
Back in the Jeon mansion

It's been over a week Jungkook had gone missing. Hojun was worried sick for his son now. There is no way he would no be back for so many days without even a call. His son was a very responsible person.

Mrs. Jeon and her daughter was worried too. Of course not for his wellbeing but because now Mr. Jeon is not the CEO and if Jungkook doesn't come back who will earn for them now? They can surely not let someone else become the CEO. But of course they can't actually say that out loud in front of Hojun.

Eunwoo was irritated on how much this incident was pulling on and on. He just had a wedding all the focus should be on him. But not out of nowhere because of this Jungkook all the focus was on Jungkook. His in laws and wife were worried, he can understand that but his own parents were worried for him? Why? They are not his son why should they be worried if he is dead or alive?

All the focus should be on him. All that should be matter is him. Only him.


" Hojun, we are old friends, so I thought it would be best just to meet you today regarding this case." The commissioner said. He called Mr. Jeon to meet alone for the missing case.

" Hojun, we found his car on near the beach in Daegu." The commissioner said.

" Daegu? Is he there? Did you find him Jung?" Hojun said in a hurry.

" No, Hojun. We didn't find him but according to the Daegu police they did find his car near the beach and also..."

" Also?" The commissioner sighed before speaking.

" We found his shoes near the shore. "


" It was abandon on the shore. It was the same shoe he wore in the party as seen on the picture you gave us. Also it was branded shoe. So no ordinary people would abandon "

" Do y-you... Do y-you mean... He... he..."

" We can't be sure Hojun. We didn't find anything that indicates that he committed su*c*de. No letters or notes. Nobody saw him too. But it can be the case."

" How can you be sure?"

" We can't be sure without finding his body Hojun."

" Then how can you say that?"

We are trying our best Hojun. For now we found his phone in the car. We retrieved the data on it. "

" There was not much information but..."

" But???"

" We found some photos and messages on it. Which indicates that may be it can be a suc*de."

" What? What type of photos and messages?" The commissioner took out the phone and keep it on the table.

" It looks like he was in love. Take a look at it. " He said pushing the phone to him.

" What? love? With whom?" Hojun asked.

" You will know the details on this phone Hojun. Once you read it everything will be clear." He sighed again.

"Also, The Daegu team are searching him all over Daegu. Near hospitals, hotels, or anywhere he can stay. Also, as it indicates that he could have drown on the ocean." Hojun heart sank on his words.

" We have also send a search party to search the body in the ocean. If they get any lead on the case. I will let you know immediately. " With that he left Hojun alone with the phone.

He took the phone with shaking hands. The phone was not locked. But only with the wallpaper his whole world crashed.


" WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" A furious Hojun asked throwing the phone on the table in front of Eunwoo. The moment the commissioner called whole family was there to see him. But he asked to meet Hojun alone. Mrs. Jeon, her daughter, Eunwoo and his parents were sitting in the hall, waiting for them to come back for some news.

Eunwoo was not interested but of course he has to show some concern to his in laws. And who knows if Jungkook never return he can over take his position and become the CEO. But his dream was crashed by the loud voice of Mr. Jeon.

All of them stood up seeing Hojun return in rage. Hojun rushed to the room and with a blink of an eye his fist landed on his face. Eunwoo fall down on the floor. Everyone was shocked. Mrs. Jeon and her daughter tried to stop him but Hojun was furious.


landed another punch on him. Eunwoo just covered his head letting him hit because


THOUGHT YOU ARE A GOOD MAN.... AND YOU DID THIS TO MY SON..... HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON HIM...." Hojun punched him one by one yelling on the pitch of his voice.

" Hojun stop.. What are you doing... Stop " Mrs. Jeon tried to stop him.

" He is our son-in-law... Stop this..." Hojun raged more when he heard the word son-in-law. This man. This man was his son-in-law? Even the thought made him mad and punched him more harder.

" HOJUN STOP" Mr. Kang yelled pulling him back. "HAVE YOU GONE MAD? HE IS MY SON."

"YOUR SON CHEATED ON MY SON" Hojun yelled back. And with those 3words the whole room went silent.

" What ? What are you saying Hojun?" Mr. Kang asked in shock. Where as all the other 3 women gasped simultaneously. Hojun picked the phone he threw on the table. He opened and showed the photos on it.

It was a photo of Jungkook and Eunwoo. Eunwoo was back hugging him, kissing his cheeks. There was lots of messages they exchanged in the 2 years of their relation ship. And also an unsend message that Jungkook typed but was never delivered.


You left today but I couldn't move on from this state. Did you really didn't love me? Doesn't the 2 years have any value for you? We had so beautiful relationship these 2 years. I cherished you and our relation. You were my only love. The only person who cared for me. But now you are gone too.

