The Virgin's Fragrance, Bound hands and Feet

Now, Li Yuan empty-handed, nothing, want to deal with the use of the wizard's blood sacrifice wizard, Li Yuan heart is not sure.

As the blood sacrifice began, a lot of black smoke rose out of thin air around the wizard.

And the momentum of the wizard's body is also rising.

Can't wait!

Li Yuan grabbed a chair!


The chair came crashing down on the wizard!

The chair was smashed to pieces, and the wizard, on the other hand, was unharmed!

Li Yuan shook the numbness of his hands, gently back to his back.

A witch's blood sacrifice. Tough enough!

At this time, the blood array of rapid rotation in the air quickly narrowed, and then flew toward the Southeast Asian wizard in the past, printed on the wizard's brow.

And the Southeast Asian shamans mumbled.

Li Yuan felt as if there were thousands of mouths buzzing in his ears, and he felt dizzy for a time.

Knock ~

Just then, a bell rang.

Li Yuan's mind immediately clear.

He looked at the Southeast Asian wizard at a glance, see the wizard's eyes are also surprised, it seems that the bearer is not his accomplice.

Li Yuan turned his head and looked out the door.

It was a woman!

The woman was tall, with curly hair and a small round face, clean and white.

Just a cold face, no expression.

In her hand, she held a silver stick.

'Go on! When the woman threw her hand, a thing flew to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan's reflexive avoidance was only when he saw what the thing was, Li Yuan's body stopped its action, quickly reached out and caught the thing that flew over.


A crisp sound passed from Li Yuan's hand.

This little thing in my hand made that sound.

"The clock!"

Li Yuan let out a light breath.

Yes, the little thing in my hand was more of a bell than a bell, only the bell was so small that it looked like a bell.

The clock has a handle, and the handle is like a fork.

This Fa bell, the sound is loud, just a few light ring, has made Li Yuan's feeling of lethargy disappeared, the whole person is very clear.

Li Yuan looked at the Dharma clock in his hand, and then looked at the woman who came in. Although his heart was full of doubts, he also knew that now was not the time to ask questions.

With the Dharma bell in his hand, Li Yuan already had the means to deal with Southeast Asian wizards.

Ordinary people shake the Fa clock at will, it will only refresh the mind and disperse a small part of Yin evil.

But if it falls into the hands of a feng shui master, it is a very powerful tool.

"As a Yin-yang feng shui master, people don't bring them to dinner." The woman's long legs walked a few steps to Li Yuan's side.

Li Yuan looked askance, this woman talk is really ruthless.

The woman looked at the Southeast Asian wizard in front of her, and her face, which had no smile, became more gloomy.

"Southeast Asian wizard again!"

The woman said coldly: "You think we have no one here is it!"

The Southeast Asian wizard was enveloped in black gas, and was startled to see his expression, and his voice rushed out from the black gas.

"TSK TSK! A virgin's body, it smells good! Looks like there's no shortage of virgin blood today!"

The wizard's voice was thick with drama, the sound of tutting seemed to be accompanied by saliva.

"Old witch, you want to die!" The woman finished saying, the short stick in her hand suddenly became longer.

It grows to about a meter.

Before Li Yuan also thought she was taking what toy, never thought, she actually took a weapon.

"Old witch, today you will see what happens when you offend me." The woman swore and took the lead in rushing toward the Southeast Asian wizard.

She swung a long silver stick at the head of the Southeast Asian wizard.

Li Yuan even heard the sound of the air tearing.

Under this stick, it's definitely not as simple as a normal person swinging a stick.

Li Yuan had a hunch that if ordinary people took this stick, their skulls would be shattered.

Li Yuan also stared at the Southeast Asian wizard to see how he would react to taking the stick.

But what surprised Li Yuan was.

When the woman's long stick had reached the wizard's head, the Southeast Asian wizard had disappeared.

Just like that, without a trace of a ripple, disappeared.

'Cunning old witch! The woman swore.

