We're Going to Ship This Couple**

("CP (Coupling Pair) refers to fan-created romantic pairings. In novels and the entertainment industry, CP often denotes romantic relationships that fans pair up. These relationships may not be real, but they often become subjects of fan discussions and hype.")

The allotted time was five minutes, but it only took three for Yu Siyan's fans to show up.

Zhou Ninghuan was live-streaming when he first saw the barrage of comments. He immediately shouted, "Stop selling stuff, I need to go watch my big bro!"

And with that, he went offline.

His live audience quickly flooded into Qiao Xi's stream.

Along with Qiao Xi's fans, Fan Zhiying's fans, and Ye Sisi's fans... Five hundred million viewers gathered within four minutes, nearly crashing the server!

[What are you doing?! Let go of that little brat you're holding!]

[Ahhhh, Baby! Why aren't you saying anything? Why do you look so dazed? Did Qiao Xi do something to you?!]

[Are the fans above blind? Can't you see what's happening? Let me tell you, he's enjoying it—so much that he's almost cross-eyed. Choose between "He likes Qiao Xi" or "He's an idiot," because it's one or the other.]

[He likes Qiao Xi, he likes Qiao Xi, he likes Qiao Xi!]

[This is such a cliché move—first, stir up some CP (couple pairing) rumors, and then say they're just colleagues. Just a passerby here, watching Qiao Xi perform.]

"Everyone, calm down and listen to me first."

Qiao Xi leaned closer and said, "The reason I called you all here today is to ask: have you ever seen CP rumors being stirred up?"

The chat froze for a second.

Then came a flood of [?????].

Qiao Xi smiled sweetly and said, "I'm sure you've heard of it, seen it, but have you ever watched it live? Don't worry, today I'll give you a front-row seat. Watch closely—I'm a female celebrity, and here's a male celebrity—"

She pinched Yu Siyan's cheek.


"And now, we're going to ship this couple."

As soon as she finished speaking, she kissed him on the cheek.

Yu Siyan: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what are you doing?! What are you doing to him!!!]

[This isn't real, this can't be real! It's a camera trick! Ah, I'm losing my mind! I'm twisted and dark and crawling on the floor! I'm pounding my chest and screaming!]

[What camera trick! Did you see how red his face is?! A camera trick?! That kiss was loud enough to knock his soul out!]

[Damn! She's amazing! I'm officially a fan, hahaha (cheering from the sidelines)]

[Shock value +50,000!]

[Shock value +100,000!]

Little Six watched the shock value skyrocket and nearly lost his mind!

Then, amidst Little Six's screams, Qiao Xi started acting out a scene in public.

It wouldn't have been so bad if it was just any scene, but it had to be a bed scene!

She lay beneath Yu Siyan, flipping around like a fish, going up and down, reciting her lines to the camera: "Cen Lang, the happiest moment of my life is right now."

Cen Lang said nothing, his face turning so red it was about to explode.

The entire director's team shook like they had Parkinson's disease.

The comments went berserk, with all the group chats spiraling into a frenzy, sending messages like crazy.

At one point, Qiao Xi took a break and even called in her loyal fan Zhou Ninghuan.

Zhou Ninghuan shouted crazily from the other end: "Sister Xi, you're awesome! Brother Nian, you're awesome! I wish your CP becomes popular! This was epic! Oh, by the way, Sister Xi, your movements were too big just now, and you accidentally showed off your 100% pure cotton, super elastic summer camisole! Be more careful, or everyone will rush to buy it! There are only 999 promotional pieces left, not enough to go around!"

The camisole sold out instantly, and the system leveled up four times!

"Only four levels?" Qiao Xi finished the bed scene, got off the bed, pulled up her pants, and frowned in dissatisfaction.

Little Six: "…"

"Not enough?! Master, you just raked in 1.5 million shock points! And most of it came from Yu Siyan's fans! Your fans and Zhou Ninghuan's fans are so used to this that what you're getting from them is excitement points... Oh, and some of Yu Siyan's fans are contributing excitement points too."

Even though they were shouting for her to let go of their baby, they were actually sending excitement points.

