The Unexpected, the Woman Again

He saw this feast on TV, thinking of those white peristaltic bugs, Li Yuan seemed to feel a tumil in his stomach.

Li Yuan quickly waved his hand and repeatedly said: "Miss Shen don't be polite, just treat me as a general friend."

Just a friend in general, don't take me as a person, I can't afford the feast of worms.

Li Yuan said in his heart.

I had heard before that the Miao people were very hospitable, but now Li Yuan finally saw it.

The two were eating and talking, and the sky was getting dark.

After dinner.

"I do not know where the benefactor lives, so I will send the benefactor back." Shen said.

Li Yuan smiled awkwardly, his eyes only stared at the breath when he came, and did not look at the road and the scenery on both sides of the foot.

He's not familiar with the place names when he comes here.

So he doesn't even know the name of the place Wenxin took him to.

"Honestly, I don't know. I came here in such haste that I forgot my way back."

"That's right! Shen Huanhuan mused, "I see that your benefactor is wearing the clothes of Bai Miao, and the place where you live should be in the boundary of Bai Miao."

It's dark now, and it's not convenient for me to go to Bai Miao's property to find your place.

If he does not, he will stay here for the night, and go to his house at dawn tomorrow."

Li Yuan a listen, there is only this.

Wen Xin left without saying hello, and did not know where she was going.

In this place, Li Yuan is two eyes a dark.

"That would bother Miss Shin." Li Yuan said very politely.

"No, no trouble, benefactor willing to live here, that is my honor." Shen Huanhuan very can speak, every word Li Yuan held high.

Shen Huanhuan personally took Li Yuan to the guest room, here, because there is no electricity, the room is used with candles.

There were four or five candles in a room, and it was very bright.

"The benefactor rests in this room, and if he needs anything, he can pull this rope, and the bell outside will ring."

Shen Huanhuan pointed to the rope on the wall.

'Yes, thank you!

Li Yuan didn't know what to say except thank you.

"The benefactor is not to be asked." Shen Huanhuan smiled, "That benefactor you rest first, I went out."

"HMMM! Li Yuan nodded.

"But." Shen Huanhuan suddenly said, "If the benedonor needs company, he can ring the bell at any time, and I will come as late as possible."

Li Yuan:...

"No, thank you." Li Yuan waved his hands repeatedly.

He also has a penchant for not being borrowed.

"Hehe hehe!" Shen Huanhuan see Li Yuan avoid the appearance of a tiger, covering his mouth jiao laugh.

"Then I'm really going." Shen Huanhuan turned with a smile.

Just then, the bell string behind her suddenly fell down, and accidentally hit the candle in her hand.

The string is about the size of your thumb, and it's tied in a knot.

The candle on the candlestick was so hit that it fell directly toward Shen Wan-huan.

'Alas! Shen Huanhuan a painful exhale, quickly covered his face with his hands.

The candle fell to the floor with a crack.

Li Yuan left quickly.

"Are you all right?

Shen let go of her hand and revealed her face.

When Li Yuan looked, the left side of her face was red around her eyes.

It's a good thing she closed her eyes when the candle turned sideways, otherwise they might have been lost.

There's not much damage on the skin.

But Li Yuan see Shen magic magic face, Li Yuan eyebrows or could not help but wrinkle a bit.

"What's the matter? Is it ugly?" Shen Huanhuan see Li Yuan frown, couldn't help but worry about asked.

"Oh, nothing, just a little red skin." Li Yuan quickly answered.

Although the Miao woman is relatively strong, but as a woman or pay attention to their appearance.

"I don't believe it, it is clear that your face is so ugly." Shen Huanhuan over Li Yuan, walked to the side of the mirror.

This is a glass mirror used by ordinary people, although this place is isolated, but some people often contact the outside world.

It's not unusual to have a mirror like this.

Shen Huanhuan looked at his own face in the mirror and breathed a great sigh of relief.

"Fine, just a little red skin." Shen Wan-huan wants to touch it with his hand.

'Don't move! Li Yuan Da let out a sound, "You reach out now, it is easy to break the skin."

Shen Huanhuan heard, quickly put down his hand.

"But I only have half of my eyebrows left." Shen Huanhuan looked at her eyebrows in the mirror, "the eyebrows are OK, I draw a picture, it is not very visible."

No matter where this woman is, her appearance always comes first.

Men are different, just like Li Yuan, just when he looked at Shen Huanhuan's face, the first time did not pay attention to her skin, but landed on her eyebrows.

Eyebrows represent a person's life and health, and her eyebrows are suddenly damaged, which is certainly a bad sign.

Just like when Huang Su Su shaved her eyebrows before, she accidentally shaved her eyebrows away.

Some seemingly impossible accidents, the more obvious the signs.

"Accidents like this happen, and I see you've been paying attention lately for fear of something bad." Li Yuan reminded.

Shen Huanhuan looked at Li Yuan, and burst into a smile.

"You look like my dad, and my dad, too, broke a bowl, and he probably wouldn't go out today."

"Old people sometimes have a point." Li Yuan did not say too much, he did not want to reveal the identity in front of Shen Huanhuan.

'Yes! Shen Huanhuan obviously did not take the eyebrows damaged this matter to heart, "the same old man."

Shen Huanhuan finished, picked up the candlestick and candle on the ground, and then left Li Yuan's room.

There's no TV, no cell phones in this place.

Of course, there is a mobile phone inside, but there is no network, and Li Yuan does not plan to take out the mobile phone to play, the electricity is used up, this place can not be charged.

Mobile phone this thing, Li Yuan is still ready to let him keep the power at any time, in case when it is used.

Before long, several men came with water, and behind them, several men carried a large wooden bucket.

"Please wash up, Sir." A man bowed to Li Yuan and said politely.

'Yes, thank you! Li Yuan quickly came over and thanked several people.

The man was flattered by Li Yuan's politeness and quickly said: "Sir Don't be polite, Sir Is Miss Magic Magic's guest, naturally is our black Miao village guest."

"Help yourself, Sir." The man bent down again, then walked out with a few people and closed the door for Li Yuan.

This feeling, Li Yuan as if through.

Comfortable soaking in a hot bath, Li Yuan put on the clothes he brought over and lay on the bed.

After running around all day, my body was refreshed after soaking in this hot bath.

He came here, and he couldn't believe how well it went.

Just came here to meet the Wen Xin, reduced a lot of trouble.

Rescue a girl, actually is the black Miao village seed players, will soon go to compete for the position of less priests.

As if in the dark, everything is arranged for Li Yuan.

In a daze, Li Yuan fell asleep.

At midnight, Li Yuan had a dream.

The "woman" in white stood by her bed again.

"Who are you?"