I'm in a bad mood

"Melon and peanut mineral water! Free little benches!"

"Master, don't turn off her mic, I'm in a bad mood, I want to have fun."

The comments in the studio were all over the place and hilarious.

The woman in the camera jumps up in anger and looks at the camera with a mocking smile.

"See, I'm at home, I'm lying on the couch right now, and I want to see where this bloody disaster comes from."

The woman then went straight to the sofa, holding the phone in one hand and smiling triumphantly at the camera.

The people inside the broadcast room were dumbstruck, which directly lay on the blood disaster how to come.

Will the ceiling fall down?

I thought that, and then the camera flashed.

'Ah! There was a scream from the woman.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Oh, my God, what happened?

Madman: That's a harsh cry.

I don't smoke: I'm more curious about what's going on!

The camera panned for a minute and the woman reappeared in the studio.

"I dropped my phone, it's okay!" The woman said, pretending not to care.

The boss is terrible: such an old man.

The earth is round: too terrible, want to strangle.

Crayon Xiaoxin: No, what do you see under her nose?

I don't smoke: Oh my God! Isn't that a nosebleed?

Madman: Is this nose collapsed?

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: This nose is actually padded, this face, padded nose useful?

Seeing the comments, the woman quickly reached for her nose to wipe.

'Ah! The woman let out another piercing scream.

He got up from the couch in a hurry and ran to the bathroom.

And then, it's just a flash, and then a clang.

'Ah! The woman's scream came again.

"Did it sound like a fall?"

"Hey! Aunt, are you alive?"

"Should I call her 112?"

Then the sound of a woman's pain rang out in the broadcast room.

"Ouch! It killed me!"

"Ouch! I've broken all my bones."

Then the woman was heard walking with great difficulty.

The people in the studio just laughed.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Master, please take my knee.

Madman: Yes.

I don't smoke: if I don't listen to the master, I will suffer.

I can't see anything from the camera at this point. The phone must have dropped somewhere.

Li Yuan just sat in a chair and watched everything quietly.

What happened to the woman had nothing to do with him, it was just fate.

There the woman did not break the wheat, Li Yuan did not hang up, the people in the broadcast room waiting to see the play.

So many loyal fans, what's a little curiosity to satisfy them!

About three minutes later, the camera panned again.

The woman appeared in the studio with a big face.

She had a hand on her forehead with medical cotton, and her face was stained with blood.

The woman looks at the camera and trembles slightly.

"Master, I beg your pardon for how much I have offended you just now."

The woman looked frightened, quite different from the arrogant and domineering appearance she had just had.

"The master is truly a man of God, but the fool should die!"

The woman's appearance was frightened by the accuracy of Li Yuan's prediction that she had a bloody disaster.

Wow, that was a blast in the studio.

"If I had known this, why should I have started?"

"Just so scold the master, I think it is better to kowtow and confess!"

No sooner had this comment been posted than the woman fell to her knees.

"Master, just now it was the foolish woman who spoke unkindly, I kowtow to the master and confess my mistake." The woman's voice trembled and she looked very frightened.

Li Yuan did not ask her to get up, but said coldly: "I accept anyone's questions, but do not accept any bit of abuse."

"You not only scolded me, but also scolded my parents, kowtowing, I don't need, but they do."

"Yes, yes, yes! The master says so." The woman looked frightened, hearing Li Yuan's words, she knocked her head on the ground.

It's just, with her fat body, she looks especially funny.

"Master, it is I who have no eyes, please master adults ignore the villain, do not care about the villain."

I don't smoke: little man! No matter in terms of age or body, and small does not match.

Madman: There's a side!

Crayon Xiaoxin: What is it?

The boss is terrible: the same question.

The earth is round: +1

I don't smoke: +1

Life is precious: brain!

Crazy man: Upstairs right solution.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Oh, my God!

Inside the broadcast room, everyone immediately understood and began to ridicule the brain capacity of women.

At this time, Li Yuan received a reward from the system, saying that Li Yuan accurately saw the woman's blood disaster.

Li Yuan did not expect that this can also be rewarded, it is also an unexpected joy.

The woman kowtowed and admitted her mistake, Li Yuan did not say anything, and did not feel forgiven her.

He is generally not concerned about people, if it is a personal gain or loss, others sincerely apologize, he can laugh it off.

However, the woman not only insulted him, but also joined his parents, which Li Yuan could not bear.

Dad spent his life trying to give him a chance.

Although his father did not teach him, nor did he accompany him to grow up, but his father is still important in his heart.

Mother, not to mention, a person to pull him up, endure hardships, can not tolerate others to say a word.

That woman over there is still kowtowing.

Li Yuan started and snapped the microphone.

Just connected, is to let everyone see her blood disaster, now the blood disaster has been fulfilled, so there is no need to connect to the mic.

The people in the broadcast room all worship and fear Li Yuan more.

A super feng shui master. It's really scary.

"The master is so divine."

"I watched the master live last night, and I was lucky enough to take a photo of a peace charm. Guess what?"

"Upstairs, the traitor killed you.

"Ha ha ha, my grandmother has been having trouble sleeping recently. Last night I put the tranquilliser under her pillow and she actually had a good sleep. She is much better today."

"Is it so amazing? I got a placenta, but it didn't work."

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: I have the most say, today, otherwise, a small life may...

Peace and joy: Yes, thank you for giving me the placenta, and thank you to the Master.

"Is the main character coming too?"

"What's the matter? Tell me."

The original peace and joy is Wang, Sun Shaowei invited him in.

Wang has not spoken, just quietly watching everything happening in the broadcast room.

He thought the master was an old bearded man, but the voice turned out to be that of a young man.

For the beginning of the two things, directly subvert Wang's cognition.

The ghost that disappeared, and just the God prophecy, if not Sun Shaowei pulled him in, he would think that this is but a self-directed hoax.

However, he had seen the power of the magic, he knew that all this was not false, and his fear of Li Yuan deepened.

At everyone's request, Mr. Wang briefly explained what had happened. It made everyone in the production cry.

Yesterday Li Yuan hung nine charms, some people grab but not used, now can not help but feel that the charms in the hands of some precious.

"Although the first order ends in this way, it is already completed, and the next one is the War of Flames for March."