The Eight-Word Motto, People on the Water

Li Yuan grabbed the gold abacus, shook his hand, and snapped the abacus back to its position.

Crayon Xiaoxin: What's going on? Dead people?

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Oh, that life is precious, you say a word!

Life is precious: What I give to the master is the birthdate of my grandmother, who has passed away.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Oh, my God! Master is great! Give a birthdate, even life and death can be calculated.

Watching the subtitles roll in the broadcast room, Li Yuan sat there motionless.

Life is destiny, death is also destiny, so there is a saying: life and death have life, wealth in the day.

So his life, is not the number of life, this close to death factor, can let him survive.

For a long time, I still did not hear the mechanical voice in my mind.

It seems that this last divination, there is no reward.

Qian Liyuan is not very concerned, tonight's reward of 1.62 million, has been enough to solve his current dilemma.

But he cares about the survival factor.

"That's three for tonight. Goodbye."

Li Yuan voice does not like not sad, said and closed the broadcast room.

He took his bank card from his bag, got up and walked out of the house towards the hospital.

~ ~

On Zhang Guofang's side, he is sitting on a big chair in the villa, looking straight ahead, and his thoughts have drifted far away.

He hurried down the line, just suddenly thought of something that he needed to check.

Ding at

Cell phone rings at hand.

He looked at the number and slid down the answer button.

'Hello! Mr Zhang tried not to sound too anxious.

"Mr. Zhang, it has been found that Qin Factors is now living in her hometown Huaguang Village, and has a pair of twin sons and daughters."


Zhang Guofang's brain, as if there is a thunder burst!

Li Yuan's words echoed in his mind.

"In this life, you have great wealth and children."

"Your sons and daughters should be about twenty years old now, twins."

When he recovered his mind, the phone in his hand had hung up.

He sat motionless in his chair, his mind full of events from twenty years ago.

He was just starting out, and it was tough.

However, there was a woman with him at all times, and this woman was not his current wife, but the woman called the Qin Factor.

At that time, the Qin factor was his white moonlight, which supported him to push forward in difficulties and hardships.

Qin factor also tight clothes shrink food, silently accompany him.

At that time, Qin factor was pregnant, although the days were hard, but the two still looked forward to the birth of the child.

Zhang Guofang never dreamed that the Qin factor would leave.

And they lost their children.

Because the Qin factor is going back to marry a rich man.

He hated Qin's unkindness and unrighteousness and soon married his current wife.

But now, Qin factor's original child is probably not lost, then what is she doing all for?

If it is not for his fate to meet the live fortune-teller master, all this he will not be in the dark for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Zhang Guofang immediately landed on the live streaming platform, but the fortune-teller master has been offline.

In the profile of the fortune-teller.

No, he doesn't have a profile.

Others open live is for the fire, he opened live, it seems really like the broadcast room said: "wait for the fate of the people."

Zhang Guofang immediately shared the number of the fortune-teller master, and then dialed a phone.

"Keep an eye on it 24 hours a day, and let me know if he goes online or goes live."

After all this, he calmed down and began to plan to see Qin factors.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In another office building, Sun Shaowei also withdrew from the live streaming platform.

Knock, knock, knock!

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Sun Shaowei said flatly.

A female assistant pushed the door in.

This is the female assistant next to Manager Li in the purchasing department.

"Mr. Sun, here is a document for you to sign." The female assistant put the folder in front of Sun Shaowei.

Sun Shaowei picked up the folder on the table and slowly flipped through it.

"What about this material? The market price is only $12, but our purchase price is $20." Sun Shaowei pointed to the document somewhere in the text asked.

The female assistant glanced sideways at the document and said, "General Sun, this is the decision of Manager Li of the purchasing department, and it was agreed by General Wang and General Ma."

"Got it." Sun Shaowei dropped a few words, brush brush on the document signed.

With a slight smile on her face, the assistant turned and walked out.


Sun Shaowei smashed his fist on the table.

At the beginning, Wang Chaoyong and Ma Yanbo cooperated with the company, and they each contributed 300,000 yuan, and Sun Shaowei contributed 400,000 yuan, so Sun Shaowei is a major shareholder and serves as the general manager of the company.

Wang Chaoyong and Ma Yanbo served as deputy general managers.

The establishment of the company, three people to discuss, any resolution, must be passed by three people.

With this provision, many of the company's decisions are extremely correct, the company has been established for five years, the size has doubled, and the money invested by several people has already returned.

Just six months ago, Wang Chaoyong recommended Manager Li to be the purchasing manager, Sun Shaowei opposed, but Wang Chaoyong and Ma Yanbo supported, so Manager Li sat on the position of the purchasing department.

At that time, Sun Shaowei just felt that two people were just optimistic about Manager Li, and did not think much.

Two months ago, Ma Yanbo replaced the former finance manager with a new one.

Sun Shaowei was the first to stand up against it, but Wang Chaoyong and Ma Yanbo voted unanimously for it.

Since then, the operation of the company has gradually slipped out of Sun Shaowei's control.

The quality of the materials varies, but the price is much higher than the market.

There's a lot of red letters in the accounts over there.

At this time, even fools know that Wang Chaoyong and Ma Yanbo are trying to stand him up.

However, all of the two men are in accordance with the rules, after two-thirds of the vote can be passed, which is also the company's founding charter.

Sun Shaowei can not find any handle to prove the ambition of two people.

"Mr. Sun." Sun Shaowei's female assistant gently pushed the door out.

'What is it? Sun Shaowei asked impatiently.

"General Manager Sun, the appointed customer has arrived at Haicheng today, where do you think the appointment is?" The assistant whispered.

At this time, Sun Shaowei suddenly appeared in his mind the eight-character motto of the fortune-teller master: Sunrise east, mountains and rivers are safe.


"Let's stay on the water! Remember, book their private room called "Mountain and River".

The water house, from the location of Sun Shaowei, is just to the east.

"Ok, Mr. Sun, I will arrange it right away."

Thinking of the eight-word motto, Sun Shaowei could not sit still, he put on his coat and hurried to the water.

Sunrise east, mountains and rivers intact.

Sun Shaowei does not understand what this "sound" means, even if the business is negotiated, at most it is to increase the interests of the company, can not change his state of being overhead.

So what exactly does "safe" mean?