Master Master, Live from a foreign land

​​"Brother, do you mind the situation here?"

The boss is in a dilemma.

He wanted to do business, of course, but, under the circumstances, no sane person would move in.

"No, it's better than sleeping on the streets." Li Yuan put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"All right, brother, if you say so, I'll give you the best room, and I'll give you the price of the ordinary room, 120 dollars." The boss came behind the counter and gave Li Yuan a room.

There's no one else coming to stay anyway, so I'll do him a favor.

"No, I must have the best room!"

Suddenly, a female voice came from behind Li Yuan.

Li Yuan turned around and saw a familiar woman walk in.

It's the woman who suddenly appeared and disappeared when she was paired with a Southeast Asian mage in the neighborhood.

The woman's black hair was pulled up high in a ponytail.

The white face was as cold as ever.

She was wearing a pale pink vintage T-shirt with a matching skirt,

On the feet is a pair of white high heels, high heels with a print.

The most eye-catching, or those long slender legs.

She looked at Li Yuan, the expression on her face did not change at all, did not want to greet Li Yuan.

Li Yuan did not take the initiative to speak.

The boss saw such a beautiful woman came in, the surprise in his heart was expressed in his face.

"Sister, I think you have seen the situation here." The boss looked at the red coffins and several people in the hall.

The woman had passed Li Yuan and walked to the front of the counter.

'It doesn't matter!

"That... This..." The boss looked at Li Yuan awkwardly.

"Give it to her! I don't care!" Li Yuan shrugged, the last time the woman directly gave him a clock, the value of do not know how geometric.

This value is no room can compare.

Besides, it doesn't matter to Li Yuan whether the room is good or bad, as long as it is clean and tidy.

'Good! The boss nodded.

Get a room for two.

People in the hall were stunned by a man and a woman coming in.

There is a bright red coffin in the hall, and these two people dare to live in it.

The boss gave Li Yuan and the woman each opened a good room, the room card handed to two people.

Li Yuan took out his mobile phone and swept a thousand yuan first.

"Boss, I also pay for this beautiful woman, can you please call me some food nearby with the extra money?"

Then he asked the woman next to him, "Would you like to eat?"

"Thanks in advance, then." Women always speak coldly.

This kind of cold is different from Lin Qingya's cold.

Lin Qingya was originally more lively, but gradually became this character in the process of growing up.

Lin Qingelegant people are proud and powerful momentum.

And this woman's cold, is a kind of indifference, as if it is born, from the bones of the cold.

'Good! Li Yuan nodded and asked the boss, "Is this enough money?"

"Enough is enough." The boss nodded repeatedly, "Your room is arranged for you on the third floor, the two rooms are opposite."

'Yes! Li Yuan took the card and turned and went upstairs.

The woman also took the card, did not say a word behind Li Yuan.

The boss looked at them thoughtfully.

After Li Yuan and the woman went upstairs, the boss came to the center of the hall.

He looked at his son lying on the coffin and sighed.

"Well, we promise not to bury you. But you cannot put this coffin in the hall."

"Are you serious? The man on the coffin couldn't believe it.

"My word is my word." The boss shouted, "Get it off me quickly, don't affect my business."

The man on the coffin came down quickly from the coffin.

He paid some men to carry the red coffin out.

"You hurry up and clean this place inside and out to get rid of any bad luck."

The boss told the woman next to him.

Then he said to a man next to him.

"Elder brother, please bring some good dishes."

'Good! The man next to see a business to do, naturally is also very happy to agree.

One by one, the men thanked the people who had come to help them today and showed them out the door.

"His father, isn't he afraid that Xiao Rong will have problems?"

Seeing that everyone had left, the owner's wife asked.

"It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided." The man helped clean up the living room.

"Be careful about that man and that woman. Don't offend anyone."

The boss admonished his wife.

"What's wrong with them?" The owner's wife was puzzled.

"These two people are certainly not ordinary people, do you think that if you saw such a large coffin parked here, you would still come in to stay in the shop?"


"The fact that they live here without fear proves that they are exceptional."

The boss and the owner's wife are in the lobby.

Li Yuan and the woman had gone back to their rooms.

Because it is a small village inn, there is no separate bathroom and toilet.

After a day's travel, Li Yuan's body is also dusty and simple.

Li Yuan is going to take a bath first and then have a good meal.

But apparently he's not alone.

As soon as he opened the door to go out, he saw the woman also come out with a change of clothes and go to the bathroom.

