







Taehyung himself doesn't know why he called him moon. But it doesn't seems wrong at all. The man truly looked like moon.

So calm, beautiful, his face was so pretty just like the moon in the sky. Alone like the moon in the sky. Surrounded by so much stars around but still alone at the end. But longer he thought about it he felt this was his moon. He wants this moon for himself. He will save the moon from eclipse.

He will save his moon no matter what.



The sun raised brightly with a brand new day. Taehyung opened his eyes only to see a bulk of hair flying right in front of his eyes. He blinked once, twice, thrice to determine what was lingering in front of his blurry eyes.

He tried to rub his eyes then he noticed a soft delicate body lying in his embrace. His moon was sleeping with a pout lying completely on him. He smiled seeing his adorable pout. Taehyung had noticed the man never slept well these days he was with him. When ever he came to check on him at the middle of the night, he found him staring out the window. Looking plainly over the sky.

He stared at the boy for a while. He removed the hair covering his hair. His face was pale and skinny but still this man looked so beautiful. His thin slender body looked so weak and fragile in his arms. Now that his arms was around he can feel this boy was beyond thin. It feels like he was just bones and no flex.

It gave him more reasons to be determine to spoil this boy and make him fluffy and chubby skin. His petite body made his heart ached. What might have happened to the boy to be like this. Now, he was determined to focus more on making his moon his. He will make sure his moon was all well in his arms.



The passing day Taehyung tried really hard to gain his trust first. Only if one trust the other, he will be able to be close to him.

Taehyung cooked for him. Whenever Jungkook denied to eat, he feed him with his own hands. He didn't let Jungkook stay alone in the room. He made him watch movies in the living room. Took him to the garden. Watched the stars at night and of course talked a lot.

Where ever Jungkook goes Taehyung followed him.


On the other hand Jungkook was totally broken.

He wished he could have die. He wanted to shout and curse this man in front of him. But deep down he knows, in his heart he didn't want to die. He thanked this man for giving him this new life but his mind set was beyond thinking what he really wants.

From the moment he opened his eyes in the unfamiliar room, his mind was working in 2 different paths. One, where he only sees negative and wants to end this life. He loathe the man who saved him. He was this close to be free from this pathetic life and now out of no where this man showed up trying save him? Why?

All he wants is to get out of this pathetic life.

Second, where he wants to live a happy peaceful life. He wants to live. Be loved, Be cared. He thanked this man a million times for giving this new life to him. He wants to thank him with his life but the other half of him always makes it's way to stop him.

He noticed how hard this man is working to make him talk and feel comfortable but he doesn't wants to be burden on someone he doesn't know much. His own family, friends and boyfriend didn't cared or loved him. And here a stranger is trying so hard to save him. What an irony.

Jungkook is not a fool. He knows what this man feels for him. He was blind not to notice all the stuffs he does for him. Taehyung was an open book. It was not hard to see through him. But after being deceived by the one he loved. It was really hard for him to trust anyone. Even if it was just for friendship. And here he was sure what the later feels was beyond just friendship.

He stared at Taehyung for a while, he was cooking wearing a pink apron with a bandana in his head. He was looking quite handsome at this moment. He remembered how he used to talk to Eunwoo about living in their own house after marriage. How he would cook for him. How they will go on long drives and late night dates. How beautiful it will be to live with him in their own house.

Jungkook was lost in his own when he was brought back to reality by a plate full of delicious food right in front of his eyes. He blinked few times before looking at his side.

Taehyung was looking at him with pleasing smile.

" Good morning moon." He chirped up with the boxy smile, he always showed. Jungkook frowned when he called him moon.

Moon? Does he have dark patches on his face to call him moon?

" I made yummy breakfast for you. " He said sitting in front of him. Jungkook still didn't said anything.

" Since you didn't told me anything about you, I decided to call you moon from now." He declared it on his own.

" It's hard to call you when I don't know your name you know." He said eating his share you food but as always Jungkook was not eating. Taehyung sighed and plaster the smile again. He moved forward a little taking the spoon in his hands.

" You know moon, Jiminie call me today. He said he missed me so much but not my food. You tell me moon isn't my food tasty? People can die to eat the food made by me." He said proudly feeding Jungkook. It's not like Jungkook doesn't want to eat but in these days he spend with Taehyung, it's became his habit to eat from his hands. Though he won't admit it.

" That shorty is shorter than me by whole 1 feet but still has the audacity to comment over my food." He huffed like a child. It was funny but Jungkook still gave an emotion less face.

He was amazed by this man who talks 24/7 about god knows what. He followed him like puppy where ever he goes and cared for him like no one had ever cared for him. It's been a week since he left home. He don't know even if they have known about him being missing and here an unknown man is trying his best to take care of him.

This man gave him a new life. His life was dark and dull and here this man was trying to light up his life. He called him his moon when his own life was this dark.

A moon brightens one's life. And here his own life was a dark empty sky still he called him his moon.

Who's gonna tell him, this moon can't brightens his life.

