Strange Answers, Twin Fathers

Love in heartache: that Huang Daxian master, I have sent my birth eight characters to you privately, please check.

"Well, the old man has received it." Wong Tai Sin reached over his mouth and stroked his moustache, then began to stare at his mobile phone with a straight face.

Li Yuan has just calculated the situation of the eight figures, and now we are waiting for the calculation results from Wong Tai Sin.

In the studio, their respective fans cheered on Li Yuan and Wong Tai Sin.


Huang Daxian also took out his golden abacus and began to play with it.

Li Yuan stared at Wong Tai Sin's hands and understood the whole process of Wong Tai Sin's calculation clearly in his mind.

In fact, using a gold abacus to calculate the birth eight is similar to the usual abacus, which is to move the beads according to certain laws, and the final hexagram is presented on the gold abacus.

After about twenty minutes, Wong Tai Sin stopped his hands.

"Well, the old man has come to the result." Wong Tai Sin seemed to love to stroke his two-stroked beard, "But how can this answer be said fairly? What if I say it first and you copy my answer?"

Crayon Xiaoxin: What are you talking about, old man? The master will copy your answers!

Life is precious: I think it is better that the two masters write the answer on the paper and then present it together in front of us all.

The idea that life is precious is indeed a good one, and the following fans have agreed.

Anyway, everyone thinks the master they trust can't lose.

"I have no problem with that." Li Yuan began to say.

"I don't have a problem with that either." Huang Tai Xian also said.

See the two masters have no opinion, the fans in the studio are demanding immediately? ... Start writing.

Li Yuan reached out and took the whiteboard and whiteboard pen that he was going to put next to it, and brushed and wrote on it.

Wong Tai Sin took a pen and a piece of A4 paper and began to write.

When the answer was about to be revealed, the broadcast room was very busy.

There are many fans still continue to scold, think that the other side is a liar, support their trust in the master, there are many people in the warm discussion of the love heart in the pain of the child's father.

Everyone can't help but wonder, can the father of this child be found by calculating the birth date?

Can you tell me the name of the father?

If that's the case, it's outrageous.

In the midst of the heated discussion, Li Yuan and Wong Tai Sin have already written their answers.

"I've written it." Li Yuan spoke first.

"I've written it, too." "But from now on, we all keep our hands in front of the camera and cannot modify our answers," Wong said.

"Well, that's all right." Li Yuan said.

After saying that, he also took the lead to erect the whiteboard in front of him, and presented the answer clearly in the broadcast room.

And here Huang Tai Sin is not willing to lag behind, put up the A4 words in front of themselves.


See two people's answers, the broadcast room everyone meng.

Wong Tai Sin's answer read: The child was pregnant on July 1, 2021, and is now three months old, and the child's father was born on December 8, 1998.

The answer does not specify the father's last name, but it should be easy to find out who the father is based on the date of birth, unless the two men were born on the same day and at the same time.

What surprised us most was Li Yuan's answer.

I saw his answer: The child was conceived on July 1, 2021, and the father was born on December 8, 1998, and February 3, 1995.

The answer is a little crazy.

Before the people on Li Yuan's side had spoken, the people on Wong Tai Sin's side began to scold.

"It's so common these days for people to write ridiculous answers just to get attention."

"How can a person have two dates of birth?"

"I'm afraid I haven't read too many reborn novels!"

"Sensationalism is ridiculous."

Huang Tai Sin also saw Li Yuan's answer, for Li Yuan in the front part of the answer and his exactly the same, he felt that Li Yuan still has two points of ability, but the back part is also quite ridiculous.

"How can a person have two dates of birth?" Wong Tai Sin kept a straight face and looked as if he had been taught a lesson.

Although Li Yuan wrote the answer, people feel that they do not know how to explain, but there are still people who support Li Yuan.

Life is precious: you do not know, only on behalf of your ignorance.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Ignorant of you, we do not laugh at.

The boss is terrible: I believe the master will not be wrong.

There are others who echo this view.

Of course, some people think that Li Yuan is really grandstanding.

"I watched him live for two days and thought he had some skill. I didn't expect this."

"I've been following him, and as soon as I went live today, I was disappointed."

"Sure enough, not many people on the Internet thought it was real."

Li Yuan also saw everyone's evaluation of him, he did not worry, just opened his mouth to say a word.

"Everybody, before you talk, let me ask that love is in the heart of a question."

Li Yuan said that, sure enough, the people on the screen stopped typing, no more comments.

Love hurts: Master, you ask.

Until now this love in heartache also called Li Yuan as the master.

"May I ask, are you carrying a twin?"

Love is aching: Yes, Master.

A twin?

The audience in the studio was stunned.

A lot of comments popped up in the comments section all at once, but all kinds of question marks and exclamation points.

Others have raised a bold guess: Could the twins not have the same father?

Li Yuan also saw this speculation and he nodded gently.

"Yes, it is a good guess that her twins do have two fathers."

It is

Crayon Xiaoxin: Oh, my God!

Starting with the crayons, the heavens on the screen are lined up.

Others said: This information seems a little too much?

There Wong Tai Sin also did not think that the woman in the abdomen is actually twins, and the father of the twins is not the same person.

"Although he is indeed twins in the abdomen, it does not prove that you are right, the father of the twins may be two people, but this possibility is very small, there is a very large possibility that he is a person." So just because she's carrying twins doesn't mean that you're right." Huang Daxian said.

At this time, the mechanical voice sounded in Li Yuan's mind, and this single reward of 0.1% of his words and 810,000 awards have arrived. This means that his order is not wrong at all.

He also did not want to be entangled in the right or wrong to win for too long, so he opened his mouth and said: "In our line, we can see the fate of heaven, this should be self-cultivation, not competitive, otherwise it will affect the heart, easy to be crooked crooked holes." As for whether this hexagram is right or wrong, only the parties know best. If Huang Tai Sin wants to know the final result, he can check with the parties."

Li Yuan's words are sincere, which is also mixed with a trace of anger.

His father's record is three places to emphasize, let Li Yuan ring Jiao ring, and told him that in history there were two people in order to win or lose a win, from small to big, and finally led to thousands of people wasted lives.

Today, he agreed to the game, is already against his father's will, if still hold on to a win or lose, it is estimated that the father's coffin board can not press.

Lin Qingya side, for Li Yuan's answer is also very unexpected, she clicked on the love in the heartache of the account, and then shared to the next person.

"You go and find out for me who this man is and who the father of the child she is carrying is."