What are You, a Ghost in Your House

Li Yuan naturally saw this question.

He smiled, his heart understood, and then showed everyone the blessing word of Fiberhome in March.

"You tell me, how old is Fiberhome in March?" Li Yuan said to the questioner.

Huh? The people in the studio think something's wrong.

Life is Precious: The questioner has a problem.

Crayon Xiaoxin: It's not coming to smash the place again!

The boss is terrible: I still remember that the last person who smashed the site did not dare to show up now, and sent popularity to the master in vain.

Madman: I wasn't here then.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: It's wonderful, the twins' father is actually two people!

The boss is terrible: The point is that the master worked it out and the challenger didn't.

I don't smoke: Great, it all works out.

"Master, I'm not here to challenge, I'm here to steal." "Answered the questioner humbly.

Madman: The thief! Ouch, I'm dying of laughter.

"HMM." Li Yuan's voice did not change, and he continued, "From your question, I know you know something about it."

"Let me tell you how old this beacon is in the family in March.

First of all, from the position of this word on the whole paper, it is more on the top, north and south, north is the kan, and Kan is the middle male, that is, the middle child in the family, so he is the second child. "

Feng HualianMarch: Master really accurate, I am indeed the second child in the family, because of the birth, I was sent to relatives for a period of time.

"Thanks to the Master, I understand that." The person who asked sent a sincere thank you.

Li Yuan see each other attitude is good, continued to say: "Measurement, compared with the order, face, the most is ever-changing."

Just this one blessing word, different people write, you can see things will be different.

Life is dead, the face has not changed much, only this measurement, is the most difficult to control."

Fiberfire March: Is not if I write a straight word, see things will be different.

"Word measurement is to measure the subconscious reaction, to measure the unintentional, there is a joke you have heard?" Li Yuan asked.

Crayon Xiaoxin: A joke? Never heard of it.

I don't smoke: Master say.

"It's about two people going to Beijing to take an exam, passing by a fortune-telling booth, wanting to calculate whether he can go to high school this time, the fortune-teller asked him to write a word."

He saw next to a selling sugar gourd string, he wrote a "string" word, the fortune teller told him that the word is very auspicious, let him rest assured to take the exam, he can not only be tested, but also come out on top.

Another person saw, also wrote a 'string' word for the fortune-teller to measure the word, the result, the fortune-teller shook his head and told him that he not only can't high school this time, but also will have a serious illness."

Fiberhome even March: Why the same word, the result is not the same?

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: same question.

I don't smoke: +1.

Crazy: +1.

"The word 'string' is that the two are connected together, that is, the first person will connect the middle and return home, while the other person, although he also wrote a 'string' word, wrote it after seeing the word written by the first person.

This kind of word measurement, belongs to the heart has come out, 'string' add 'heart' word, it is' suffering 'word."

I don't smoke: I see.

Crayon Xiaoxin: What's the result? What say you?

The boss is terrible: we are all listening to the master's principles, only you are listening to the story carefully.

"Hehe!" Li Yuan gave a low smile, "The boss of a company, can also have such a pure heart, is also rare."

Crayon Xiaoxin: Do you hear me? The master praises me.

The boss is terrible: you cow!

"The result is that, as the fortune-teller said, the first one won the number one prize and returned to his hometown, and the second one got seriously ill in the capital and lay in bed for three months before returning home." Li Yuan spoke directly about the result.

I don't smoke: It's so interesting, watching the master live every day, can increase a lot of creative inspiration.

Madman: Then you can score the master a little money!

The earth is round: Masters don't take money, but they can donate.

I don't smoke: Donating money is donating money, my book is going to take off this time.

I don't smoke after saying that, there were a lot of congratulations in the studio.

The atmosphere is very good.

"Ok, this single is over, and the last single Lulu has me, is it still there?" Li Yuan went straight to the next step.

Lulu has me: Yes, yes, good evening, Master.

"Have you seen me live before?" Li Yuan asked directly.

Lulu has me: Seen.

"Good, then what are you?" Now that he had seen it, Li Yuan no longer asked him whether he wanted to measure characters, face or approve orders.

Lulu has me: Master, I am nothing.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Ha ha ha! Master, what do you ask him?!

Madman: He's nothing!

The earth is round: What are you? Ha ha ha!

Li Yuan saw the comments and realized that the question he asked was ambiguous.

Before he could explain, he saw Lulu had me speaking.

Lulu has me: No, I'm really nothing!

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Ha ha ha! Laugh me to death.

Life is precious: I feel a pain in my stomach.

Li Yuan also couldn't help but feel amused that it was getting darker and darker, so he asked directly: "What difficulties are you encountering now?"

Lulu has me: Master, can I connect the wheat?

"Yes." Li Yuan directly sent an invitation to Lian Mai.

Before long, a young man appeared in the studio.

"Good evening, Master, and good evening!" Lulu has I want to say hello.

"Good evening, what do you think?" Li Yuan asked.

"Master, I hear they say you are very good, and I want your help with one thing." Lulu looked a little upset when I spoke to her.

"Tell me something first, and then I'll know if I can help you." Li Yuan said.

"That's true, Master." Lulu turned my head to look around and whispered, "I seem to have met something unclean."

'Oh? Li Yuan surprised, recently encountered supernatural events have a little more, "you talk about what you do?"

"Well, my family lives in the countryside, and I got married last month and moved into a new house that was just built.

As a result, the second day of our marriage, I actually heard the sound of high heels walking. "

Lulu said something to me, but she was still a little afraid.

"I didn't care, I thought it was my wife who got up at night.

"However, the third night, the sound of high heels appeared again, I quickly turned on the light and saw my wife lying next to me, but there was no one in the room."

"On the fourth day."