Nature, a Broken Nose

The speaker was a middle-aged man of about fifty, who, as he spoke, bowed slightly to the dean and looked rather sad.

Sell the orphanage?

Hearing this, Li Yuan quickly walked over.

"Granny Dean, are you..."

The dean, a 70-year-old grandmother, forced a smile when she saw Li Yuan's wrinkled face.

"Xiao Yuan, you are here, how is your mother's health?"

When Li Yuan is free, he will basically come to the orphanage, even if he has no money, it is good to contribute.

He hasn't been here for a while since mom had surgery recently.

Li Yuan came to the director's grandmother's side and eagerly asked, "Is this to sell the orphanage?"

'Ah! Grandma sighed, "The Yunhai orphanage was originally the ancestral property of Xiao Song's family, Xiao Song's father gave it to us to use the Yunhai orphanage, but the industry is still their family, and now the economy is depressed, they can't turn over the money, they want to sell this place, give us a smaller place."

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?" Li Yuan said anxiously.

The dean's grandmother patted Li Yuan on the back of his hand, "I know you are a good boy, and recently you have a lot of things at home, so I didn't tell you."

The middle-aged man who spoke before did not interrupt the conversation between the two people, but stood aside and listened to the two people patiently.

Grandma Dean did not blame the middle-aged man, she looked at the middle-aged man, kindly said: "Xiao Song, this is not to blame you, your father is a great good person, how can we Yunhai Orphanage bite the hand that feeds you?"

The middle-aged man's eyes turned red when he heard the mother's words. "I am sorry for the Yunhai Orphanage, and I have failed my father's expectations."

"It doesn't matter, the children will have to suffer a little if they change places." Song, thank you for bringing so many people to help us." Dean grandma in turn comfort middle-aged man. "That's all, let's go! Tomorrow you can show people around."

Grandma Dean said that, the first to go towards a car, but Li Yuan felt that the back of Grandma Dean, more bent than before.

"Mrs. Dean, please wait a moment." Li Yuan took a few steps over and pulled the dean's grandmother.

Then Li Yuan helped Grandma Dean to one side and sat down. He said softly, "Grandma Dean, you take a rest here. I have something to talk with Uncle Song."

Grandma Dean sighed, did not stop Li Yuan, "good boy, go!"

Li Yuan came to the middle-aged man's side and politely said: "Uncle Song, can you borrow a step to talk?"

The middle-aged man looked at Li Yuan up and down, and saw that the young man in front of him was only twenty years old, but he walked steadily and his eyes were sharp, as if he could see through the world at a glance.

The middle-aged man nodded, and then the bearer went to the corner of the yard at a certain distance from the crowd to see what the young man had to say.

"May I ask if this little brother has any advice?" Song Kaifu, a middle-aged man, spoke first.

Li Yuan smiled: "Listen to the dean grandma called you Xiao Song, then I take the liberty of calling you Uncle Song, you don't mind!"

Song Kaifu also smiled and said, "Of course I don't mind."

Li Yuan nodded: "My name is Li Yuan, received some favor from the dean grandma, just saw Song uncle home to the Yunhai orphanage, so some words want to say privately with Song uncle." Li Yuan explained why she had sought him out.

"Well, Xiao Li, you can say it." Song Kaifu is not shy.

"To tell you the truth, my father used to be a fortune-teller, and I learned a little from him." Li Yuan introduced himself to: "Just specially for Uncle Song a face."

Li Yuan tried to use the tone of some members, after all, without the consent of others, privately to others face, snooping on others' privacy, easy to be unpleasant.

Hearing the introduction of Li Yuan, Song Kaifu was also surprised, the child is young, is actually a fortune-teller, but look at this age, I'm afraid I really learned some fur!

Today's young people, too young to know modesty,

"To tell you the truth, I don't really believe it." Song Kaifu did not believe these, plus now some urgent, afraid of delaying things, so do not want to listen to Li Yuan said.

"Honestly, if it wasn't for the Sea of Clouds Orphanage, I wouldn't be telling you this." Li Yuan tone light, "I just do not want to change the place of Yunhai orphanage, if Uncle Song does not want to listen to, then let it go, Yunhai orphanage I will find a way."

After saying that, Li Yuan turned and left.

Song Kaifu slightly sideeyed, this young man, quite proud, perhaps, really have some ability.

"Ah, the little nephew is too arrogant, Uncle Song didn't say not to listen to you, come and come, let's sit down here and talk." Song Kaifu took Li Yuan's wrist and walked to a pavilion next to him.

After sitting down, Song Kaifu directly opened his mouth and said, "Just now Uncle Song has sinned, and asked his nephew Haihan."

Mr. Song smiles and speaks honestly.

This man, Li Yuan calmly looked at ten thousand Song Kaifu, changing his face so quickly before and after, he was really a powerful businessman.

However, the man's face is neutral, that is, the nose is right, not a wicked person, but his nose, there are some problems.

"Has Uncle Song ever heard of facial expressions?" Li Yuan asked.

"I've heard of it, but I don't know it." Mr. Song replied.

For Song Kaifu's answer, Li Yuan is not surprised, ordinary people, more or less also heard of this physiogonomy, but mostly just heard that you can face it, do not know the principle of cause and effect.

"As long as this physiognomy refers to the eyebrows, eyes, mouth, nose, and ears of a man, the main part of his wealth lies in this nose." Li Yuan looked at Song Kaifu's eyes, "Uncle Song's nose is correct, it can be seen that Uncle Song is a correct person, but..."

'But what? Song Kaifu leisurely asked.

Li Yuan continued, "But did your nose get hurt? Although you had corrective surgery, it did not restore the height of your nose."

Song Kaifu listened, slightly side-eyed: "How do you know this?"

His nose was injured last year, at home accidentally fell, the nose is broken, he went to a big hospital for corrective surgery.

At that time, the doctor also asked him if he needed to restore his previous height, he waved and refused, he is not a beautiful man, the nose is a breathing organ for him, what about a higher point

However, the doctor also told him that his operation would not leave a trace.

So, except for a few people, no one knew he had a broken nose.

Li Yuan smiled: "All natural, the formation of human features also need to be regular, from your mountain roots can be seen, your nose should be higher."

"All laws are natural." Song Kaifu this time, re-look up Li Yuan, see Li Yuan from the beginning to the end of a indifferent, not impatient, this general style, than those who have been severely educated second generation disciples are also stronger on a few points.

Suddenly thinking of something, Song Kaifu asked: "The nose is a person's wealth, you mean, because of my nose, affect my wealth?"