One Hundred Years of Good Luck

Fiberhome March: Hello, Master.

"Do you approve orders, measure characters or look at faces?" Li Yuan asked his old question again.

Fenghuo Lian March: Master, I measure words!

"Okay, what are you reading?" Li Yuan asked.

Beacon fire March: I love to write two words on weekdays, as I send to the master to see.

"All right." Li Yuan promised that the word measurement is not a single method, others write by hand, measured is likely to be different.

Soon, Li Yuan received a picture, a simple "Fu" character.

In fact, this word does not have any characteristics, regular, but from the pen of the person's strokes, you can still see many differences.

'Good handwriting! Li Yuan said: "Smooth writing, the whole pair of words in one go, natural but not clever, you can see that you are a personality unrestrained person."

Fiberfire March: Sort of! I think I'm cool, but I'm just a floating grass between heaven and earth.

"In this life, you don't need to worry about food, clothing, and housing, but there is one thing about you that is not very good." Li Yuan continued.

Fiberfire March: Oh? Master, speak.

"The bad part is your marriage." Li Yuan added.

Beacon fire March: Master say see marriage where is bad?

"You've been on so many blind dates, you even set a wedding date once, but it all fell apart and now you're still single."

Fiberfire even March: The master is really powerful, all said right.

"It's all in your words." Li Yuan looked at the word on the phone and said, "The word of blessing, from the word alone, consists of 'show', 'one', 'mouth' and 'field'.

'Show' represents clothing, 'mouth' naturally refers to food, and 'field' is not the field we say we farm, this is actually a stick figure of the house, so you have no worries about food and clothing, the house is not worried.

And this blessing you have, 'man', 'one', 'mouth' will form a 'harmony' word, there is no 'man' here, only 'one' and 'mouth', that is, your 'harmony' has not been achieved, why it has not been achieved, because of sending people.

And the separation between your "one" and your "mouth" means that you were almost a marriage."

Li Yuan said a lot at one breath, and as he spoke, he wrote the word down on the blackboard and described it in circles.

Beacon Fire March: Master please continue.

"Well, you're reading to ask for a trip?" Li Yuan asked.

Fenghualianmarch: Yes, Master, how do you know?

"Do you see that you have written this blessing word, is there not a little more under it?" Li Yuan asked.

Fiberfire even March: Still really have, I did not pay attention, based on this can be inferred that I want to ask for travel?

Lee answered directly, Because it is unconscious, I can infer it.

Fenghulian March: Master, can I travel smoothly? Where do you need to go?

"You see your unconscious extra point, just the direction of six o 'clock, six, in our country, there is the meaning of sixty-six, so your trip is smooth, the direction will choose to go south." "

Fiberfire March: Really? Master, they say you're very accurate. Don't lie to me.

Li Yuan smiled and said, "Really, it's not a lie, and if you go on this trip, you will meet the person you are destined to meet."

Fenghuo Lian March: Mean I can still get a daughter-in-law home?

"Mm-hmm." Li Yuan said, "Because of your Fu character, the left part of the 'Shi' is written like a person, 'people', 'one', 'mouth' are complete, then 'he', a hundred years of good 'he'."

Fenghualian March: Ha ha ha, thank you Master 1!

"You're welcome." Li Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then suggested, "Remember, the person you meet who is fierce to you and reaches out to pinch your ear is your destined wife."

Beacon Fire March: Pinch my ears! No way! A man as handsome as me, how dare a woman pinch my ears!

"Hehe hehe!" Li Yuan laughed, "Love may be so unexpected."

The 'sign' on your left side looks like a person, and the upper right side of the person, where the ear is, and the part that connects the left side looks like a hand, and it looks like a hand is squeezing the ear."

Fiberfire March: OK! Thank you, Master. By the way, I've already donated to the orphanage.

'Well, good! Li Yuan raised his hand to signal.

See the dialogue between the two people is finally completed, and the comments in the broadcast room are suddenly active.

Just now they did not dare to speak, for fear that the beacon fire and even the words of March would be submerged in the army.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Every time I feel that the word measurement is too magical, it is obviously like nonsense, but it is so accurate.

The boss is terrible: you dare to say the master nonsense, you are dead.

I don't smoke: Yes, the master is really too divine.

Crazy: Watching the master live is much more interesting than watching the TV series.

The earth is round: the main thing is that new continents are discovered every time.

And Lin Qingya did not speak, she was sitting in a chair at this time, in the mind of Li Yuan said that sentence: "Love may come is so unexpected."

When she heard this sentence, her mind could not help but think of the days when she got along with Li Yuan.

Although it was only a short two days, it made her feel that she and Li Yuan were like old friends who had known each other for many years and got along naturally and harmoniously.

Perhaps, in the broadcast room to hear Li Yuan's voice, from his smile to infer the expression on his face, she is no longer unfamiliar to Li Yuan.

Two days with Li Yuan, Lin Qingya saw Li Yuan calm, encounter things leisurely.

She felt that the two of them were very similar, heavy love but not short, crisp.

Only, she doesn't know what Li Yuan thinks of her.

Moreover, the fate of the two of them is too strange.

One is to kill all his relatives, and the other is to live less than six months.

Perhaps, meet, is doomed to it!

Although Lin Qingya is a strong woman, she is still a woman.

Women, it's hard to escape the fate of sentimentality.

The room was very busy. Li Yuan was just measuring characters and did not pay attention to it. Now, when he looked, there were nearly five thousand people.

This number is not much among the hot Internet celebrities, but in the unpopular fortune-telling live broadcast, it is already a leader.

There are other peers see Li Yuan here hot very, also quietly touch to probe the enemy.

However, after they came for a while, they were shocked by the strength Li Yuan showed.

They even learned something from Li Yuan that they normally wouldn't.

This is not, see Li Yuan measurement, they also listened with relish, and then they even asked questions.

"Master, can you deduce from this word of blessing how old is that person in the family?"