Getting Money and Keeping It

Blue sea blue sky: Listen to them say that the master you are very effective, introduced by a friend to come and see.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Yes, I told you that if I hadn't met the master, I might have been begging for food by the roadside right now.

The boss is terrible: the master is really very accurate, but also the master let our family reunion.

Blue sea: To tell the truth, I am also desperate, I did not believe in these before, but now I can only hope on this.

Crayon Xiaoxin: You are right, the master can definitely show you the way.

Blue sea: But now I am penniless, ruined, I would like to ask the master I can make a comeback?

Crayon Xiaoxin: You didn't say what you were going to test? As usual, do you measure characters, faces, or birthdates?

Without waiting for Li Yuan to open his mouth, crayon Xiaoxin said.

Blue sea and blue sky: measuring characters.

"Well, what word are you going to measure?" Li Yuan asked directly.

Bihai Qingtian: The first word of my screen name! Measure the word "Bi".

Li Yuan looked at the screen and did not write on the whiteboard, but directly asked: "Bi, jade also, what you asked for, is related to jade?"

Blue sea and blue sky: Yes.

Crayon Xiaoxin: How about it, master awesome!

Blue sea and blue sky: This one is easy to guess, not surprising ().

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Cut!

Li Yuan ignored the attitude of the blue sea and the sky, and continued: "The jade in the stone, what you ask for, is the gambling stone, can it be right?"

Blue sea and blue sky: That's right, Master continues.

"Gambling stone, let you lose everything, you ask if you can make a comeback, in fact, all this, has been in this' bi 'word." Li Yuan's voice is never sad or happy, it sounds flat and light.

Blue sea and blue sky: All in this word?

Crayon Xiaoxin: The master said it was there, but you and me and other ordinary people can't see it, if you can see it yourself, you won't be here.

Blue sea and blue sky: Please master's advice.

"Waterless jade, Wang Bai sitting stone, ninety-nine to one, take money and keep intent."

Li Yuan said that, but also directly put sixteen words on the whiteboard.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Damn, last time I was given eight words, this time it is directly turned into 16 words.

Blue sea blue sky stared at Li Yuan wrote on the white board sixteen words, and then deeply printed in the mind.

Blue sea blue sky: no water jade, this gambling stone is the stone inside the water, no water, how can there be jade.

After Li Yuan had said this sixteen word motto, he said no more words, just as he had given the crayon a little new eight-word motto.

Blue sea and blue sky: Wang Bai sat stone, how to solve this sentence? I really can't guess.

Blue sea and blue sky: Ninety-nine to one, take money and keep the intention, this word and sentence I know, but together, I do not understand what they represent.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: This motto is to break themselves, the master can not say, if you do not understand, it means that you are still some of the fire, want to stage a comeback is estimated to be difficult.

Blue sea blue sky: Thank the master's advice, I will study these 16 words, and so I understand the mystery, surely come back to thank the master.

Blue sea Qingtian said Li Yuan will see him quit the broadcast room.

The boss is terrible: Master, I think if you charge, it is estimated that you will soon earn tens of millions of dollars.

Crayon Xiaoxin: I see the master is young, and does not charge, is there a mine at home?

From the two began to discuss, the broadcast room unexpectedly began to guess the identity of Li Yuan.

Everyone from Li Yuan does not accept money, do not accept gifts to infer, have speculated that Li Yuan must be a rich second generation, but also a very rich rich second generation in the family.

Rich second generation, and young, ability and big, so that many mother-in-law powder and wife powder excited.

"Well, master, my daughter is 18 years old and very young and beautiful. I sent you the photo privately."

"Master, my daughter just entered junior high school, Master can play a few more years, when my daughter comes of age."

"Master, I am sweet little anchor, I am unmarried oh!"


Here we go again!

Li Yuan support forehead!

"Just sent me a private photo I saw, this woman is gifted, is a good material for study, the future must be a pillar of the country, do not delay her future for these things."

As soon as Li Yuan opened his mouth, he was his old job.

Hearing Li Yuan say this, the person who sent the photo to Li Yuan was immediately elated.

Because what Li Yuan said is very effective, Li Yuan said that it must be.

She thanked Li Yuan thousands of grace, but also repeatedly rewarded a lot of things, this just quit the broadcast room, to go to her daughter to do good food.

"Marriage, pay attention to a fate, can not be forced, we do not mention such things in the future." Li Yuan stressed.

After saying that, Li Yuan also no longer speak, he opened live, but also casually, although he would like to be countless in a day, his fate will change, but he knows that this kind of thing can not be forced.

Now, his coefficient of resurrection has been 1.1%, to the crayon small new, the boss is terrible, life is precious each calculation, got 0.3%, to the flower shorts, love in the heartache and tonight's blue sea and blue sky calculation a chapter, and got 0.3%, in the taxi to save the seven good people, suddenly got 0.5%, add up to 1.1%.

If he had taken a hundred steps to change his mortal fate, he had now taken a little more.

Life is precious: The teacher last time you read the Tao Te Ching to us, I felt after listening to God () clear air, originally some chaotic brain was suddenly sober, otherwise, you read to us again.

Crayon Xiaoxin: So you have this feeling, I thought it was my own psychological effect.

The boss is terrible: my feeling is similar to Miss Lin's feeling.

Other people who have heard Li Yuan read the Tao Te Ching have come forward to say that they do have some strange () strange feelings after listening to it, but it is very comfortable.

Li Yuan where do not understand their meaning, the reason why they listen to comfortable, because Li Yuan read the Tao Te Ching, using the "ninety-nine reading method", the interval between each word is different, nine words later, and repeat.

This "ninety-nine reading method" sounds simple, but it is not easy to learn, reading different books, the speed required is not the same, which requires a strong brain memory, but also needs temporary strain ability, experience and intuition to judge what speed a book should use.

"Well, if you ask, I'll read it again." Li Yuan said.

"Remember the big taboos I said last night, I repeat it again, in case the newcomers don't know." Before we chant the sutras, we have to ask you several points, first, can not listen in the husband and wife bedroom or the couple is intimate, second, is eating meat or cooking meat can not listen, vegetarian dishes are fine, third, can not listen in the basement or tunnel. Once again, if any of them meet the above conditions, they should quit the broadcast immediately."

Li Yuan's voice became stern.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Everyone listen to the master clearly.

Life is precious: if you do not listen to the words of the master, the consequences will be at your own risk, and we Lin's group will accompany you to the end.

Lin Qingya is very clear that Li Yuan has such a great ability but only in this way, there must be a reason why he has to do so, now, she does not allow anyone to disturb Li Yuan.

Li Yuan saw almost, just like last time, began to read the Tao Te Ching.

And the blue sea and blue sky out of the broadcast room, on the hard to think about the mystery of the sixteen words of proverbs.

However, until the call urging him to go out came for the third time, he could not think of it.

"Forget it, go to the gambling ground first, and then think about it slowly, I will not buy stones this time."