I am Alive, Not Dead

The voice in my mind let Li Yuan a leng.He does do it for the money.Mother is sick, need 200,000 treatment costs, plus later recuperation, to prepare 300,000.When Li Yuan was three years old, his father died.He chose his own grave as if he knew he was leaving, left some money, and his life's work.And warned his mother, Li Yuan to learn what he left behind, but before the age of 21, can not expose the Yin and Yang gossip this matter, must behave like ordinary people.All these years, his mother put up a lot of trouble to bring him up.Li Yuan had learned all the things his father had left behind, and when he was twenty-one, he would use his skills to make money and make his mother's life easier.However, people have a sudden fate, mother because of heart disease in the hospital, Li Yuan had to use this invisible way to make money.Ding atThe phone vibrated.Li Yuan picked up the mobile phone, bank card to account 810,000.It really arrived at 810,000!What is this operation?The things Li Yuan has been exposed to since childhood are different from others, and the things he has seen are also different from others, but the things that appear in his mind now are beyond his understanding.What is the survival factor?"The system detects that you have less than a year to live, and when the survival factor is full, it allows you to survive."In my head, I heard that mechanical voice again."I have less than a year to live?" Li Yuan's face suddenly changed."Well, the system detects nothing wrong. But now the close call factor can change that.""Just remember that you can only get rewards three times a day in each way, and repetition does not stack rewards." Except in exceptional circumstances."Hearing the system's voice, Li Yuan couldn't help but ask, "What are the special cases?""You need a specific trigger to know that." "Replied the system mechanic."Good," said Hermione.Li Yuan's mood is quite complex, the emergence of this system makes people happy and worried, knowing that they are going to die, but also know how to crack the fate of death.Fate!The word in his mind shocked Li Yuan.He lived less than a year, and now he has six months to go before he turns 21. Does this matter have anything to do with his father's last words?There was no time to think about it, because Li Yuan saw the large color characters rolling on the screen in the broadcast room.Crayon Xiaoxin: Master, you speak!Li Yuangang learned about the life, but he soon calmed down.Ignore it."Does anyone else count?"The boss is terrible: Master, me!Li Yuan: "Do you tell fortunes, measure characters, or read pictures?"The boss is terrible: look at the appearance!Li Yuan: "OK, take a photo of you at this moment and send it to me privately."The boss is terrible: OK, Master, hold on.Soon after, Li Yuan received a photo of himself.This is a man in his forties, with a face of Chinese characters, regular and clear features, and a bright and smooth seal. The five mountains rise together, very full.The so-called five mountains refer to the south Mountain Hengshan on the forehead, the North Mountain Hengshan on the lower jaw, the middle Mountain Songshan on the nose, the East Mountain Taishan on the left cheekbone, and the West Mountain Huashan on the right cheekbone.As the saying goes, "The five mountains are in the court, and wealth is among them." The face of this man is rich and expensive.This guy doesn't need anything.Li Yuan's sight falls below the eyelids of the photo, the insidious palace is full, the insidious palace is full of children, the insidious palace is full, at least both children.However, although this person's insidious palace is full, under close examination, there are some differences.Insidious palace should be horizontal, but the front part of this person's insidious palace is vertical, and insidious palace vertical, the son and the woman, there are many white-haired people send black-haired people, or the children are weak and sick for a long time.Seeing this, Li Yuan had some understanding.Li Yuan: "In your life, you are very rich and have both children."The boss is terrible: big rich big expensive, children both. This is the so-called master!Crayon Xiaoxin: What's going on? Is the master wrong?The boss is terrible: I am over forty years old, and I have no children.The boss is terrible: The master? What a master of shit!Li Yuan frowned and opened his mouth: "Life, do not believe it is not, it is calculated and exported bad, the price will be very big."Without pausing, he continued, "Your sons and daughters should be about twenty years old now, twins."Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: The master has said so clearly, upstairs, you will not have any illegitimate children have not found it!The boss is terrible: Fuck your bastard!In front of a computer in a large villa, Zhang Guofang looked at the computer, as if something flashed in his mind.This person is looking for Li Yuan to look at the "boss is terrible."Li Yuan said twenty years old, let him suddenly think of something, he picked up the phone, dialed a number: "Help me check a person."In the broadcast room, strangely very quiet, came in a few people, watching the live almost static picture, some mask, or crayon small new to explain a new talent to understand.Crayon Xiaoxin: That boss is terrible. Are you still there? Say something!Crayon Xiaoxin: What a person! Just leave?For a while, the boss's terrible words popped up in the broadcast room: I have something now, if what the master said is true, I will apologize to the master for today's words.Say this sentence, Li Yuan will see the broadcast room system prompts, the boss is terrible to leave.Crayon Xiaoxin: What's going on? Am I right?Li Yuan: "He's already gone."Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Unfortunately, I thought there would be a story to listen to."When the host completes a single, the host is rewarded with 810,000, and the survival coefficient is increased by 0.1%." In my head, the system sounds again.Kari, Li Yuan already has 1.62 million, the mother's medical expenses and post-treatment expenses are more than enough.However, promised to count three free today, you have to speak out, do their line, especially pay attention to cause and effect.Besides, there is this narrow escape factor, which is the difference between his life and death.Li Yuan: "There is still the last one today, who will come?"At this time, there were already more than a dozen people in the broadcast room, and everyone was both curious and skeptical about this faceless fortune-teller master.There is really such a god () strange () fortune teller master in the world, or before the two are partners, together to cheat everyone.Crayon Xiaoxin: Master, me! Choose me!Li Yuan: "Not repeatable."Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin:...Just as everyone hesitated, a colorful barrage appeared.Life is precious: I come.Li Yuan: "What do you want?"Life is precious: Fortune-telling!Li Yuan: "Birthdate eight characters, private send me!"Not for a moment.Li Yuan received a birthday figure.He opened the drawer and took out a gold abacus. Li Yuan quickly played with the beads on the abacus.All I could hear in the studio was the crackle of an abacus.Crayon Xiaoxin: Oh, my God, Gold abacus! But is it really the case?Life is precious: There seems to be a lot of grain on it.Crayon Xiaoxin: I feel like I've met someone great.Paaaah!Li Yuan pushed the last abacus!Put your hands on the table in front of you.'Oh! Li Yuan gave a sneer. "I am alive, not dead!"