi stopped, turning to face the hospital's reflective glass, and ran a hand through her hair.

Her smile grew sly, "Really? So charming? Tell me more, which move was the coolest?"

Xiao 6: "..."

"Wait." Qiao Xi paused, suddenly narrowing her eyes.

Xiao 6: "What's wrong?"

"Did I mention my name earlier?"

Xiao 6 hesitated, then yelled, "Crap! I don't think so! He only knows you as Aunt Qiao, how could he know your name? Crap, crap, crap!!!"

In an instant, Qiao Xi took off, grabbing a taxi straight to the set!

She banged on Yu Siyuan's door.

"Yu Siyuan! Come out! Don't pretend you're not home, I know you're there!"


The door opened.