She Called Me Baby, and She Hugged Me All Day**

As soon as the door opened, Xiao Liu let out a loud shout.


A slender hand pressed against the door, water droplets dripping from the boy's hair.

He was wearing a bathrobe, his chest half-exposed, revealing pale skin and a delicate collarbone.

"What's wrong?" The young master rasped, "I was just taking a shower, didn't have time to put anything on... Is something urgent?"

Qiao Xi: ?

The sudden transformation from the 5-year-old young master to the 23-year-old young master was such a shock that anyone would have to give a thumbs-up for the scene.

Qiao Xi stared at his face, inspecting him closely, walking around until the young master blushed from the scrutiny. She finally said, "Shower?"

"Yes. I've been in there for half an hour; my hands are all red." Yu Siyen said as he pulled his bathrobe further open.

Qiao Xi grabbed him, "If you're showing your hands, show your hands! Why are you pulling your collar?"

"It's easier to take off this way." A blush spread across the young master's cheeks, bravely climbing up his face.

Xiao Liu: "..."

You better be serious.

Qiao Xi leaned in to examine him closely, "Are you sure you didn't go anywhere just now?"

"Huh? Where should I have gone?" Yu Siyen looked genuinely confused.

Qiao Xi laughed, beckoning him over with her finger. The young master immediately moved closer.

Five minutes later.



A dark shadow was thrown directly into the swimming pool, water splashing everywhere!

Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi shouted, "Young Madam! How could you do this?! If we get our salaries deducted because of this, we would've thrown him in long ago!"

After speaking, Cheng Xi jumped into the pool and skillfully fished the person out.

Qiao Xi stood by the poolside, deep in thought.

When she had returned earlier, she had even brought back a plunger, which meant that items from both timelines could be interchanged.

If Yu Siyen had indeed traveled back with her, he would surely be swimming by now.

"But this little scoundrel is a good actor, so I can't fully trust him," Qiao Xi said. "It's easy to find out; just go back again and see how he pretends."

Xiao Liu: "But going back again would require the system to level up by five more levels!"

Each level now required a significant amount of shock points, and leveling up five levels was no easy task!

"Oh." Qiao Xi responded with just one word.

Xiao Liu suddenly had a bad feeling!

Meanwhile, the young master kept coughing until Qiao Xi was far away. Then he suddenly raised his head, "Take me back."

Cheng Xi: "Yes!"

The two of them grabbed him, one by the head and the other by the legs, and tossed Yu Siyen back into the bathtub in his room.

Soon after, the young master's hand quickly reached out.

"Ow!" Cheng Xi was inexplicably punched, and he turned around shouting, "Young Master! What are you doing?!"

"Nothing, just swatting a mosquito." Yu Siyen smiled.

Cheng Xi froze, then rushed forward to shake Yu Siyen's head frantically, "Bro, come quick! His brain is waterlogged! Get a doctor!"


Two balls were thrown out of the door.

The young master changed his clothes, rolled onto the bed, and closed his eyes, his long black eyelashes trembling.

Two seconds later, he burst into laughter.

"Auntie Qiao, hahaha..."

"Li Cheng was so short as a kid? I knew that jerk must've secretly taken hormones later! He's such a coward, calling for his mom, hahaha..."

"Everything happened so fast; I didn't have time to bring my phone! I should've recorded at least two videos!"

After a pause, he buried his head into the pillow, rolling around.

His tone suddenly turned coy.

"She called me baby."

A moment later, he twisted himself into a pretzel on the bed.

"And she hugged me all day..."

Thudding noises echoed from the walls.

Cheng Xi pointed at the door, "See? He's just trying to save face. He wouldn't admit it in front of us, but once we're gone, he's splashing water around in there. I used to do the same."

The person inside finally calmed down a bit, lying on the bed, slightly tipsy.

He made up his mind to never admit it. What if it happened again next time? What if she didn't hug him or call him baby anymore?

Yu Siyen suddenly sat up and opened Weibo.

At the same time, in the fan group.

[@Yuhahahaha: The jerk is online! He logged into Weibo! What's he up to?]

[@365DaysWantToBeBaby'sMom: Holy crap! How long has it been since he last logged into Weibo? Level 1 alert!!!]

[@WavingYellowUnderwearOfYuSiyen: He deleted the pinned interview post!]

[@YearAfterYear: He deleted the pinned interview post???]

[@Yuhahahaha: He reposted it! He posted a new version!]

All the fans knew that the interview was the only one Yu Siyen had ever done with *Basher* magazine, and it was the only serious interview he'd given in his entire career.

Yu Xiao stared at the screen, opening the interview image, and read line by line.

"Found it! This part has been changed! I knew he wouldn't go online for no reason!"

The interview question was: "If you had the chance to travel back in time, what age would you return to?"

Yu Siyen's original answer was: "I wouldn't want to return to any stage."

Yu Xiao read out loud the revised answer—

"Five years old."

All the fans: ?

What the heck is he doing in the middle of the night?! He nearly scared us to death! We thought the crumbling house was finally collapsing!

That night, the young master's dream was sweet.

Actually, 5-year-old him had fought back too. He had teamed up with Cheng Xi and Cheng Dong to beat Li Cheng up. That night, He Xuefang locked him in a small dark room with dead rats for five days. He was barely alive when they finally let him out.

He was very small back then, so the rats seemed very large.

He had had this dream countless times, each time waking up with the rats' gaping mouths and his own screams.

But this time was different.

This time, the dream included a bright red plunger, a pair of arms holding him, a voice chattering away, and someone laughing loudly.

Then the scene suddenly changed.

The plunger grew larger, worn by Qiao Xi, who coquettishly said, "Baby, come to my bed and give me a check-up. Hurry, I'll count to three—"

"Ah!" Yu Siyen screamed and sat up.

What kind of dream was that?! What kind of dream?!

Was it a spring dream? It felt more like a nightmare. But if it was a nightmare, it wasn't quite pure!

The young master lifted the blanket to take a peek, then covered himself again.

His face turned pale.

So much so that when he saw Qiao Xi on set today, the young master was completely out of sorts.

But there wasn't much time for him to be dramatic.

Because as soon as Qiao Xi saw him, she pulled out her phone and started a livestream right in front of him. She then pulled him close and said to the camera, "Please inform Yu Siyen's fans that your piglet is in my hands. Please come quickly. I want to see five billion people in my livestream within five minutes, got it?"

Live chat: ???!!!

All of a sudden, everyone was spreading the word!

Xiao Liu: "Master, what, what, what are you going to do?! Tell me first, I'm afraid I'll crash out of shock!"

Qiao Xi watched the rapidly increasing number of viewers and smiled.

"What am I going to do? I'm just going to use some reasonable and legal methods to give the system a complete upgrade."

Xiao Liu: !!!!!!!