The Mystery Woman

"Why, only you can come, I can't come!" "The woman asked.

"No." Li Yuan felt that the woman was really difficult to communicate, "Forget it."

The woman did not panic, she walked to the woman's body on the ground, while looking at it, and said:

"This Southeast Asian evil is not the only one, and they specifically target those who are motivated by their interests."

"Based on past experience, this woman should have been acquired by the man through improper means."

When the woman said that man, she looked at the man tied up by Li Yuan, and then continued.

"These evil spirits claim that only their own flesh and blood can make imps obey and be effective."

"So, this man takes this woman, gets pregnant with her child, and leaves her to die with a grudge. That's how you make the kid worse. "

When the woman said this, it was as if she were recounting an insignificant event.

But when Li Yuan heard it in his ears, he felt a chill in his heart.

There is such a vicious person in this world, tricked a young girl, got her pregnant, and let her die a painful death.

The most important thing is, using their own flesh and blood to make a Guman child, this is how vicious, to do it.

"How do you know?" Although Li Yuan intuition that the woman said is true, but Li Yuan still do not want to believe that it is true.

"Don't believe me?" The woman asked back.

Li Yuan saw a smile on a woman's face for the first time.

"You are still too naive, what is this, the human heart, far more vicious than you think!"

Although the woman was smiling, Li Yuan could not see any happiness in her expression.

The woman turned over the dead woman on the ground and then looked at Li Yuan behind her.

"Can't you get these off her face?"

Li Yuan took a look at the dead woman and understood that the woman was talking about the black stripes on her face and body.

He gave the woman a complicated look and said, "I'll try!"

The woman stopped speaking, stood up and stepped aside to make way for Li Yuan.

Li Yuan came over, his index finger in the mouth a slight bite, the bright red blood beads flow out.

Then, he quickly put his index finger between the woman's brow, and then, only to see a vestigial shadow, Li Yuan's fingers quickly slide around the woman's brow.

The black stripes on the woman's face and arms are disappearing as fast as the naked eye can see them.

Within a few seconds, the black stripes on the woman's body had disappeared.

Li Yuan stood up.

'Thank you! The woman handed over a band-aid.

Li Yuan originally wanted to say no, for him, hemostasis is just a matter of several techniques.

But he took the band-aid, ripped it off and stuck it on his hand.

"Women love beauty. Let her be more or less respectable." The woman squatted again and looked at the corpse's face, "It's really good."

The woman's eyes rested on the dead woman's brow, but she did not pull it out.

And she knows what this peg does.

Whoo whoo

Just then, the sirens began to sound.

"I'll leave you to it." The woman stood up and walked out without giving Li Yuan a chance to speak.


When Li Yuan wanted to say something, he could not see the figure of the woman.

'That was quick!

As soon as the woman left, Li Yuan heard the sound of footsteps.

The footsteps are messy. There's a lot of people here.

No sooner had I thought that than a crowd of people rushed in.

The men were heavily armed and had guns in their hands.

"Li Yuan." A familiar voice came from behind the group.

Then Li Yuan saw Huang Su Su running from behind the group.

'Are you all right? Huang Su Su came to Li Yuan side, looked up and down Li Yuan.

"It's all right." Li Yuan see Huang Su Su care about the appearance, a warm heart.

Huang Su Su reached out and pulled Li Yuan aside.

"Officer, this is the man I'm talking about."

It seems that lutein has given them the general story.

Li Yuan did not think that the person who came was Shi Jing he knew.

Shi Jing see Li Yuan, eyebrows a pick.

"Every time I see you, there's a dead body next to you."

Li Yuan thought, it is true.

The first time by the Little Willow River, the second time at the artificial lake, and the third time right now.

"This time, you should thank me for finding your missing body."

Li Yuan pointed to the dead woman on the ground.

Shi Jing already knew when she arrived, so it was not a surprise.

"You go and have a look. If there is no problem, you can carry the cart." Shi Jing commanded way.

There were two men next to her.

"You watch this time, and if anything goes wrong, you go back to your office and stop following me."

Shi Jing looked serious and said.

"Yes." Shi Jing people around replied.

"You four go and see what happened to the other two?" Shi Jing commanded way again.

Four more men came out behind her to check on the Southeast Asian shaman and the man tied up by Li Yuan.

"It was him, it was him, he knocked me out." Huang Su Su pointed to the man on the ground, by the way a kick in the man's body.

The man was kicked by Huang Su Su, and woke up leisurely.

Instead, he saw a room full of police.

For a moment, he knew that he was finished, not only did he lose his glory and wealth, but he may even have lost his life.

"You filthy man, why did you arrest me?" Flavin has gas in the heart.

How could the man answer his question? The colour was gone from his face and his whole body trembled.

After a while, a foul smell came from the man.

The crowd looked, the man actually wet his pants.

"Officer, I was wrong, I am guilty, I plead guilty, can you give me a lighter sentence?"

The man was tied hands and feet, like a maniac, crying his nose and tears.

One side of the police looked at each other, he did not say a word, the man was afraid of this.

"It would have been better to have known." Li Yuan said coldly.

After hearing the woman talk about the tragic death of the woman, Li Yuan did not have a similar feeling for the man.

This man, he's an animal.

Li Yuan did not say much, as for what happened, he believed that the man would finally say it without leaking a word.

"If you dare, I am not from your country." Over there, the voice of a Southeast Asian witch comes through.

"Even if I kill someone, it's not for you to do." Southeast Asian wizards can't move their hands and feet, they can only roar.

Shi Jing heard this, her face suddenly changed, she went straight over and took out the handcuffs from her body.

"Can't touch you? I moved today." Shi Jing snapped and handcuffed the Southeast Asian wizard's hands.

"If you hurt someone on the soil of our country and break the law, you are God, I will also be shackled!"

Shi Jing sound as if a positive, suddenly hear Li Yuan mood.

"May we go now, please?" Li Yuan asked.

"Take away!" Shi Jing told the people next to take away the Southeast Asian wizard, this only stood up and said.

"I'm sorry, because you are also involved in this matter, and you need to make a statement."

When Shi Jing said this, her tone was kind, and she had just talked to the Southeast Asian wizard in a different way.

'Good! Li Yuan is also very cooperative, each place has each local rules and regulations, Li Yuan is very understanding.

However, while leaving, Li Yuan made a phone call to his home.

Fortunately, when he came out, let Lin Qingya leave the woman to watch the house, otherwise, he is now not at ease with mother a person at home.

Mom's already met her. She's no stranger.

Li Yuan and Huang Su Su followed Shi Jing to make a record, this time very smoothly, no accident.

Huang Su Su know not much, remember she came back in the evening, the man asked the way, said while Huang Su Su was unprepared, Huang Su Su knocked unconscious.

After waking up Li Yuan let her call the police.

Li Yuan's side, it is just a simple account, he locates the location of flavin according to the mobile phone, and then finds there.

Because he knows some martial arts, this is lucky not to be caught by Southeast Asian wizards.

As for why Southeast Asian wizards are like this, Li Yuan said he did not know.

No matter what Southeast Asian wizards and that man have to say, anyway, those ghosts and gods and goddesses of things, no one believes.

When the transcripts came out, it was 2:00 in the morning.

"Li Yuan, are you hungry? Would you like to have a snack?" Huang Su Su asked.

"I'm not hungry, are you?"

"I'm not hungry either." Huang Su Su answered with a smile.

"Let's take a cab back..." Huang Su Su had not finished speaking, people fell straight towards the ground.