The Merry Man, the Illusion is broken

​​"If you don't succeed, you will be wrapped in his black air, and your soul will be locked in this world forever." Li Yuan spoke with a straight face.

"Then you fall into a deep sleep in the real world, what they call a vegetative state."

"Can I not go?" Yang Guang asked.

"There are so many people in here, you don't want me to solve them one by one!" Li Yuan pointed to the black air around him.

As he spoke, a woman's scream began.

'Stinking man!

Li Yuan and Sunshine quickly turned their heads and saw a short black woman pointing to an old man in his fifties.

The old man smiled grotesquely.

"Beauty, I just accidentally touched you! There are so many people in this car. I didn't mean to.

Yang Guang looked at this scene and asked Li Yuan: "This beauty, there are people flirting?"

Li Yuan sighed, "You can't see that this woman is possessed by a very beautiful woman, and that old man is also possessed by a man."

'Oh oh! Yang Guang stood next to Li Yuan, and Li Yuan together, looking at the farce in front.

"What are you looking at? Don't get your business done!" Li Yuan said directly.

Yang Guang looked up at Li Yuan, who was slightly taller than him, and muttered, "It's true, even if you want to slow down, you can't."

Li Yuan, of course, knows the idea of Yang Guang in his heart, he is deliberately let him hurry to the past.

Yang Guang went there, Li Yuan got up to go to the place of conflict.

Black short woman and old man is noisy hot, next to the people watching not too big, gathered a lot of "people".

"Man! Nothing good!" "Cried the woman suddenly.

Then, Li Yuan saw that the black gas on her body suddenly became rich, and the woman on her body suddenly became fierce.

"You stinking men are all going to hell."

The woman's voice became cold and hoarse, so that Li Yuan could not help but tremble.

Suddenly a woman turned her head and looked directly at Li Yuan.

"You! Why does it smell different from them?"

"What a heavy anger!" Li Yuan was shocked.

This woman was probably hurt by a man before she died, and she happened to be molested when she died, so he had a deep grudge in his heart.

Of all the obsessions, hate is the most difficult to eliminate.

Love and hate are equally powerful.

But love, being nice to people, as long as it's not too much, nothing will happen.

Hate, on the other hand, is very hostile to a certain kind of person or all people, even if you know her obsession, it is difficult to eliminate.

Even if you're not careful, it will bite back.

The woman stared at Li Yuan and walked toward Li Yuan step by step.

Li Yuan put his hands into his pocket and held the charm he had just drawn.

The woman was halfway along when she suddenly stopped.

"Gone, your breath is gone!"

The woman's face looked blank.

"Men, are liars, men don't have a good thing!"

The woman was not angry because the breath on Li Yuan's body disappeared, but more angry.

In her mind, it seems that nothing men do is good.

"Girl, you're not right." Just now the old man came over with a smile, "One in a man is a good thing."

'You want to die! The woman immediately turned her head and stared at the old man following her.

"To die under a peony is to be a charming ghost." The old man laughed so hard that it made his skin crawl.

"If you want to die so badly, I'll let you." The woman was almost enveloped in black gas.

"Ouch! And a thorn rose, I like it." The old man rubbed his hands.

'Stinking man! The woman let out a loud drink.

Inside the carriage, the wind suddenly blew.

The short black woman's hair was all loose and swaying with the wind.

The woman's hands, violently grabbing the man's face.

Not to be outdone, the man stretched out his hands, wanting a hand to clamp the woman's hand.

However, when he approached the woman, he suddenly felt a powerful force in the woman in front of him.

The force made his arms numb.

'Fuck! The man cursed and hurried back.

But where he is a woman's opponent, a woman's slap knocked him to the ground.

"Uh ~"

With a loud scream, the woman grabbed the man by the back of his clothes with one hand and lifted him up high.

"Hateful man." The woman reached out and grabbed the man by the neck.

The woman was more angry than most of the people in the carriage.

"Can these two only be killed?" Li Yuan thought in his mind.

However, killing two people will have an impact on the two people they victimized.

"Since you create an environment for me, I will also create an illusion for you!"

Li Yuan whispered a word, his hands on it, ten fingers quickly turned, and in front of him, a light gold pattern gradually formed.

"Dream weaving! Go!"

Li Yuan gave a low roar, and the golden Fa array in his hands rose with the wind, and soon covered the entire carriage.

In a woman's hands, a man's breathing becomes more and more difficult.

"I'm sorry. I was wrong. Please, don't kill me." The man kept begging.

"Baby, it's me! Suddenly, the man in his hand turned into a woman's familiar face.

'It's you! The woman was surprised, the power in her hands subconsciously loosened a lot, "How can you be here?"

"Honey, we're on our honeymoon together. You forgot?" The man chuckled. "You little fool, you are so forgetful."

The woman looked startled, full of doubts.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go to a beautiful place, you see, we brought you here for our honeymoon!" Men are very sincere.

"A honeymoon? Are we married?" The woman looked bewildered.

"Don't you remember our vows, little fool?" The man reached out and gave the woman a gentle swipe on the nose.

"No matter in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, my wife Nana is willing to marry, never give up."

The woman's tears rolled down one by one, "I love you, Fang Nan."

'No, no, that's not true! The woman suddenly remembered something.

Li Yuan looked startled, he looked up, and saw that the dream had been broken signs.

"This woman has a deep obsession."