Kidnapping people. I can't believe it

The shrill sound of police sirens roared up and stopped on the road not far from the two men.

"Listen to the people on the other side, you are surrounded, please do not move." A woman's voice came from the police car opposite.

Li Yuan and Lin Qingya looked at each other, the above people, should only Zhen Shanren and his brother husband and wife two, surrounded by the police, is they?

Both of them stopped at the same time and stood quietly in place to see what had happened.

On the road, Zhen Shanren three people looked at each other, for a time do not know what happened.

Three police cars were parked not far away, flashing lights and blaring sirens warning people that something was going on.

"Three people in front, please raise your hands." The woman's voice inside the police car was heard again.

At the same time, the harsh light shone on the three men.

The three men then knew that the police were looking for them, and when had the three seen such a battle before, they quickly raised their hands.

Then, the door of the police car was opened, and several uniformed police officers came out of it, the first of which was the policewoman who shouted.

"All three of you, hands on your heads, back to us, get down!" The policewoman continued to shout.

Where dare the three people not from the slightest, quickly hands on the head, back to the people, obediently squatted down.

The female police officer nodded to the people next to him, and several people next to him nodded knowingly, and then the female police officer rushed over with several people.

Several people respectively launched a search of three people, in addition to Zhen Shanren that brother found a knife on the body, nothing else was found, after confirming that three people had no weapons, a line of police this relaxed.

"Bring witnesses!"

The policewoman shouted at the police car.

In the police car over there, a policeman came down with a woman in her thirties.

"Look, do you mean one of them?" The policewoman said to the woman.

The woman came forward, under the light of the police car, looked at the faces of the three men, and when she saw Zhen Shanren, the woman suddenly said loudly: "Officer, it is him, I am very impressed by his clothes and this look, he was tied with a rope."

The woman pointed to Zhen Shanren's friend's wife, "Because the two of them were dressed too strange () and the face painting was also very strange (). This man came to take a taxi and I didn't want to pull them, but I was afraid he would hurt me, so I pulled them here."

The woman said a, Li Yuan side heard clearly.

From these words, Li Yuan probably guessed that Zhen Shanren's brother tied his wife to take a taxi, but the female driver mistook it for the kidnapper and called the police.

The female officer waved her hand, and the policeman led the woman down.

She looked at the wife of Zhen Shanren's brother squatting on the side and whispered to her: "Now you are safe, you can stand over here."

Zhen Shanren brother's wife just woke up, woke up and found himself in the Xiaoliu River, suddenly stupid, did not understand what the situation, the police came.

Now she is still a little confused, he stood up muddily: "Comrade police, what happened?"

The female police officer looked at her face, could not help but frown, or patiently said: "We received a report that you have been kidnapped, you take a look, is not this man kidnapped you."


With some hindsight, she explained, "Comrade police officer, although my mind is confused now, I can assure you that this is definitely not a kidnapping, because this man is my husband and the other man is my husband's good brother."

After the woman's explanation, the female police officer found that they seemed to make a mistake.

"Ma 'am, are you sure?" The policewoman asked again.

"Yes, I'm quite sure." The woman answered in the affirmative.

"Well, in that case, please come with us." A female police officer is clearly not going to define the nature of this case by the mere words of a woman.

"Well, we'll go with you." The woman kicked her husband in the ass.

Her husband quickly agreed, "Yeah, we'll go together."

"Take them to the car." 'commanded the policewoman.

Then, the police around him took Zhen Shanren three people into the police car.

As Zhen Shanren walked, he looked back at Li Yuan's place and seemed to want to talk, but he didn't know what to say.

"What are you two doing here at night?" The female police officer suddenly asked Li Yuan and Lin Qingya two people not far away.

Seeing Li Yuan bare-chested again, my mind could not help but have some pictures.

Li Yuan smiled, "Nothing, just take a walk."

The female police officer did not have the intention of inquiring into the bottom of the matter, at this time her eyes skipped over the two men and threw to the edge of the willow tree.

Because the lamp on the police was shining, she could basically see the general situation around her, and from her Angle, she could see that there was a person lying there, exactly, like a dead body, and there were two people guarding the body.

"You, two of you, come and see with me." The female officer said, and then pointed to Li Yuan and said, "Watch them both."

The policeman nearby was ordered to do as he was told.

The policewoman and the two policemen ran quickly to the willows.

"I am detective Shi Jing. We have found an unidentified deceased. Please cooperate with our investigation." Shi Jing three people holding a gun, opposite the two people said.

The two people opposite raised their heads, and Shi Jing saw their faces clearly.

'It's you!

Shi Jing shocked, these two people not long ago lost their daughter two couples?

She was the one who had to deal with it, not even their daughter's body.

"What are you?" Ms. Shi had several encounters with the couple, and they didn't seem like people who would break the law.

The couple also clearly recognized Shi Jing, and the man said with red eyes: "Officer Shi, my daughter is coming up."


Shi Jing some can not believe, has fallen into the river for three months, how can you come up again, even if the blisters, also long ago only a pile of bones!

Shi Jing reached out his hand, skillfully touched a pair of gloves from the body, and then walked toward the woman lying on the ground.

She gently undressed the dead woman and a pale face appeared before her.

How could this be? The face, except for being pale, showed no signs of decay.

Besides, she knew the face. She'd seen a picture of the victim.

So, now the body, it's their daughter?

Knowing that makes it all the more impossible.

"Why did you come to retrieve your daughter's body tonight?" Shi Jing has too many doubts.

"We didn't catch it. She got up by herself." "The man explained." We were told that my daughter would be up tonight. We were told to come and get someone."

Someone called?

Shi Jing noticed that next to the willow trees, a few meters had been scattered, and the side near the river had obvious traces of burning.

Think of the clothes on the dead woman's body.

Shi Jing surrendered the eyes bare-chested Li Yuan.