Qiao Xi nodded, understanding.

She turned to look at the bed, where the blanket was puffed up in an Omega shape. Ever since she'd taken the lead and straddled the little young master, he had completely turned into a puppet, allowing her to control him.

In the end, Ning Lan couldn't bear it anymore and quickly shouted, "Cut!"

"We're done here." Qiao Xi gave a light slap to the part of the blanket that was sticking up. "The scene's over. Time to head to the show."

She turned to leave, checking her inventory.

The four items she received were—

[Borrowed Kiss][Substitute][Fart Pills*2 (Volume adjustable, up to 100 decibels)][What a Big Mouth]

As soon as she left, the director's team came over to lift the blanket but couldn't budge it.

The little young master poked his head out, "Where's Cheng Dong?"

"Master, my brother went to buy water!" Cheng Xi hurried over. "Anything you need? Let me, Cheng Xi, be at your service!"

"Not you, go away." Yu Siyan shouted, "Cheng Dong! Cheng Dong, get over here!"

Cheng Xi paused for a moment, locking eyes with Yu Siyan.

"Master, you…" Cheng Xi looked at him, then at the blanket he was clutching tightly, and suddenly gasped, "Holy crap?!"

Yu Siyan, caught red-handed, could only nod.

How to explain it… Raising the flag twice in one day left him feeling rather helpless.

"You… find a way to get them all out of here first." Yu Siyan glanced at the director's team.

"Got it!"

The next second, Cheng Xi dragged the entire bed away!

Yu Siyan: ?

The bed rattled and clattered across the floor.

Cheng Xi: "Move aside! I'm taking our young master away!"

He quickly dragged the bed to the room's entrance, grinning, "How about that, Master? They couldn't move it with so many people, but I moved it! This is a trick the young madam taught me! Master, you can go take a shower now. Seriously, such a big guy and still... ugh. Ow!"

Yu Siyan smacked him on the head and yelled, "If you dare tell anyone, I'll write a side story about you and Aunt Zhao in the public account!"

"I swear I won't!"

Cheng Xi turned around to see Cheng Dong carrying a row of Wahaha drinks, and he rushed over: "Brother, I've got something to tell you, but don't let it get out! Our young master wet the bed! He's still self-conscious, though, so he didn't want anyone to see. I was wondering why everyone in the crew was acting so weird, stammering and all!"

Cheng Dong: ?

The next second, Cheng Dong smacked him on the head too.

"Are you crazy?! How could he wet the bed at his age? You think of the most ridiculous things! It must've been too intense earlier, and the young madam ripped his underwear!"

Cheng Xi suddenly understood: "Brother, you're so smart!"

Meanwhile, after taking a cold shower, the little young master was back in top form and ready to join Qiao Xi on the show.

The show had been interrupted for a day, but the hype only grew.

Director Jiang, watching the skyrocketing viewership, was trembling with excitement, "Oh my goodness! So many people! I've never seen this many viewers since I started in this industry! Long live Sister Xi!"

Assistant: ?

Staff: ???

What do you do when the director suddenly switches sides?

"Listen up, everyone! The production team has prepared a grand welcome-back dinner and a mysterious grand prize!" Director Jiang announced. "But to win the grand prize, we need the cooperation of all the guests! Please look over here—"

He turned and pointed to the supermarket behind him: "The supermarket competition has officially begun! As usual, it's a male-female team-up. Use two shopping carts to fill up with enough items, and the final winner will be based on weight! The team with the heaviest weight wins the competition!"

[Weight? Director, you might as well just hand the win to Qiao Xi.]

[Not necessarily. If Qiao Xi is paired with Nian Nian, it's a strong-weak combo, right? The universe created Qiao Xi just so our Nian Nian could drag her down. Don't worry, the world is fair!]

[CP fans, don't go overboard!!!]

[What CP fans? Call us wedding witnesses.]

Yu Xiao gritted her teeth in the crowd, clenching her fists with a serious expression.

Today, Qiao Xi's actions were practically tangoing on the line of all the dedicated fans—how could they tolerate this?! She now bore the responsibility