I Want You for One Night

​​Pretend to be husband and wife!

"Thank you! I don't think so for a while." Li Yuan waved his hand.

"What, you don't think I deserve you?" Shen Huanhuan leaning on the railing, looking at Li Yuan with a smile.

On her face, there is a woman's charm, and a man's chipping.

Maybe that's the thing about women in this place.

It's not feminine, but it doesn't have the outside woman's touch.

Bold and charming.

"Miss Shin is beautiful enough to match any man in the world." Li Yuan through the window, overlooking the whole black Miao village.

Shen Wan-huan looked at the man in front of him, his eyes flashed.

This man is like a pine tree in the valley, clean, indifferent, not stained with worldly dust.

"I don't want any man in the world, if you want, I just want you, even if the goddess day man thousands, I just want you."

Shen magic eyes as if there are stars in the sea, let Li Yuan can not help but see God.

"Miss Shin has such beautiful eyes." Li Yuan smiled and said.

Li Yuan is just a moment of loss, the moment to restore clarity.

"Your women here are more generous than those outside."

Shen Huanhuan smiled, "If the benefactor does not want to stay here, tomorrow's Goddess festival, I will be the goddess of the benefactor."

Li Yuan did not expect, the Shen Huanhuan caught this topic will not let go.

It's like a man desperately pursuing a woman.

Only now, the position is reversed.

"My woman must be with me all her life, and there is no reason to be married for one night." Li Yuan said a few words.

"Well, it seems that I cannot touch my benefactor's heart." Shen Wan-huan sighed, "Let's not talk about this."

"Benefactor, since you have saved my life, I don't care what you want to do in Miao Jiang, as long as it is not hurtful, I will do it for you."

"In fact, to tell you the truth, I did come here to ask you for help." Li Yuan also dont want to hide, just and pan tuo out.

Originally, he came here to find someone who could poison him and help him out.

Although there are too many secrets in this Miao frontier, it is also very mysterious, but Li Yuan has no harm in mind.

And as far as I can tell, everything here seems normal.

Those who are afraid of wolves and tigers don't say anything and don't know when there will be a result.

"Need our help? Is the benefactor in some kind of trouble?" Shen Huanhuan small face tight, look more anxious than Li Yuan himself.

"Well, it's a bit of a problem." Li Yuan said, "One of my friends was killed by a Southeast Asian witch and is still unconscious.

So I would like to invite you to see if my friend has been treated with the medicine of the Southeast Asian head-lowering procedure."

"Down the head of the art" Shen magic magic mumbled these words.

"There is a saying here that foreigners have come across the sea to study here.

But we have rules in Miao Jiang, you can't learn Miao Jiang poison if you're not a clansman.

The foreigner tricked a young woman, and she taught him our tricks."

Listen to Shen magic magic said here, Li Yuan suddenly some puzzled.

"Wait, didn't you say that no one but the high priest could learn how to do magic?"

"It wasn't always like that." "In the old days, everyone in Miao could learn to do poison," Shen explained.

"Ever since that happened, the Queen and the High priest have joined forces to limit the conditions for learning the art."

"Until now, only the High priest knew how to do it."

"It means I must find the High Priest." Li Yuan said.

"Mm-hmm." Shen Huanhuan nodded, "But the high priest will not go out with you."

'Why? Li Yuan asked.

"Because the high priest is a recluse, and for years he does not see outsiders, let alone speak out."

Shen Huanhuan words let Li Yuan understand, it seems, don't ask the high priest of Miao Jiang to go out, even if you see the high priest, I am afraid it is very difficult.

Li Yuan does not have much time to spend here, mother alone at home for a long time, he is not at ease.

Su Su sister was lying alone in the hospital, and he was not at ease.

Besides, there's no signal, so he can't go live.

Lulu has me where things have not been solved, peace is a blessing there are still things have not been solved.

Li Yuan must see the High priest as soon as possible, even if he cannot ask him out, he must see him and ask him about the situation.

While the two spoke, the good wine and food were already being served.

"Benefactor, please." Shen magic please Li Yuan sit down.

'Thank you! Li Yuan do not want to be everywhere to the benefactor, quickly thank.

"Benefactor, this is the rice wine we use here to entertain distinguished guests, you have a taste."

Shen Huanhuan took a big bowl, lifted the wine jar, Dong dong dong to Li Yuan poured a big bowl of rice wine.

"I'm sorry, but I don't drink." Li Yuan repeatedly waved his hands for fear of being poured into such a big bowl of rice wine.

"This wine is not strong enough to intoxicate." Shen Huanhuan pushed a bowl of rice wine in front of Li Yuan.

"No, no, no, really not, Miss Shen's kindness, I appreciate it." Li Yuan pushed the rice wine back, "I have never touched a drop of wine since I was small."

Be Li Yuan twice off, Shen Huanhuan face also has a trace of embarrassment.

She held up the big bowl, "Since the benefactor won't drink, I will."

Shen Huanhuan said, looked up, a bowl of rice wine, a drink.

"This first bowl of wine is to thank the benefactor for saving my life."

The first bowl of wine!

Li Yuan noticed Shen's words.

It means there's a second bowl.

Sure enough, Li Yuangang thought so, and saw Shen Wan-huan began to pour wine, a pour, is a big bowl.

"This second bowl of wine is to welcome the benefactor to our Black Miao Village."

Shen Huanhuan finished, looked up, and drank it all.

This left Li Yuan dumbfounded.

Even if it is not wine, it is two big bowls of water, so that the stomach will be swollen when you drink it.

At this time, Li Yuan saw Shen Huan Huan began to the third bowl of wine.

"Miss Shin, I accept your offer, but don't drink the wine."

Li Yuansheng afraid of Shen Huanhuan also come to a bowl, that way, it is estimated that Shen Huanhuan will be carried away.

"It's all right." Shen Huanhuan waved, "Black Miao village women, only three bowls of rice wine, where can be drunk."


Li Yuan was speechless.

Is it really tough, or is it tough?

"With this third bowl of wine, may the benefactor take the High priest to see your friend soon."

When Shen Wan-huan said the high priest, his voice was deliberately low.

After saying that, Shen Huanhuan held a big bowl, looked up, and drank it again.

"Miss Shin can drink!" Li Yuan gave the thumbs up.

"Black Miao Village woman, this wine, no matter." Shen Wan-huan smiled.

Then, Shen Huanhuan like a harmless person, to Li Yuan to introduce their special dishes here.

"Today is too hasty, and tomorrow, I will let someone give the benefactor a feast of worms, which is what we will prepare for the most grand guests in Miao Jiang."

The Feast of worms!

Li Yuan's face suddenly turned green.