The Waterless Jade, Wang Bai sat Stone

"Ah, I said old fan you won't be down!"

Old Fan is blue sea and blue sky, his name is Fan Yun.

The guy who called to ask him out was the guy he used to hang out with.

"What nonsense, come on!" But how can you admit that he's a dead end.

No, it is not the end of the road, there is still the master's sixteen words to him, as long as he has cracked the Master's sixteen words, there is still hope.

He skillfully got on the car of his good brother, but he did not listen to a word of what his good brother said, and at this time his mind was full of the sixteen proverbs given to him by the master.

"Waterless jade, Wang Bai sitting stone, ninety-nine to one, take money and keep intent."

What the hell does that mean?

"Oh, what did you say? What kind of water? What kind of jade? What kind of money?" The brother next to him saw him speechless and said a few words, and suddenly a little stand and monk confused.

Fan Yun then realized that he was unwittingly telling the master.

He shook his head on his mobile phone and smiled wryly: "Nothing!"

"Well, brother, haven't you had too much of a shock lately? I can't understand what I'm talking about." His brother shook his head, "Why don't you take a break for a while, and tomorrow you'll go and have a look first, don't shoot."

He knew that Fan Yun had lost everything last time, and if he failed again this time, he would face a mountain of debt.

"Yes, I know. I have my own plans." Fan Yun nodded and leaned back in his chair, and what came to mind was still the master's sixteen words of proverbs.

But until the gambling market, he has not understood what the sixteen words of proverbs mean.

"Maybe I really have no chance to make a comeback!" Fan Yun thought to himself, and then followed his brother out of the car.

He secretly made up his mind that if he could not understand the mystery of the master's 16-word proverbs in this life, then he would never touch this stone again.

Nevertheless, as soon as he walked into the gambling arena, the habit developed over the years, his eyes were still on each stone to observe and linger, subconsciously analyzing which stones may be jade, which stones can not be jade, what jade is jade and so on.

At the same time those 16 words are still echoing in my mind.

"Old Fan, will you show me if there is water in this stone?" A brother nearby pulled him to look at a rock in front of him.

"This stone has a good color. I think it should yield jade." Fan Yun looked at it for a while and then said, "But although there is jade, this kind of jade should not be very good."

For this level of jade, Fan Yun is generally not very interested.

Last time, he lost because he bet on a stone that he thought contained jade.

But I didn't think to cut it off, but it was nothing.

The brothers took Fan Yun to look at the stones one by one, but Fan Yun was not very interested, because each stone was not in line with the master's sixteen words of proverbs.

"Old Fan, how about you look at this one again? I feel like there's something good in there." Next to the brother excitedly pulled Fan Yun to see a piece of jade.

"I'm dead, and you still believe me?" Fan Yun looked next to the brother asked.

"How to say, you are indeed lost once, but your eyes rarely see the fork, say not believe it, I do have some confidence in you, say it!" But my heart is beating." Brother Fan Yun answered honestly.

Fan Yun smiled and did not comment on his brother's attitude towards him.

"Ah, old fan, this is the eighth stone to see today, go that way, this gambling ground will come to an end." Fan Yun brothers hold Fan Yun.

Fan Yun looked over there, and indeed, there were no more stones.

"Then let's go back!" Fan Yun sighed, it seems that today is not able to understand the sixteen words of proverbs.

"I'm tired of walking for so long. Let's sit down over there." Brother Fan Yun said this, and went straight to a stone chair not far away and sat down.

Fan Yun was about to walk past when he saw a man walking towards his brother.

"Lao Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your health is getting worse and worse. You even have to sit here and rest." The man smiled and sat down next to the Fan Yun brothers.

"Aren't you the same? Why else would you sit down?" Fan Yun brother angrily white next to the person at a glance.

Fan Yun walked over and just wanted to sit down when his brother introduced him: "Let me introduce you, this is my good brother Fan Yun, and this is Bai Yuehalf, do you know old Fan?" It is because he was born in the month half, so his father and mother directly changed his name to the month half..."


Fan Yun now had no idea what his brother was going to do next.

Wang Bai sitting stone?

His brother happened to be surnamed Wang, and the man sitting next to him just happened to be surnamed Bai.

Am I Wang Bai sitting Stone?

Is the meaning of Wang Bai sitting stone so simple, a person surnamed Wang and a person surnamed Bai sitting on a stone?

But if not, is there really such a coincidence?

Then the Master's first words came back to him.

"Jade without water."

This water, which they all know at this time, does not mean the water they drink, but does the water refer to whether the stone contains jade?

So when his brother asked him if there was water in the stone, he was asking if there was jade in the stone.

Waterless jade may not mean that this stone has no water, but that everyone thinks that this stone has no water and is discarded by everyone.

The jade without water, the royal white stone.

Fan Yun glanced at the stone chair in front of him, and the first two sentences were correct.

There are two sentences: ninety-nine, take money keep meaning!

Ninety-nine to one?

Fan Yun's eyes suddenly lit up. He remembered what his brother had said just now.

This is the eighth stone they have looked at today, and if the stone chair in front of them counts as their looking stone, then this one happens to be the ninth stone.

Ninety-nine, one. Is that what it means?

Yes, it must be, it must be!

Fan Yun's chest heaved and his face turned red. He stared at the stone chair in front of him, and the answer was right in front of him.

"Ah, old Fan! Old style!" Lao Wang, the brother next to him, suddenly slapped Fan Yun on the shoulder.

"Huh? What is it?" Fan Yun suddenly came back to himself.

"I see your face is not right, if it is not comfortable, we will go back first!" Lao Wang thought that Fan Yun had not recovered from the blow of that incident.

Not feeling well?

Fan Yun touched his face!

No, he felt comfortable, too comfortable!

If the master is really accurate, and if he is not wrong in understanding, then this stone chair is the hope of his Fan Yun's comeback.

"Lao Wang, I want to buy this chair!" No one expected, Fan Yun actually said such a sentence.

"I can't do that. This stone chair is for people to sit on, not for sale." Lao Wang took Fan Yun's hand, he felt that Fan Yun was too stimulated.

"No, I must. Get the boss." Fan Yun had a firm divine look on his face and seemed to have some special emotion for the stone chair.

"Ok, OK, I'm going to find the boss, you wait first." Lao Wang is really worried about the situation of Fan Yun, quickly ran to find the boss.

By this time, several people had heard the conversation and gathered around.

"This is the first time I've heard of buying stone chairs at the gamblers."

"No, it's really weird."

"Oh, isn't that Fan Yun? Will not be stimulated, the brain is not good!"