No Cause, Middle Head Reduction

Seeing the sudden fall of flavin, Li Yuan was surprised."Sister Su Su! Li Yuan rushed over and caught flavin.But the flavin was unconscious.At the same time, the system sounds in my head.However, Li Yuan did not want to listen, his face was pale, he trembly began to probe Huang Su Su's breath.It's okay, it's breathing!Li Yuan was relieved.He hurriedly held Huang Su Su, took a taxi directly to the hospital.After the hospital examination, Huang Su Su body temporarily see no problems, need to stay in the hospital for observation.Li Yuan had a rough idea in his heart that this flavin must have a great relationship with the Southeast Asian wizard.Although there is no reason for the flavin, the whole person is unconscious.So, she has to stay in the ICU.Li Yuan is still not assured, because he can not always guard her, so pay in the hospital to Huang Su Su asked for an escort.Then he turned and walked out the front door to a 24-hour supermarket.However, he walked around the supermarket but could not find what he wanted to buy.He had to go back to the hospital.Standing outside the glass door to look at flavin, now flavin has no ward, Li Yuan will spend the night in the long corridor outside.The next day, Li Yuan was awakened by the cleaning aunt.That night, Li Yuan squinted for a short while, so his head was a little confused.Made a phone call to the home, and Li Yuan was waiting in the hospital.Wait for a row of doctors to check the room, and began the examination of lutein.However, the result of the second day was the same as the first day, and still could not be checked.Toss early in the morning, Li Yuan is no longer required, directly to create the cost of half a million, let the hospital take good care of Huang Su.Leaving his phone number, Li Yuan left the hospital.Huang Su Su situation, Li Yuan stay in the hospital useless, we must find out the situation.Southeast Asian wizards, the most commonly used are three things: head lowering, Gumantong and Yin card.Gumantong is to use the form of sacrifice, and Yin card is aimed at Yin, so it is more likely that flavin is now in the process of head reduction.Head down, divided into medicine down, flying down and ghost down three categories.Medicine, in fact, originated in the domestic Miao Jiang generation, Miao Jiang has been full of mysterious colors since ancient times.And the most awe and fear is poison, which is also known as poison.This medicine is similar to the lower poison, which is to control people through poison.Now there are a lot of supernatural movies about medicine and health on TV, and people who like to watch supernatural movies are no strangers.Compared with medicine, flying landing is much more advanced, with high requirements for the giver and high requirements for the time of application.If the landing is unsuccessful, it will also cause great damage to the caster.The last kind of ghost health, which is commonly known as raising imps, is what the Southeast Asian wizard who met in the community wants to do.From these three ways of dropping the head, the possibility of lutein falling by drugs is relatively large.And medicine, and Miao Jiang poison is similar, so Li Yuan is ready to use the method of testing poison to test whether lutein has fallen head.Coming out of the hospital, it was already noon, but Li Yuan had no desire to eat, he rushed to another supermarket.He finally got what he wanted -- raw soybeans!Returning to the hospital again, Li Yuan got the doctor's consent and went to the intensive care unit of Luteosin.He took out two beans and put them into Flavin's mouth, waited around for a few minutes, and then took the beans out of Flavin's mouth.I saw two soybeans bulging round, and the skin on the surface fell off.Sure enough, it is in the medicine!Although he already had a guess in mind, Lee Won couldn't help frowning now that the result was confirmed.This medicine sounds like two words, but it is very complicated.First of all, it is necessary to figure out what fall in flavin is in order to solve the fall.Secondly, if it is the most terrible "son and mother", it will be in trouble.The so-called son and mother fall, that is, the mother falls on a person, the son falls on a person, and the mother can inform the son to fall.If you want to break this mother-child, you must kill the mother.Li Yuan left the hospital with a heavy heart.He is a Yin-yang feng shui master, but he is not proficient in this technique, now, only