The Best of Both Worlds

"HMMM! Li Yuan nodded.

"It's... This is impossible! Just because of a nose has affected my fortune!" Song Kaifu was incredulous, "This is also a little too far-fetched."

"Yes, you know how a broken appearance can affect a person's fortune in every way, right? Although you do not appear to have broken your appearance, in fact you have broken your appearance." Li Yuan explained, "People's faces are actually like feng shui, and every tree and grass in a feng shui bureau will affect the feng shui of the place, and so will people's faces."

Song Kaifu still some do not believe: "According to this, if you find a rich and expensive looks according to plastic surgery, it is not everyone can be rich and expensive."

Li Yuan shook his head and said: "Not so, take feng shui as an example, a place with poor feng shui, we try to change it, and can only improve it on the basis of its original, but it cannot turn a bad feng shui into a good feng shui." Physiognomy is the same, as the saying goes, painting the skin of a tiger is difficult to paint the bones, and the change only changes some appearances, which may improve his fortune, but it cannot completely change it."

Hear Li Yuan a explain, Song Kaifu is understand not understand.

"Do you mean I can get my fortune back if I just try to get my nose back to the way it was?"

Li Yuan shook his head, "The phase is broken is broken, want to restore as before that is impossible, you want to restore to the previous fortune, may not be able to do, but the difference should not be big."

Just after the speech, the mechanical voice in Li Yuan's mind rang again, and also rewarded him with 0.1% of the coefficient of death and 810,000 cash.

The system rewards, it will not be wrong, and from the first day he opened the live broadcast to now, not online or offline, he has not made a mistake.

What Li Yuan said made Song Kaifu suspicious, Li Yuan did not ask him to fully believe, as a shrewd businessman, he could not fully believe what Li Yuan said before he had gone through practice.

"Of course, these must be inconceivable to you, I have said all that I should say, if Song Uncle Ken Bo once, this is your opportunity, but also the opportunity of the Sea of Clouds orphanage." Li Yuan is not ready to say more, the words have said to this part, if he still dont believe, then Li Yuan will find another way to arrange the orphanage.

Offered to meet him, but only for the sake of the Sea of Clouds orphanage.

Song Kaifu subconsciously looked up and down at Li Yuan, as if thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Then, he looked back to see the dean's grandmother, as well as the children looking around the house, half ringing, he said: "Well, originally sold here is also helpless, if there is a way to have the best of both worlds, that is the best."

"Uncle Song can think like this, that is the best, but there is one point also please Uncle Song promise, I meet you, please do not tell others, let alone tell others, I will do this thing." Li Yuan said.

'Good! Song Kaifu agreed to the first floor.

Li Yuan and Song Kaifu said a few words, two people together to the dean grandma side.

"Aunt Dean, Nephew Li has shown me a way, if it is feasible, then the Yunhai orphanage will be saved, I will go back today." Publicly bowed to the dean's grandmother, and then left with a few people.

Grandma Dean was puzzled for a moment, "Xiao Yuan, what does he mean?"

Li Yuan smiled and patted the back of the hand of the dean's grandmother, and said, "He is going to try the method I told him, but the dean's grandmother, I believe he will not come to sell this place again."

Li Yuan said that, holding the dean grandma into the house, the other people a listen here will not be sold, are also very happy, each to have packed things back in place.

"Brother Li Yuan!"

As soon as I entered the room, a large group of children, large and small, surrounded me.

The children's clothes have been washed white, but a small face white, the spirit is also very good.

Li Yuan greeted them one by one, and there was a beautiful little girl who had been holding Li Yuan's calf and did not let go, Li Yuan Yi Le, bent down to pick up the little girl.

He looked at the big and small more than twenty little dots looking at him, soft in the heart.

"I tell you that brother Li Yuan has a job, will you please eat delicious food today?"

'Good! "Roared the little ones in unison.

The oldest is twelve years old, the youngest is only one year old, the younger ones are taken care of separately, and the older ones go to a closed middle school.

At this age, it is the time to eat and play, but for the orphanage, to ensure that their staple food nutrition, four seasons clothes have, other can not be guaranteed.

Kids here, they only see everyone eating and drinking on TV.

"Well, what would you like to eat?" Li Yuan asked loudly.

"I want roast duck!"

"I want a Coke!"

"I want a hamburger!"

"I want to eat lobster!"


The little ones are babbling and talking.

Li Yuan and even some of the little ones of the old fan actually flowed saliva.

This is how much to eat ah!

The same dean grandma saw in the eyes, but the heart is very anxious. "Xiao Yuan, I know you love these children, although you have a job, but still save some money, your family still needs money!"

"Don't worry, Grandma Dean, I know what I'm doing." Li Yuan blinked his eyes.

"Ah, you boy." Grandma Dean knows Li Yuan.

I still remember the first time I met this child, he was only seven or eight years old, a shopping mall to engage in activities, she led a few staff to help distribute leaflets, make some money.

Shopping malls are also free to distribute small snacks, the child looked at, finally got a loaf of bread, but did not eat, carefully placed in the arms, ask only to know that his mother is sick, this bread is for his mother to eat.

In this way, she followed Li Yuan to his home, took care of Li Yuan's mother for a few days, and since then, Li Yuan and her mother often come to the orphanage to help, and sometimes bring some snacks to the children.

The dean found that Li Yuan, no matter what the child does, is very measured, take the money, he will keep the mother's salary every month, the expenditure is clear, to buy the children, it will save in other places.

So, today, she did not control Li Yuan too much.

Li Yuan sat down among the children and took out his mobile phone.

"Let's get you some takeout then! Well, line up the youngest to the oldest, and the youngest first."

Li Yuan just finished saying, the children began to line up. Not even the little girl in his arms.

Li Yuan beckoned, standing in front of the little kid came over.

Li Yuan turned on his phone and asked him to choose what he liked to eat.

The kid orders food and drools all the time.

When he orders, it's on to the next one.

And just like that, the song order took almost an hour.

The ones in the front have been delivered, the ones in the back are still being ordered.

But the kids do have a rule, they don't eat until everyone else arrives.

Looking at a lot of food in the room, Grandma Dean's glasses are almost scared off.

However, she also felt that Li Yuan had a sense of proportion, and even ordered such a lot of things.

She quickly pulled Li Yuan, blaming: "You child, spend so much money to do!"

Li Yuan hey hey smile: "Not much, not much, look a lot, in fact, not expensive." It's just over $5,000!

But he didn't say it.

The whole room was filled with the innocent laughter of children.

When he left, Li Yuancai told the director Grandma that he wanted to donate one million yuan to the orphanage.

When Grandma Dean heard $1 million, she felt like her heart was breaking.

"Tell me, boy, where did you get your money? I can tell you, a man may be poor, but he must not do illegal things."

Li Yuan had to explain that his work customers know the Yunhai orphanage, everyone donated.

Li Yuan said the face is not red breath is not panting, it is indeed his customer to give.

Leaving the orphanage, Li Yuan took a car home.

In the car, he couldn't help thinking again about his father's last words.

Why did father keep him from showing his skills until he was 21?