Save him, please

After eating to their satisfaction, Kiyan and Raten felt more alive. First they wanted to know why Jarett was in their home. They were shocked, not really, to find out they've been unconscious for two whole months.

"It's no wonder I feel this drained. But renewed." Raten stretched his arms and fell back on the bed.

They kept the empty plates next to the bed.

"You still haven't said what caused you to be in that state." Lecter said curious to hear the full story.

"Hm? We got thrown into beast territory and had to fight beasts." Kiyan answered with a smile.

Jarett and Lecter froze for a second trying to process what they just heard.

"You what?!" Lecter shouted. "How did you do such a thing and survive?!" He asked and took hold of Kiyan's shoulders, shaking him roughly.

He hadn't even stopped to notice that he actually smiled genuinely. The only time he saw that was when the first time they met and it was because of the griffins. Nothing more.

"It's no wonder you were in that state." Jarett placed his hand on his chin. 'I don't think they would have succeeded in killing a beast though.' He thought.

"It was very hard considering the spider could bring forth spikes, thorns? Or were they needles? Either way, those prickly things were annoying." Kiyan said remembering what he had encountered.

"A spider?" Raten turned to his brother. "You're scared of spiders."

"Not scared! I just don't like them." Kiyan pouted.

"Well, mine was a big three headed snake. It spat out venom that could kill faster than Kiyan eats!" Raten said with gleam in his eyes.

"You both don't even sound as though you were scared. I mean, you're supposed to be traumatized, right?" Said Lecter.

"Why would we be?" Kiyan tilted his head.

"The beast is nothing but a less scary, less aggressive, less sensible, more animal-like and of course, a less skilled version of father and that is nothing to be all that scared of." Raten said.

"Ha! So true. Your father is scarier than any beast in the basic tier." Jarett laughed. He didn't believe they would face any level higher than that and be alive.

"Basic tier? It doesn't matter what level the beast is on, father is scarier and stronger." Kiyan stated as a matter of fact.

"Don't forget uncle Raymond and One-eye, they're equally scary and very strong." Raten said.

"In other words, your family members are monsters." Lecter mumbled.

They talked about random things from there. Jarett left early saying he had to go help his mother. Lecter stayed longer before leaving eventually.

One-eye was still sleeping.

The four of them began spending more time with each other from then on. Since the twins hardly left for the town below, the three of them mostly stayed up on the hill. One-eye and Raymond looked after the boys for most of the time. Agnar would show up with books and books on magic.

One evening after spending an uncomfortable time outside their home. The twins left Jarett and Lecter and returned home.

"They're not here unsurprisingly." Raten said as he walked in.


A sound of something big falling to the floor came from upstairs.

"What was that?" The twins ran up to check. What they saw was not what they had expected.

Their father was on the floor of his bedroom tightly clutching onto his chest. His veins were bulging out. His jaw tensed and he gasped for air. Groans would escape his lips from time to time as he writhed on the floor.

"F-father? Father!" They ran forward and bent over him.

"Father, what's happening? What's going on?" Raten asked worriedly.

"Agnar? Agnar?!" One-eye emerged from thin air and walked into the room. His voice sounded deeply worried.

"Oh good, he's here." Raymond said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Uncle, what's happening to him?" Kiyan asked shakily, looking up at both of them.

One-eye pulled them by their arms and threw them out of the room. They fell onto the floor.

"Hey! What's going on?! What are you doing?!" The twins ran forward into the room again.

One-eye slammed the door in their faces and shut it.

"Open the door! Uncle, what's going on with him?!" Raten shouted, turning on the doorknob but it wouldn't open.

Kiyan repeatedly banged on the door.

"Do you finally see what I mean? He is not to be trusted!" One-eye shouted at Raymond who was busy lifting Agnar up on the bed.

The twins heard his words and went quiet for a moment.

"What is happening? Did someone do this to father?" They wondered.

"What are you even talking about? He didn't do anything!" Raymond spat in the man's defense.

"Why are you being so oblivious to the truth?! Demas is the cause of this and no one else." One-eye spat. "You were there, as was I. Even with just one eye, I can see far better than you!"

"C-Cousin D-Demas?" Raten gasped. Kiyan's eyes widened in shock and then welled up with tears.

"Can you shut up about that for now?" Raymond ran his fingers through his hair. He looked at Agnar who was on the bed. His vigorous shaking had reduced and that was bad. Very bad. He was getting worse by the minute.

'I forgot how fragile he is now.' Raymond clenched his fist.

"Help him please! Save father! Uncle!" Raten banged on the door.

"Please don't let him die," Kiyan bit on his bottom lip. "Please, do something." His voice barely above a whisper.

Raten's fists dropped. He rested his forehead on the door. Kiyan sat on the floor with his legs close to his chest and his face buried in his knees.

"Don't leave us father, you promised." Raten mumbled. He was already visibly trembling.

Seeing Agnar that way had brought up memories they tried to suppress. Memories they wanted to forget but seemed burnt to their brains. He felt an arm grab his.

"Stop it, Raten. Calm down. He's going to be fine. He trusts them, so should we." Kiyan looked up at his brother. Raten nodded and sat next to Kiyan with his back against the door as well.

Raymond paced back and forth in the room. He pondered on what to do to help.

"Argh! Can't you think of any way?! My mind is in shambles right now, I can't even think straight!" Raymond pulled on his hair.

"We need to do something. He's fading fast." Raymond said with urgency in his tone.


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