"After you." Li Yuan made a big gesture and returned to the room.

The woman nodded and went straight to the bathroom.

About half an hour later, the door of Li Yuan's room was knocked.

"I'm all right." A cold woman's voice came from outside the door.

'Good! Li Yuan answered, opened the door and went out.

Just saw the door of the woman's room shut.

Li Yuan just came out of the bath and saw the boss carry the food up.

The third floor is a suite with three bedrooms and one living room.

The boss put the food on the table in the living room.

"Big brother, you see, if the food is not enough, I will ask them to fry two more."

Li Yuan saw three dishes and a soup on the table, plus a basin of rice.

"That's enough, thank you, boss."

"Well, enjoy yourselves."

Li Yuan went to ask the woman to come and have dinner together.

Two people sitting on a table, the woman's light fragrance into Li Yuan's nose, very good smell.

It is a subtle grassy smell, like the smell of the forest in spring, which makes people relax for no reason.

"What are you doing here?" Li Yuan asked the woman.

"Find someone!" The woman answered simply.

'Oh! Li Yuan is not good at communication, and he does not know what to say.

"My name is Li Yuan, and yours?" Li Yuan asked directly.

"Wen Xin." The woman answered simply.

What can be said in two words, she will never say in three.

After dinner, Wen Xin ready to go to the room.

"Thank you for today's meal and room fee!" Before leaving, Wen Xin said.

"You're welcome. It's nothing compared to the clock you gave me the other day." Li Yuan waved his hand.

"That Fa clock is not mine, but a man named Meng Cheng gave it to me. I was useless, so I gave it to you." Wen Xin said a word, turned and went to his room.

Leaving Li Yuan in a daze.

Meng Cheng?

Isn't that Grandpa's name?

Is this Fa clock given to her by Grandpa?

Li Yuan had never met his grandfather, but only knew about him from the books his father had left behind.

He wrote several notes and biographies by hand.

Li Yuan learned a lot from his grandfather's notes and learned about some of the things that happened in the Yin and Yang circles of Feng shui from his biography.

This master grandfather is a powerful person.

Just, this Wenxin looks like more than 20 years old, how did she and Grandparent have intersection?

Or, Grandpa gave it to her when she was young.

Li Yuan went back to his room. He decided to have a live broadcast tonight.

I looked at my phone. It was almost eight o 'clock.

He found a spot and opened the studio.

As soon as it opened, more than a hundred people flocked to it.

Life is precious: Good evening, Master.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Good evening, Master.

Madman: Good evening, Master.

The earth is round: Good evening Master.

The boss is terrible: Good evening, Master.

I don't smoke: Good evening, Master.


The screen is crowded with greetings to Li Yuan.

"Good evening, everyone." Li Yuan also said to the crowd in the broadcast room.

Crayon Xiaoxin: There was no live broadcast last night.

I don't smoke: The master isn't going on a date, is he?

"No, I was held up last night." Li Yuan explained a sentence to everyone.

As he spoke, he hung up three orders in the merchandise section.

As usual, three sheets were hung up, and before he could speak, they were snatched up.

"That's pretty fast, you guys." Li Yuan's voice sounded pleasantly.

The boss is terrible: That is, it is our great honor to get the master's advice.

I don't smoke: Yes, it's just a little bit of a lift for the master, but it's a big life change for us.

The earth is round: the master is virtuous, not like some unscrupulous fortune-tellers, just for their own Fanny pack.

There was a frenzy of praise for the master in the studio.

During this time, several hundred more people entered the broadcast room.

"Oh, my God, they're all gone."

"I'm a fan of the maestro's voice."

"I'm the master's hand powder."

"I'm the master's Adam's Apple powder."

"I'm a fan of the maestro."

"Go away, all of you, I'm the master's wife fan."


Once again, the style of the comments section has changed.

In particular, the last sentence of the wife powder, using the color of colorful domenical side leakage.

However, this man has been scolded by many fans.

"Wife powder, you think beautiful, the master such a legitimate character, is we ordinary mortals can only think."

"Showing you a finger is the greatest gift to you, and I want to be a wife."

Being scolded by everyone, the number came out and said a sentence.

"Sisters, I am wrong, dare not think of Master, I do not deserve!"

See this number out of the initiative to admit mistakes, we let go of her criticism.

At the beginning of each time, Li Yuan would give them some time to bounce.

Look at everyone's jumping almost, Li Yuan began to enter the theme.

"Number one, lonely の lonely, is it?"