A Dead Woman's Face

The man's eyes widened in horror and his body shook.

"You... You guys That..." The man raised his hand and pointed to the willows, but he could not say a complete sentence.

Zhen Shanren and Lin Qingya nature is to see a man shocked appearance.

Lin Qingya heart terrible, she worried that Li Yuan will encounter danger.

Although so far, Li Yuan's performance has been so enigmatic, but after all, Li Yuan is still so young, perhaps inexperienced.

Her pace quickened with anxiety.

Zhen Shanren felt Lin Qingya hurry, also accelerated the pace.

Finally, the two men dragged the woman to the side of the road.

At this time, I saw the man on the road pale, he was still looking straight ahead, as if he was too frightened, and he had forgotten himself.

Zhen Shanren put the woman on the side of the road, was ready to get up, and heard the screams of Lin Qingya.

What on earth did this iceberg beauty see that made such a terrible scream.

Zhen Shanren turned his head, saw Lin Qingya has run towards the river.

He followed the fingers of his good friends and looked toward the willow tree, and under this look, he was scared and took several steps backward.

I saw the river under the willow tree, there was a female body load on the water, too far away to see very clearly, but you can see that the female body is standing upright, the upper half of the body floating on the water.

It is

I think this is the girl's body.

All this, in Li Yuan expected.

He chose to remove the damnation on the woman by the river, just to solve this matter once and for all.

Always want to break through the black gas in the lady appeared at the moment, all gathered to the side of the female corpse.

The dead woman's black hair all blocked the face, Li Yuan could not see her face clearly.

I saw her slowly toward the willow side, want to go ashore from here, just, the willow side has been scattered down the glutinous rice in advance, the female body near, the glutinous rice is like sulfuric acid, in the female body blips with black gas.

"Li Yuan, are you okay?"

When Li Yuan is concentrating on the observation of the female corpse, suddenly remembered the voice of Lin Qingya behind him.

"Why are you down here? I told you to stay on the side of the road." Li Yuan said with wrinkled eyebrows.

"She... she I'm afraid you're in danger. ' Lin Qingya pale face, face and fine beads of sweat.

"I'm all right. You shouldn't have come down. It's dangerous." See Lin Qingya is obviously scared, but still desperate rushed down, Li Yuan heart moved, "we spread black glutinous rice in advance, she temporarily not to come."

Lin Qingya looked at the lady constantly trying to land, nervous body shaking.

"She can't come up on all that ground!"

Li Yuan saw this and walked over, "Come on, grab my arm, you won't be so nervous."

Lin Qingya obedient stretched out his hands, tightly grasped Li Yuan's arm, felt the temperature on Li Yuan's arm, Lin Qingya feel nervous feeling slightly better.

Seeing Lin Qingya slightly better, Li Yuan said this time: "There are rules in the water, and there are rules on land, and it is very difficult for a body in the water like this to go ashore, except for those very strong bodies that can go ashore at will, other bodies can only go ashore from where she jumped into the river."

Lin Qingya understood this: "So, you just sprinkled black glutinous rice under this willow tree." "

"Well, glutinous rice has the effect of exorcism, especially black glutinous rice, this woman's body is only three months of time, only because a complaint has not disappeared, there is a fury, its spiritual intelligence is not complete, the breath is not big, if she wants to force up, may have no bones." Li Yuan added again.

"Then why don't you just destroy her?" Lin Qingya asked.

"Because she died a pitiful death, she hasn't killed anyone so far, and I don't want her to have a chance to be a human being in the next life." Li Yuan's tone is ordinary, and he does not show a sigh because he sympathizes with the girl's suffering.

On the contrary, he only thought that this was a common thing, because his school of ancestors had left advice not to give up the afterlife unless it was absolutely necessary.

Just then, more people suddenly appeared on the bank.

Those people are talking to Zhen Shanren.

After a while, there was a couple who walked down with the help of their hands.

"You must be the girl's mother and father!" Li Yuan said to the old couple who had walked in.

The old couple stared closely at the dead woman in the river, and there was not a trace of fear. On the contrary, their faces were full of sadness and tears.

"Yes, we are." 'said the man.' You told us to come! "

Li Yuan nodded.

"Thank you, I know, that is our girl, the dress she wore on the day of her engagement, her mother took him to choose it personally."

When the man spoke, tears were streaming down his face.

"I called you here, is hoping that you love forever influence your daughter, I could have let her disappear, but I want you to try, she is trapped for love, for love to die, after death did not swallow the last breath of resentment, became an evil corpse, only find someone who truly loves her, it is possible to resolve her emotional injury." Li Yuan explained.

"Thank you." Men don't know what to say, they just keep trying.

"Go over there! Remember, remember, don't go straight into the river. Don't get any water on it." Li Yuan stressed.

"Yes, thank you." The man said again.

"Daughter." The woman could not bear the sadness any longer and cried, "It is mother who is not good, it is mother who did not protect you."

The woman said, running toward the willow, the man followed closely.

The woman ran over and just came to the willow, but she tripped and fell down under the tree.

She did not stand up, lying there, looking directly at the lady in the river, did not feel that the lady in the river had any terror.

"Baby, mommy said that no matter what happens, you will always be mommy's baby, and now, no matter what you become, you will always be Mommy's favorite baby, you know?"

"It's all mom's fault, it's mom who didn't stop you from being with that bad guy, daughter, how can you leave mom? What will Mom do when you leave?"

"Bei Bei, mom sent someone to take you back, but you don't want to go back, are you angry with mom?"

At this time, the female body again toward the shore, but suddenly hit on the black glutinous rice, the body again issued a burst of black smoke.

"Ah! Baby, does it hurt?" The woman was very distressed, "You don't move, Mom come and look."

With that, the woman ran toward the dead woman.