to find a master of the technique.Or, you know, someone who knows how to do poison.Things initially have a vision and direction, Li Yuan heart this just have the bottom, in a hurry to eat something outside, Li Yuan returned home.Simply and mom said some flavin things, and then thanked Lin Qingya left a small article.After all, one night did not sleep well, Li Yuan washed and went to sleep directly.This sleep, sleep until the sunset.By the time he woke up, Xiaowen had gone outside and brought the meal back.Li Yuan responded with an apologetic smile.She's a talented girl, and now she's their nanny.Xiao Wen did not feel anything, in her mind, she just obeyed, to fight or to buy food, there is no difference.Sleep, and then eat a meal, Li Yuan spirit finally came back.Don't say, this little article has always been with Lin Qingya, the quality of the food brought back outside is excellent.After dinner, Li Yuan went to the hospital to see flavin, there was no improvement there.However, because Li Yuan lost half a million medical expenses, the treatment of flavin is also quite good.The situation on Li Yuan's side, Lin Qingya there soon knew.This Li Yuan is not unexpected, Xiaogwen here, must be to Li Qingya said, anyway Li Yuan think these nothing shady, simply no tube."If you can help Master Li Yuan, the little woman will be very honored." Lin Qingya in front of Li Yuan, a change of weekday high and cold style, become as playful as ordinary young girls."If there is anything to bother Miss Lin, I will certainly bother Miss Lin." Li Yuan smiled and replied to a message."What about lutein?" Lin Qingya sent the message again."In the hospital, not awake." Li Yuan replied."What are you going to do about it?" Lin Qingya asked with concern."I'm going to go to Miaojiang and find someone who knows how to play poison." Li Yuan answered."Miao Jiang, I heard that those places are very dangerous, let Xiaowen follow you." Lin Qingya very uneasy said."Xiao Wen still stayed to look at my mother, only when there is no worry, I can feel more at ease." Li Yuan refused outright.Xiao Wen and mother have been getting along for a few days, familiar.And Xiaowen has skill, in mom's side, he rest assured."Then I'll send you some more.""No, I will be fully prepared to go back, my own skill is not bad, they go, may become my burden!"Li Yuan is right to say that in those places in Miao Jiang, the martial arts are not an absolute advantage.Lin Qingya see Li Yuan insist, also no longer insist, just let Li Yuan more careful.After chatting with Lin Qingya, Li Yuan lay down for a while.Last night, after a half day's rest, Li Yuan's spirit has recovered some, but the day and night are reversed, and the spirit is very bad.Li Yuan did not want to live, but when he thought about live last night, there was a tricky thing that had not been dealt with.Strong spirits, Li Yuan changed clothes, sat on a chair, began to live.Only, this time, he didn't have an order.He was just checking to see what Lulu was doing to me.As usual, as soon as it went online, thousands of people poured into the studio.This battle seems to have been waiting for Li Yuan for a long time.Life is precious: Good evening master!Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: 1!The boss is terrible: I'm just waiting to see you this million years second.I don't smoke: everything is life!Madman: New student, stop struggling.Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: I seriously suspect that the first floor has been manipulated with her power.Crayon small new said, received a consistent broadcast."Cut!For a moment, the screen was full of "cut" words.Li Yuan has been used to their beginning of the big trouble, so almost, Li Yuan opened his mouth to say."Good evening, everyone.""Didn't the master have an order today?" "Someone asked in the studio.Because of the large number of people in the broadcast room, everyone's speech is constantly scrolling, in order to let Li Yuan in the dense speech at a glance to see his own comments, you must use colored words.Li Yuan, of course, saw the colorful question at a glance."No order today, because there are some things, I mainly come to see how Lulu has me." "Naturally, some people are hoping to grab a single, and now there is no single grab, there is some disappointment.But they didn't complain.Lulu has me: Master, I'm here."How's it going over there?" Li Yuan asked directly.Lulu has me: Things are a little tricky, I don't know how to say.