The Blood of the Boy, weaving dreams

Dream weaving is a special environment for the ghosts to weave, so that they can unconsciously see what they want most.

This weaving dream just now seems to be unable to trap a woman.

"Li Yuan, help!"

Behind him, Yang Guang's voice came.

Knock, knock, knock!

Only heard the rapid footsteps, Yang Guang desperately on this side.

"Li Yuan, help me!" Yang Guang went to Li Yuan side, suddenly hid behind Li Yuan.

Li Yuan ran in the direction of Yang Guang looked in the past, just saw the male flight attendant black gas around, black face, blood from the eyes, nose, mouth, ears flow out.

The eyes are bulging out.

He followed closely behind the sun.

"Li Yuan, I'm afraid!" Yang Guang quivered and said.

Li Yuan frown, should be Yang Guang did not hold back, was scared by the true face of the male flight attendants, just let the male flight attendants angry outburst.

One side is a female ghost with very heavy anger, and the other side is a male ghost with an eruption of anger, both before and after the enemy.

At this time, the whole carriage, as if two people woke up what, all the "people" are straight toward Li Yuan walked over.

"I died a terrible death."

"This guy is so pretty, I like him so much."

"I want to go home"

"Mom, I'm scared."

"I'm gonna make a lot of money."


A messy sound kept ringing in Li Yuan's ears.


Li Yuan's dream weaving, completely broken!


All I heard was a woman screaming.

"Stinking man! Lie to me!" The woman's face changes and she takes a hard breath.

In her hand, the male ghost leaning over the old man made a terrible cry.

"No! Don't!"

But his barking didn't stop anything!

I saw the black air around him, madly sucked into the mouth of the woman.

His figure gradually became transparent until he disappeared.

This ghost was eaten by a woman.


There is a heavy sound inside the woman's nasal cavity, which seems to penetrate the human ear drum.

"It's you, isn't it you?"

The woman turned her head and stared at Li Yuan.

She's got more rage on her!

This situation, it's hard to clean up.

"Yang Guang, I'm going to ask you a question that depends on your life or death, and you must answer it truthfully." Li Yuan said quickly.

'Well, good! Yang Guang pulled Li Yuan back of the clothes, quickly answered.

"Are you a virgin?"




The two spoke quickly.

'That's good!

With that, Li Yuan grabbed Yang Guang's wrist and said, "Borrow your blood!"

Yang Guang suddenly felt a pain between the fingers, but he hid behind Li Yuan, couldn't see what Li Yuan was doing.

"The universe changes, true and false, the blood of a boy, weaving a dream!"

Li Yuan's voice became high, and a trace of blood between Yang Guang's fingers was drawn out by him.

His hands moved several times faster than before, and the naked eye could only see a faint shadow.

In front of him, a golden circle was rapidly forming.

In an instant it was against the sides of the carriage.

"Dream weaving! Go!"

Li Yuan let out a loud drink!

Weaving dreams split in two and sped away on both sides of the carriage.

Where the dream-weaving array passes, all "people" are frozen.

Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and his face went a little pale.

This time, by weaving a dream, he owed four-fifths of his strength and consumed too much.

"Hold it down yourself, it'll soon be all right!" Li Yuan put Yang Guang's hand back.

Yang Guang did not answer, he has been stunned by Li Yuan's operation just now.

"Good heavens! That's great! This is incredible!" Yang Guang looked at Li Yuan with adoring eyes.

"Big brother, please be worshipped by little brother!"

Yang Guang said, kneeling down on one knee, to Li Yuan a fist.

"My admiration for the big man is like a flowing river."

"Well, stop, you're older than me and you want to be young!"

Li Yuan put his hands in his pocket, indicating that he was not subject to it.

"No, this little brother is not to show that we are smaller than the big guy, but to express my reverence for the big guy."

Yang Guang stood up and walked behind Li Yuan.

"Don't your fingers hurt?" Li Yuan looked at Yang Guang's fingers that were still dripping blood.

'Ah! Yang Guang then thought of his finger, "Hurt!"

He quickly put his hand on the wound.

"Boss, what's the matter with them?" Yang Guang looked at the motionless "people" in the carriage and asked curiously.

"I have just used your virgins' blood, and all my strength, to fabricate a fantasy for them." Li Yuan said.

"This is great! Yang Guang's admiration is beyond expression.

"Want to see what dreams they have?" Li Yuan said.

"Can you still watch?" Yang Guang was foolish enough to try.

"HMMM! Li Yuan nodded, "As long as you meet them, you can see their fantasy."

I'll give it a try.

Yang Guang walked toward their previous position, a hand on the aunt's body.


A young man with yellow hair was standing in front of a pancake stand.

The old man who was baking pancakes suddenly gave a jolt, as if he could not believe it.

He raised his head slowly.

"Dad, I'm home."

The young man smiled, his face still a little nervous.

The old man looked the young man up and down.

"Little brat, still know to come back! Look at you, with your yellow hair and your studs."

The old man's hands did not stop, his mouth did not stop, and he scolded the young man.

The young man body a meal, do not know whether to walk past, or back.

He quickly baked a pancake and put it in his pocket.

"Here, here you are!"

With a smile on his face, the young man walked a few steps forward and took the pancake with a smile.

"Fool! The old man smiled and began to close his stall.

"Dad, you haven't sold out yet!" The young man looked at the materials on the stand and said.

"No, I want to rest today." The old man said as he cleaned up.

The young man also quickly began to help the old man clean up the table.

"Where have you been all these years? Why didn't you come back to see me?" The old man reproached.

"I've been studying hairdressing. I didn't dare come back until I finished." "Whispered the young man.

"But this time, I came back to pick up Dad to enjoy happiness." The young man said the latter sentence, and his voice was much more confident.

"I've made some money in the past few years, learned my trade well enough, and opened a shop."

"When the time comes, I know that earning tens of thousands of dollars, I can buy a house in a big city." Dad, you don't have to sell pancakes."

"In the future, I will find you a beautiful daughter-in-law, have a lot of grandchildren, and you will play with them every day."

"Said the young man as he walked.


The old man's voice choked and his face was pained.

"Ouch! Oh, by the way! Dad!" The young man put down his bag and took out a bank card.

"Dad, this is the money I have left. Please keep it for my future wife."

The young man handed the card to the old man, "The password is your birthday, you can use the money in it at any time."

'Good! The old man took the card and was already in tears.

Yang Guang see here, heart also follow uncomfortable up.

He quickly withdrew his hand.

"How do I feel, his father already knows he is gone, isn't this a young man's fantasy?" Yang Guang asked Li Yuan.

"Who knows! Maybe to his father, all this was just a dream!" Li Yuan said faintly in a tone.

At this moment, not far away, there was an old man who had just woken up from a dream.

There were tears running down his eyes.

"Dad knows you're fine, son."

He got up and went to the room, where there was a box full of his son's things.

The old man found the bank card in his belongings.

As if to verify something, the old man took the bank card and walked towards the nearest ATM.