The Shadow of the Puppet

​​His hand was covered with wrinkles.

In the years since his son was gone, all his hope had vanished.

He limped his bank card into the machine.

Then, according to the son's prompt, entered the password.

Then the old man burst into tears.

He stood there with one hand on the edge of the ATM, sobbing uncontrollably, turning to wailing.

"Son, you're back, you're really back!"

The old man has had numerous dreams in the past few years, but none of them have ever dreamed of his son's bank card password.

This time, not only did he dream it, but the password was correct.

There's only one possibility. His son really gave him a dream.

"Son, dad knows you're going places."

The old man took out the bank card and held it tightly in his hand.

"Don't worry, your money is enough for dad, Dad must live well."


Inside the carriage, the young man bent over his aunt looked at Li Yuan.

'Thank you!

The young man had a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

Li Yuan did not speak, but smiled and nodded.

Then, the boy's figure slowly became transparent until he disappeared into the carriage.

"Li Yuan, who are you smiling at? It was horrible." Yang Guang stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Li Yuan.

"He's gone, say good-bye!" Li Yuan looked at Aunt.

"The yellow hair?" Although Yang Guang could not see those ghosts, but in the process of contact just now, he saw the yellow-haired guy from the perspective of God.

"HMMM! Li Yuan nodded.

Yang Guang's face did not have a happy expression, but gave birth to a kind of unexplainable emotion.

He silently passed Li Yuan's side, directly came to the woman who was angry just now, reached out his hand, and poked the woman's clothes.

In an instant, Yang Guang saw everything in the woman's fantasy.

In the vision, she was snuggling with a man.

"I'm sorry, Nana, but I wouldn't have left you if I knew it would cost you your life."

"I thought it would be better for you to pursue a better life than to follow me through the hard life."

"Nana, I was wrong. I miss you."

A woman lies quietly in a man's arms.

Yang Guang retracted his hand.

"Why don't you look?" Li Yuan smiled.

"I just feel bad all of a sudden." Yang Guang said glumly.

"Oh, tell me." Li Yuan came to the two people before the position sat down.

Yang Guang also followed Li Yuan and sat aside.

"Just now, I heard this woman's angry roar, and I thought she was hateful."

Yang Guang looked out of the window, although it is a fantasy, the scenery outside the window is very real.

"And him." Yang Guang mouth nu nu, pointing to the opposite aunt.

"I thought he was terrible just now, but now I feel sorry for them all."

"You are sentimental." Li Yuan smiled, Yang Guang this person, he is understood.

People who do what they feel like doing.

This is probably the character described in the martial arts novels!

"In fact, every ghost was a person before, we can't kill a person at will, how can we kill a ghost?"

"So, I usually cross over before killing them, cross them first, and then use tough measures if I can't."

Li Yuan said.

"HMMM! Yang Guang gave Li Yuan a thumbs-up, "I feel that you are the kind of person who has great ability, but is very honest."

Li Yuan smiled, "Probably, I received more grace from childhood!"

Yang Guang also laughed, "So kindness will be passed on."

Two people meet for the first time, but as old friends, talk harmoniously.

Inside, the ghosts were disappearing one by one.

When every ghost left, he came to Li Yuan's side and said to Li Yuan, thank you.

This is the magic of dream weaving, it can lead people into their own dreams.

It might even be possible to help people dream.

"Is it all gone?" Yang Guang asked Li Yuan, "I see you have nodded more than a hundred times."

"Ha ha ha! Li Yuan suddenly laughed, I don't know because of what Yang Guang said, or because it can let so many people put down their obsession to leave here.

"Let me see, what is the fantasy of the male flight attendant who came to me at the beginning?"

Yang Guang stood up and walked toward the first male flight attendant.

"I'll go with you!" Li Yuan got up and walked with Yang Guang.

Yang Guang turned his head, "The big guy is next to him, full of security."

The two were not far from the male flight attendant, more than ten steps arrived.

Yang Guang reached out his hand and reached for the male flight attendant.

"Huh?" Yang Guang wondered for a moment and changed a position.

"Huh?" Yang Guang changed another position.

'Oh? Yang Guang muttered, "How could there not be?"

"No illusions?" Li Yuan asked.

"Yes, I thought it was a contact problem. I changed a few places, but nothing." Yang Guang looked at Li Yuan, waiting for Xie Liyuan to give the answer.

"No illusions, that is, he has no obsessions." Li Yuan put his hands around his chest.

"But if there is no obsession, why is he still here?"

Li Yuan can't figure it out either.

"I'll see if anyone else has one!" Yang Guang changed a person and rubbed it with his hand.


He rubbed several in a row. They were all the same.

"That's strange." Yang Guang murmured.

"There's only one possibility." Li Yuan said suddenly.


"That is, it's not a ghost at all!" Li Yuan looked at the male flight attendant in front of him with a serious expression.

"Not a ghost, then what is he? Is it a person?" Yang Guang looked up and down at the front of the male flight attendants, "not like people ah!"

'No! Li Yuan shook his head. "Not a ghost, but not a person either."

"As long as there is a thinking thing, it will definitely enter the fantasy."

"So this thing in front of me is neither a ghost nor a human being, but a thoughtless..."

"Puppet! Li Yuan had not finished, Yang Guang added.

"Something like that! Li Yuan dropped his hand and turned away.

Under the influence of dream weaving, the male flight attendant puppet has completely lost consciousness.

Weaving the dream severed the link between the male flight attendant and the person controlling him.

Who's in control of this flight attendant puppet?

How long has it been under control?

And where is his own soul?

What does whoever controls this spirit want?

There are many questions in Li Yuan's mind.

But nothing is clear and there's no way to find out.

Inside, there's only one ghost left.

'Thank you! The last ghost came over and gave Li Yuan a heavy bow.

Li Yuan smiled and nodded.

When the last ghost left, all the illusions created by the ghosts inside the carriage disappeared at once.

It shows what high-speed rail originally looked like.

"Back, we're really back!" Yang Guang shouted with joy.

The others also woke up.

"Damn it, my ass hurts so much!"

"Damn, I'm so dirty!"


All kinds of noises were making noise in the carriage.

"Damn, it stinks, this guy, he pissed his pants!"

Suddenly, a man pointed to a man hiding next to a trash can.