Memories, identity shock

With Lin Qingya's status, of course, she does not need to personally come forward, just need to command a voice, the people under the people will do this thing no problem. Why do you want to check that person, Lin Qingya himself also can not tell unclear, may she want to ask for proof, determine the answer in the heart.

In this life, she is only twenty years old, but she has experienced more than others in their whole lives.

All her relatives left her, do not know when, she understood that as long as she is good to a person, that person will have an accident, so gradually, she is no longer good to a person, a long time, they developed a cold character.

From that moment on, she knew that once a person's destiny is set, no matter how hard you try, you can't change it.

She did not know whether God had been too kind to her or too cruel to her.

From small to big, she did anything is not unsuccessful, others have to be serious about learning, do homework well after class, she dozed off in class, after class casually turn over the homework, can also be the first in the school.

It took years for others to learn how to draw, play piano, etc., and she could do it in a few months.

From small to large, she is the object of envy of others, people are beautiful, family conditions are superior, and excellent results in all aspects.

But no one knows that she is also very envious of others, very envious of those who take their parents home after school, very envious of those who have brothers and sisters good friends.

And she has nothing.

When she was born, her mother died in childbirth.

On her third birthday, her father went out to play with her and died in a car accident.

Later, Grandpa and grandma found someone to give her the calculation, every fortune-teller you are the same shaking his head, repeatedly sigh.

Finally, Grandpa and grandma spent a lot of money to invite several predecessors, and under their joint efforts, they changed the cemetery of the ancestors of the Lin family.

However, even so, grandma in Lin Qingya ten years old or left.

Finally, at the request of those seniors, after Lin Qingya was ten years old, he could not live with his grandfather, and he could only meet once a year, and after Lin Qingya became an adult, he could meet once in three years.

If not, Grandpa is likely to have an accident.

Several predecessors have been a great favor of the Lin family, can not stand grandpa's bitter pleas, a few people spend their efforts, for Lin Qingya count a glimmer of hope.

'The living dead!

This is the only clue they left Lin Qingya.

See for Lin Qingya figure out this only hope after, a few people instant old a big cut, Lin Qingya grandpa also dont have the heart to ask them, even so, a few people also consume quite large, go back after a sick, through the treatment around the world, save the life, but also announced from now on golden basin wash hands, old age.

Since then, Lin Qingya has inquired everywhere about the news of the living dead.

But nothing was found.

She also paid attention to a lot of this area on the Internet, but she found that many people are the generation of fame, even if there are a few people a bit of real talent, but with the original several predecessors far apart, even the several predecessors under the joint can not solve the problem, the online those who only a few skills can not solve.

See Li Yuan live that day, see Li Yuan live has some ability, so she used grandma's birthday eight characters to test him, did not think of but angered Li Yuan.

Although angry Li Yuan, but Lin Qingya is more happy.

This Li Yuan's skill is much stronger than those people on the Internet.

And this Li Yuan does not show up, there must be something hidden.

She has been very human since she was a child, so she has very human views on some things.

After Li Yuan's second and third live broadcast, she became more and more convinced of Li Yuan's ability.

This time the twins in the abdomen have two fathers, it is really strange to say.

Therefore, in order to determine the correctness of the final result, Lin Qingya is bound to find out the situation of the father of the child who loves in the heart.

Lin Qingya memories not many happy things, because of this just always remind her, to change their fate.

If this Li Yuan can help him find the secret of the living dead, then she doesn't mind handing over half of her Lin Group.

Wake up from the memory, Lin Qingya looked at the broadcast room.

At this time, the broadcast room has been arguing about Li Yuan and Wong Tai Sin whose results are correct.

But Li Yuan and Wong Tai Sin have very different attitudes.

Just now Li Yuan has stated that he does not want to argue about the outcome of this matter.

He was holding a Yellow Book in his hand, and although he could not see his face, he could probably guess that he was reading the book in his hand.

Wong Tai Sin is aggressive.

"Things have been like this, you don't want the final result, do you dare not want it?"

"The old master is a famous family, and has experienced decades of calculation and divination experience, the old husband will definitely not make mistakes."

For the attitude of the yellow Daxian, Lin Qingya also some dislike.

Although she was very small before, but saw that several predecessors, all are low-key and elegant generation, they are broad-minded, hollow.

This Wong Tai Sin looks very different.

Think about it, Lin Qingya began to type.

Life is precious: I will go to the parties to verify the final results, then announced to everyone.

But Wong Tai Sin quit.

"That can't be right. You're on his side, and who knows if you'll end up helping him."

Life is precious: I am Lin Qingya of Lin's Group.

Lin Qingya so a word, no gorgeous introduction, but let the broadcast room burst open the pot.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Oh my God, Lin's Group, not that Lin's group!

The boss is terrible: I think it should be, the Lin group I think no one should dare to impersonate, let alone impersonate the Lin Group's family.

Love in heartache: Lin's Group! Is that the Lin Group that's number one on whatever list?

Life is precious: My people will come to you soon, if you cooperate with my people, do a DNA test for your twins, I will compensate you 100,000 yuan.

Life is precious: and your... Boyfriend, if you cooperate with your DNA test, each person reimburses them $100,000.

Love hurts: I... Me... Yes!

At this time, the broadcast room began to heckle, teasing the love in the heartache, said that her boyfriend.

Huang Daxian is not unaware of the name of Lin's group, for Lin Qingya he knew better, the old man of the Lin family also asked his brother to approve orders for Lin Qingya, his brother came back and shook his head again and again, and warned him that he could not receive any Lin's group in the future.

His brother is what he is very clear, usually also heart is very proud, this Lin Qingya in the end is what life, unexpectedly scared the brother after all about the Lin group's single do not accept.

Although Huang Daxian was curious, he also kept his brother's words in mind, because he was afraid of losing and of dying.

Hearing the name of Lam Ching-ya again today, Wong Tai Sin is also a coward.

"Since Miss Lin has come forward, my old husband can be trusted."

Do not know whether Lin Qingya revealed the identity of the reason, the broadcast room for a time unexpectedly no one to speak.

Lin's group this behemoth who does not know, if accidentally said the wrong words, even if there is only one account, Lin's group want to find myself, it is very easy.

Then Li Yuan's voice sounded again.

"That love is in pain, although you only want to know who the father of your child is, but I will give you a few extra words." I'll give you a few extra words."