The Power of Love, A Fivefold Reward

"Dad! Dad!"

Difficult voice sounded in Li Yuan's ear.

Li Yuan heart suddenly, quickly raised his head.

The woman in front of me had removed her hair from her father's neck, and her hands were stretched out straight, dragging her father's body.

Li Yuan, ignoring much, grabbed the woman's father and swam toward the shore.

"Huh?" Li Yuan suddenly felt a light on his hand.

The dead woman behind her disappeared, and as a result, the gravity in her hands suddenly disappeared, Li Yuan knew that it was the dead woman dragging her father's body below.

Li Yuan in the river fast forward, in fact, more is the female body pushing him in the walk.

To the shore, Li Yuan hurriedly put the dead woman father on the ground, began to give him first aid.

Beside the dead woman mother cried more sad.

"My child, this is your favorite father, how can you do this?"

A woman is in pain, if her favorite daughter really killed her husband, this kind of grief makes her feel trembling, and there is no hope of living.

Simply, the female body is just a long time by the female body hair wrapped around the neck, resulting in dyspnea, temporary coma in the past, after first aid, there is no life danger.

At this time, the female body is wandering in the water, looking up to this side, although the eyes () are still empty, but more humanized things.

"Dad ~ Dad ~" The body of the woman stood in the river, quietly looking at the bank of the river, and the mouth struggled to make this sound.

"Bei Bei! The dead woman's mother was surprised to find that her daughter was calling her father, and suddenly cried with joy.

The dead woman heard her mother's voice, raised her head, and looked at her mother with empty eyes: "Dad ~ Dad ~"

"I'm not a father, I'm a mother!" The woman walked slowly over, crouched down on the bank, and spoke softly to her daughter.

"Ma ~ Ma ~" the dead woman shouted in the same difficult voice.

"Yeah, I'm Mom!" The dead woman's mother burst into tears, "My mother never dreamed that in this life, I could hear you call me mother again."

"Mom, Mom," the girl repeated.

'Ah! The dead woman's mother cried and promised, "Baby, come quickly, Mom look at you."

The dead woman looked at her mother without moving. She did not seem to understand what her mother was saying.

"Come, come! The dead woman's mother beckoned to the dead woman.

The dead woman seemed to understand, and she swam slowly toward her mother.

This time, Li Yuan didn't stop him.

From the moment the dead woman started talking, today they succeeded.

The body of the woman has been close to the shore, only, she has not dared to get closer, she looked up, empty eyes straight at the mother.

The dead woman's mother reached out her hand and touched it on your head: "Bei Bei, be good!"

"Ma ~ Ma ~", the female body actually does not remember anything, this sound of mom and dad, just a little consciousness that remains in her subconscious.

It's just, like that, the dead mother is satisfied.

She tried to reach out her hand, gently touched the face of the dead woman, the cold piercing feeling made her heartache: "baby, mother is not good, mother loves you."

At this time, the dead woman's father has also woken up, he slowly walked to his wife's side, followed his wife, and reached for his daughter.

"Bei Bei..." Dead woman father choked, thousands of words, but can not say a word, can only squat there, crying helplessly.

"Bei Bei, seeing you like this is worse than ripping out Dad's heart." The dead woman's father knew she didn't understand a word he said.

"Dad ~ Dad ~", the woman's throat issued a difficult cry.

This sound father, completely let the man tears collapse, he slipped half of his body into the river, a female body into his arms.

The mother of the dead woman saw this, and also followed the father of the dead woman, and the husband and wife tightly held the dead woman in the middle.

"Honey, mommy said, no matter what you become, you will always be mommy's baby."

The family hugged tightly together.

Li Yuan and Lin Qingya quietly stood aside, who did not speak, do not want to break the quiet moment.

Lin Qingya bite lips tightly, eyes red, trying not to let the tears flow down.

"Cry! No one saw it." Li Yuan whispered.

'Yuck! Lin Qingya reached out and gently wiped the tears that were about to fall.

At this time, Li Yuan saw that a thread of black gas was drilling out of the woman's body and dissipating in the air.

"She's going away." Li Yuan sighed and said.

'What? Lin Qingya does not understand.

"What sustains this dead woman is the evil spirit that she did not swallow in the end, and the source of this evil spirit is the emotional injury, her parents have influenced her with love, and she, this corpse, will become a real corpse." Li Yuan explained.

"Dad ~ Dad ~, mom ~ mom ~" the female body shouted word by word, "Bei ~ Bei ~ good, will ~ listen to ~ words!"

Dead mother tears collapse, this is Bei Bei made mistakes before, will be clever to say a word.

"Ma, Ma, sing!" The dead woman's talking slower and slower.

The dead woman's mother seemed to feel something, tears fell on the dead woman's head, she tried to suppress the pain in her heart, began to sing the sleep song that Beibei listened to every time she slept.

"Sleep, sleep, my dear, and mother's hands rock you gently, and the cradle rocks you fast and easy, warm and easy in the cradle."

At this time, the woman's empty eyes have been tightly closed, she is so quietly lying in the arms of her parents, as if it is really asleep.

"Honey, mommy loves you." The woman held her daughter tightly in her arms, straightened the hair from her face with her hands, and kissed her pale forehead.

"Honey, mommy loves you." The woman wiped the water off her daughter's face with her hand. "Come on, Mom and Dad, take you home."

The man looked at his wife and daughter, quietly picked up his daughter, and came to the shore.

He took off his clothes and let his wife spread them on the floor. Then he put his daughter on top of them.

"Here you are." Li Yuan took off his clothes, too.

Men understand,

'Thank you! He took the clothes in Li Yuan's hands and covered his daughter on his body.

Then, he took out a domestic fire of a domestic mobile phone, shook off the water on the phone, unlocked it, and dialed a phone.

After all that time in the water, it still works.

"Come in your car!" He only said one word, then hung up the phone tired. Obviously, he had communicated this beforehand.

Things have been solved, Li Yuan also dont want to stay here more, while the couple immersed in sadness, with Lin Qingya quietly went to the road there.

Just came to the side of the road, received the reward system, this reward, actually more than usual five times.

"Whoo whoo!

Just then, the sound of a police car was heard in the distance.