May be only I was in love with you. My heart aches seeing you with someone else and here you decided to marry my own step sister. My whole life she had taken everything I adore. May it be my plushie doll, my room, my friends or be it my father. She took everything from me. And now she took away you too.

All my life I worked hard to gain my fathers attention and love from my step mother and sister. But I could never achieve it. They never loved me. My father was always busy in office, he never had time for me. I always craved for their love.

You were the only person who provided me with love. And now as you left me I don't know what to do in this life. I don't recall any reason for why you are hurting me so much. You left me alone but still my heart calls for you.

I wish this is just a dream. Please tell me this is just a dark dream and come back to me Eunie. I miss you. I want to hug you I want to kiss you, I want to cuddle you.

But I know you are gone forever.

May be love is not meant for me.

You were my world and I lost my whole world today.

But even if I'm not happy be happy Eunie.

I love you


The letter was full of sorrow. When they finished reading the letter and seen the photos, everyone questioned Eunwoo. Though he denied for any relationship with him at first. After getting a punched from Mr. Kang he blurt out everything. He even blurt out that his step sister knew about their relation and still insisted on the marriage.

Being a man he gave in on his hormones and of course he had no desire to marry a man in the first place it was just an act to get him on the bed. Hojun and Mr. Kang was furious while Mrs. Kang was ashamed on her up bringing.

But even in this situation Mrs. Jeon supported her daughter and son-in-law.

" Hojun, Stop whatever happened it was just a mistake. They are childish. They did a mistake in their childishness. Don't punish them like this. And think once again. What will people say if they know you son was a gay. It was good that Eunwoo broke off the relationship. He is a disgrace on the family name to have a relationship with a man. Thank god our daughter saved us from the shame. " She said protecting her daughter. Hojun couldn't believe his ear. This woman whom he married thinking she can give some motherly love to his son turns out to be this devilish.

He never knew his son was suffering so much. He felt ashamed on himself for not taking care of his son. All these year he thought his so called wife took care of his son and daughter when he took care of his company. Turns out he failed being a father.

" Mommy is right dad. He was a disgrace on this family. Do you know what people says about homosexual person like him. He is a shame on the society. I saved our family from same. If I didn't persuade Eunwoo. Both his and our family would have to suffer from the shame in the society. " She said and hinted Eunwoo to say something to save their asses.

" Uncle. I know, I'm in the wrong. But he seduce me to be in this relationship. First I was not willing but then again I was a fool to be with him. She is right Uncle. She saved us from being a disgrace on this society. A man should be married to a woman not to a gay. He was a disgrace on this society. Right now you should not think about him Uncle. Think about your company. See how he left you our family and the company. He just become the CEO and he left the company stranded without a word. He was really not worth being a CEO." The more he spoke, the more Hojun raged in anger.

" You are right Eunwoo. He just took over the position and he is no where to be seen. Just because our daughter got married with the guy he loved, he abandoned his family, his office. He is not worthy of being the CEO. You should rethink about it. " His wife blurt again.

" May be you should think about making Eunwoo the CEO dad. He is now your son-in-law. He is much more worthy of this position than that man. It's good for us that he is gone on his own. Think how ashamed we would have been if this news got out in the society. People will mock us because of him. The CEO of the biggest company in Korea is a fag. Such a shame." Her words not only raged Hojun but Mr. and Mrs. Kang too.

A slap landed on her cheeks as soon as she blurted out the word fag. Hojun slapped his daughter hard.

" STOP WITH YOUR NONSENSE RIGHT NOW." Hojun yelled in rage.

" You have no right to call my son in names when you yourself is a disgrace in this family."

" Hojun how can you say that." Mrs. Jeon said dramatically gasping.

" YOU SHUT UP." He yelled again. " Today onwards. All three of you has no relationship with me or my company. You three can get lost. I'm disowning you as my daughter and you" He pointed at his wife. " You will get the divorce paper tomorrow. You better sign it and get out of my house."

" Hojun.." She was about to say something.

" Not a word." He said went up to his room.

" It's okay mommy. He is just angry right now. After Jungkook is gone. We are sure Eunwoo will have to take over the company. As we don't have any other heir in our family. " She said with a smile. Eunwoo smirked at her words.

" That won't happen any soon. " Mr. Kang finally said. All three of them looked back at him.

" I disown you as the heir of Kang corps." He said pointing at Eunwoo. His face paled in those words.

" Dad." He tried to say but Mr. Kang stopped him.

" Not a word." He said raising his hand to stop him.

" Even if Jungkook return or not Kang and Jeon will find a better CEO than you ever will be. Don't show your face to us ever again. " He said and went out without hearing their plead.
