I Will not Listen to Dissuasion

Father's last words, mother didn't tell him much.

But he was not to reveal his true ability until he was twenty-one years old, which his mother repeatedly warned him, and it must have been repeatedly explained by his father.

The system also says he has less than a year to live, but he's only six months away from his 21st birthday, six months apart.

What's the connection between the emergence of the system and his father's approval of his life?

I don't think a father can figure out something like a system.

The system said he wouldn't live a year, and my father said he'd show his true abilities after 21.

Then, during this period, something will happen, which is very serious for him and will directly affect his life safety.

He is now in good health, not ill, and if it is not ill, then it is disaster.

This disaster will kill him!

Is this disaster natural or man-made?

How would the mortality factor of the system allow him to avoid this disaster, and would he have avoided this disaster without the system?

And so far, he doesn't even know what the disaster is.

Father specifically told him not to reveal the skill before the age of 21, is this disaster because he is Mr. Yin and Yang caused by this thing, in this case, why does father want him to continue to learn this skill, if the disaster is caused by this, father should let him not learn this skill ah! Why don't you just be a normal person?

There are many questions in Li Yuan's mind, now the mother is not in good health, he also does not want to let the mother worry, when the mother is better, he decided to ask the mother some situation.

And I'm afraid there are some things, even the mother does not know it!

Was fascinated, Li Yuan suddenly heard the driver in front of the master called him.

"Little brother, little brother!

"Huh? Master, what is it?" Li Yuan was surprised to see the look of the master, as if he had called him many times.

"Do you see if this is you?" Driver master pointed to his mobile phone, Li Yuan to the above a ladle, sure enough, it was him.

This is a screenshot of the taxi he took that day when he went grocery shopping with Huang Su Su.

Strange, why are they intercepting it?

Li Yuan remained impassively, neither denying nor admitting.

The driver teacher saw this and quickly explained: "Little brother, don't misunderstand, this is the driver who was looking for you that day, and sent your photo to our group, he said that you have a very important thing left in his car."

Something important?

Li Yuan thought about it, and he didn't lose anything recently!

Is the master looking for him?

Think of the car that day, Li Yuan secretly felt that things may be some variables.

Li Yuan slightly frowns, or he is a moment of soft meddling, his fate of the great catastrophe has not been any clue so far, now he does not want to get involved in this matter.

"Little brother, you really have met a good man, and this big brother is famous for being a good man, chasing after your things." The people in front of Li Yuan did not deny it, it was a default, he went on to say, "This big brother, to tell the truth, really some rotten good people, last time in order to help an old man who fell down, but also was falsely 200,000."

The driver was like a storyteller, rambling on about the big brother to Li Yuan.

"You know the recent flood, this big brother actually donated one hundred thousand, you know that in our line of work, it is good to save several thousand pieces a month, he was robbed of two hundred thousand before, and now he donated one hundred thousand, plus he often does good deeds, and spends a lot, that hundred thousand, probably all the savings he has left!"

"Honestly, such a person, stupid, but, stupid enough to be admired." The driver sighed, "He did stupid ah, there are many ah!"

Li Yuan knew that the man he met before was a good man of the seventh world.

But before he only knew the title of the "seven benevolent people", but he did not think deeply about what good he did, and now listen to the master in front of him, it makes Li Yuan some moved.

In today's society, people are not indifferent, but people are afraid of themselves, and they are not willing to put themselves into trouble with kindness.

That's why people like the Good people of the seventh generation are so precious.

Just then, the driver's phone rang.

"Well, yes, yes, you tell him."

The driver took off the earplugs directly and handed them to Li Yuan, "Even if the big brother wants to talk to you."

It turned out that the driver in front of the master has met his things sent to the group.

Li Yuan hesitated for a moment, or took the earplugs, first listen to what happened.


"Well, Sir, I'm sorry to ask you this way." On the other side of the phone, a man's voice was apologetic.

"It doesn't matter." Li Yuan said faintly that these seven kindhearted people were also a wise man who knew to find him in such a way, rather than directly publicize the truth of the matter.

"Well, didn't I say that there was another person who rented a taxi at the same time as me?" The man on the other side of the phone was afraid that Li Yuan could not remember specific things, and repeated it again.

"HMM." Li Yuan didn't say anything extra.

The other side continued, "I told Sir What happened, as you told me, but he didn't believe me and thought his fall was an accident. He disobeyed me and left the hospital the next day in his sports car."


Li Yuan cursed secretly.

The other side continued, "But the next day, his wife called me and said that her husband had not returned at all, and I thought about the river that you said he might have passed, Sir, I had asked him and he told me, so his wife and I took a taxi directly there, and it turned out that the taxi was really there."

I knew something was wrong and rushed over, only to see him lying on the steering wheel, unable to wake up, as if he were asleep."

"Look, Sir, can you come and see?" They asked very carefully.

"Where are you? Let the driver take me to you." Li Yuan's tone can not hear the anger, he finished speaking, directly took off the earplugs to the driver master.

The driver took the earplugs and said a few words: "OK, um, got it." He hung up the phone.

He saw Li Yuan from the beginning to the end did not smile, as if not because of their lost things lost and happy, although the heart felt strange () strange, but did not say anything more, perhaps people have something troubling it!

He drove and soon stopped at the gate of the People's Hospital.

The good people of the seventh generation are waiting there.

Li Yuan took out his mobile phone, just want to scan the code, the seven benevolent people are the first to pay the fare.

The driver is even more strange () strange, this other people return his lost things, but also help him pay the fare?

Li Yuan got off the car, the seventh benevolent man will lead him into the hospital.

"I won't go into the hospital. Let's sit down somewhere and talk a few words." Just in the car to think a lot, before he had not sorted out a clue, he did not want to contact too many people as Mr. Yin and Yang.

"Okay, okay." The good man of the seventh generation nodded repeatedly, "Then Sir, this way please."

The seventh benevolent man led Li Yuan into a teahouse next to him.

The seventh good man ordered tea and then said, "Something happened to him that night when he was passing by the river. I don't know if it had any effect or not."