"Hey, hey, hey!

The voice of a Southeast Asian shaman came from behind the woman.

"Women, too fierce is not good, or gentle a little better."

'Damn it! A woman curses.

'Be careful! Li Yuan suddenly let out a loud roar, and the Fa clock in his hand flew out.


The bells are ringing.

Tearing the air quickly, it flew toward the Southeast Asian wizard behind the woman.


Then there was a crisp sound.

The clock fell on the Southeast Asian sorcerer.

The black air of the Southeast Asian wizard quickly dissipated, revealing his true face.

At this time, the Southeast Asian wizard was holding a dagger, about to stab the woman's body.

However, Li Yuan's attack made his body suffer.

Li Yuan stretched out his right hand and made a slight move, and the Fa bell flew straight back, like a spirit, and fell into Li Yuan's hands.

The woman's reaction is also fast, she was a little surprised to see Li Yuan at a glance, people have not turned around, backhand in Southeast Asian wizards is a stick.

Southeast Asian wizards want to escape, but the body of the black gas can not immediately gather, only hard to extend the right hand, picked up the next woman this stick.

But he underestimated the power of women.

At the moment when the woman's stick fell, he seemed to feel the weight of a thousand pounds falling down.

The whole right arm of the Southeast Asian shaman hangs down.

He can no longer feel the presence of a right arm.

'My hand! The Southeast Asian wizard gave a terrible cry and immediately bounced away for several steps.

Li Yuan was surprised, his hand is not good?

The Southeast Asian wizard looked carefully toward his arm and found that his hand was still there.

It's just, this hand is no different than a broken one.

Because he had no feeling in his right hand at all, no use at all.

"You, what's that in your hand?" Southeast Asian wizards look very ugly.

"Beat the dog stick! The woman deadpan said.

"Beat the dog stick! The Southeast Asian sorcerer repeated, "Never heard of such a sorcerer!"


Li Yuan wanted to laugh, but felt it was not the right time!

'You haven't heard much! Without a smile on the woman's face, she once again raised the silver stick in her hand and attacked the Southeast Asian wizard.

Li Yuan also launched an attack at the same time, his hands quickly tied the seal, and the Fa clock turned over in his hands, but did not make any sound.


Li Yuan let out a loud drink.


The clock gave a sharp clang and went away.

Law bell and the woman at the same time to the Southeast Asian wizard's side.

The woman still uses her long stick, and the clock rotates quickly around the Southeast Asian wizard, preventing the Southeast Asian wizard from gathering black gas.

Li Yuan has been clear, this Southeast Asian wizard mainly relies on black gas to continue to power, if he breaks his black gas, he only has his own ability.

Women don't give Southeast Asian wizards a chance, every stick is very hard.

You can see she's got a lot of combat experience.

Li Yuan went to the side, pulled off a tablecloth, with a hand tear, the tablecloth was torn into two pieces.

Then Li Yuan went to the man who was knocked unconscious by Huang Su Su, and began to tie up the man's hands and feet.

And there, the Southeast Asian wizard has been losing ground, the woman picked his hands and feet to attack, as long as the stick hit the place, the Southeast Asian wizard chance to lose consciousness.

Soon, the Southeast Asian wizards were paralyzed on the ground.

The woman took the stick and came to Li Yuan.

'Here you go! Li Yuan handed the Dharma clock to the woman.

The woman looked at the clock in Li Yuan's hand and said without expression.

"He doesn't listen to me that way, I don't like it, here you go!"

Li Yuan looked at the woman's expressionless face, "This Fa clock should have a history of 200 years, even if it is not used by the Onmyoji, placed in ordinary people, it is a good thing to ward off disasters and evil spirits."

"Good taste!" When the woman spoke, her face was still expressionless, "so you will use other things to compensate me in the future!"

"Later?" Li Yuan caught the key in the woman's words.

"If we can meet." The woman added nonchalantly.

'Good! Li Yuan did not hesitate, "How did you come here?"