With the Fate of Heaven, I will destroy the evil

The man next to him was startled, threw himself at the woman, and hugged the woman.

"What are you doing? Don't kill yourself." 'roared the man.

"Husband, look, that's our daughter!" The woman was crying her heart out and her face was distressed.

"I didn't know it was our daughter, but if you go down there now, she won't recognize us." Men are also very distressed.

The dead woman in the river was burned by black glutinous rice, and floated far away, one meter away from the river bank.

At this time, she saw someone approaching, slowly raised her head, as if looking forward, but her hair was all down on her face, and she could not see the expression on her face, and she did not know whether her uncle was looking here.

"Becks, I'm daddy, do you hear me? You are a good boy, go home with your parents!" The man's voice broke as he looked at his daughter's body in the cold water.

The wet body quietly suspended in the river, do not know whether she understood the grief of her parents.

"Honey, do you remember when you were little, your mother told you that no matter what you become, your mother will love you, please come back." The woman was crying her heart out.

Lin Qingya clutched Li Yuan's arm tightly, her face pale and her eyes red.

"Did my mother love me so much that she left me?" Lin Qingya voice some hoarse.

Li Yuan looked at her and said slowly: "Although it is a little cruel, but you are true, your life, gram, are your most dear and favorite people, but also the people who love you most."

The breeze blew Lin Qingya's hair to Li Yuan's face, and heard Lin Qingya say: "But I have not heard the voice of my mother, when I was a child, I often held the clothes my mother used to wear, want to smell the taste of my mother, each of my mother's clothes are fragrant, leading me to think that it is the smell of my mother, and later I knew that it is the aroma of my mother."

"I grew up without a father." "But I know my father loves me very much."

Although they were talking, their eyes were firmly fixed on the dead woman in the river.

After the burn of sticky rice just now, the female body once again floated far away, just look at her appearance, and did not give up.

She lifted her head slightly upward again, as if aiming.

Li Yuan knew that this female corpse was actually without spiritual wisdom, and it was not quite right to say that there was no spiritual wisdom, she now only had a complaint, and an obsession, and she now only dominated her body with such an obsession.

Just like the wife of Zhen Shanren's brothers, she just wants to find a man with a total white head with an obsession.

In Zhen Shanren brothers home, Li Yuan asked the woman who was wrapped in black gas where the new home, the woman did not say, at that time Li Yuan guess, she said the new home, is the bottom of the Xiaoliu River.

When he came here, sure enough, he felt the dead woman floating up from the bottom of the river.

If her body had been raised for burial, then her evil spirit would not have survived, and would have gradually dissipated into heaven and earth.

It is because of the support of the dead woman at the bottom of the river, so this bad breath will form a bad breath, there is a certain climate.

However, after all, this female body did not form for a long time, and did not cause a murder, so now ordinary black glutinous rice can prevent her from going ashore.

This time, however, the speed of the dead woman seemed to increase, and she used a faster speed than before, and tried to rush towards the shore.


Where the woman's body came into contact with the black glutinous rice, there were bouts of black smoke.


After all, the dead woman has no spiritual wisdom, and she slipped and fell on her back to the ground.

Her disheveled hair spread out to reveal her pale face.

Three months had passed, and the corpse's face had not even a hint of decay, except that it was pale with blood.

"Bei Bei! The dead woman's mother cried out in pain.

The female body was originally dead in the water, in the water she can still have some skills, can avoid the body, but came to the shore, just like a person who can not water fell into the river, coupled with the existence of black glutinous rice, the female body fell to the ground, the back of the black smoke, but how can not climb up.

She lay straight, empty eyes () looking at the sky, that appearance, I do not know is no expression, or endless despair.

"Bei Bei."

The dead woman's father looked at his daughter's body being corroded by glutinous rice, and his heart ached. I saw him walk three steps at a time and take two steps. He gently picked up the dead woman and quickly walked into the river.

"Don't." Li Yuan let out a loud drink and hurried out, but he was too late.

All this happened so fast that by the time Li Yuan ran past, the dead woman's father had entered the water.

Li Yuan did not think that just now there is a rational father, in an instant should do such a thing.

Then the woman, who had not struggled in the least, sprang to life, and her black hair tangled itself around her father.

The woman's mother reacted, she wanted to jump into the river, but was pulled by Li Yuan who came behind.

"Bei Bei, no, he is your father!" "Cried the woman.

Li Yuan, regardless of many, a hard hand, brought the woman back.

"Elegant, you look at her." That said, Li Yuan put the woman to Lin Qingya side, turned and jumped into the river.

"Li Yuan!" Lin Qingya grabbed the woman's hand and shouted toward Li Yuan.

"I'm fine." Li Yuan said.

Now he had to rescue the dead woman's father, whom he had called, and he didn't want to see anything happen to them.

At this time, Li Yuan some chagrin his indecision, if he simply cut some, directly to eliminate this evil gas black fury, these things will not happen.

The dead woman with her father has come to the middle of the river, Li Yuan ignore so much, a jump into the river, struggling to swim forward.

To stay near, I saw that her father has been blue, more gas intake less.

"The original understanding of your poor death, with compassion, let you enter reincarnation, but you are stubborn, then don't blame me don't be polite." Li Yuan said, grabbed the dead woman's father's hand, with just grabbed a small stone cut his finger, blood followed.

Li Yuan reached out his right hand and touched it, his index finger immediately covered with blood, and then quickly began to draw in the air.

"Life has life, death sometimes, death does not end, evil is difficult to eliminate, with the life of heaven, eliminate evil and punish evil!"

Li Yuan stopped. There seemed to be an invisible energy fluctuating in the air.

Once this symbol is out, the dead woman will disappear and cease to exist.

"Big brother, show mercy."

The dead woman's father suddenly burst out a tremendous strength, and suddenly blocked the front of the dead woman.

The punishment of evil charm has an effect on evil charm, but it has no effect on people, and it flaps on the body of the dead woman's father.

Female corpse felt Li Yuan's powerful, the body instinct let her feel frightened.

Her empty eyes looked at Li Yuan, and for an instant, Li Yuan seemed to see the emotion that flashed through her eyes.

The dead woman's father seemed to have used the last of his strength, and now he looked completely blank, and his pale lips moved and moved, trying to speak.

"Baby, daddy loves you, next life, daddy will protect you." The dead woman's father said, and his head fell down.

Li Yuan was startled and quickly reached out his hand to hold the body of the dead woman's father.

Just then, Li Yuan seemed to hear a voice: "Father!"