How to Teach the Axe

"Hey! Li Yuan!" Not far from the meeting room, Lin Qingya can not wait to pick up the phone.

The people inside the meeting room are two people, everyone vaguely heard a name clearly.

Looks like it's two characters and a Lee.

Is this the same person who texted you last time?

It must be. Oh, my God! Who is the divine actually can move the heart of iceberg president.

Lin Qingya then phone, into her special elevator.

"HMMM! Hear Lin Qingya voice, Li Yuan suddenly feel very calm, light should a sound, said he in.

"How are you?" Lin Qingya had thousands of words, want to know whether Li Yuan encountered danger, experienced what.

At the exit, it turns into these three words.

"It was a tortuous process, but fortunately there was no danger, and it is still successful." Li Yuan said it briefly.

Although Li Yuan said simple, but Lin Qingya can still imagine the process must be very dangerous.

Out of respect for Li Yuan, Lin Qingya and did not send people to pay attention to the trend of Li Yuan, so these two days can not contact Li Yuan, Lin Qingya as others worry.

Lin Qingya into the office, sat on the sofa.

"Oh, you! It was too risky this time. Next time, let someone follow you. At least people can hear about you." Lin Qingya is angry.

Even she herself did not find that when she and Li Yuan spoke, the voice was gentle as water inadvertently.

"Don't tell me, this time, it's really useless to have more people. You might not even be able to get in, and you might increase the danger." Li Yuan is telling the truth.

It is like the entrance into Miao Jiang, ordinary people can not find.

And that way down, it has to be one by one.

There is a point Li Yuan is later to think clearly, when he thought that he arrived in Miao Jiang unnoticed, but later thought that the start of this organ, Miao Jiang side can not be unaware.

Especially Li Yuan and the Miao queen after contact, more firm in their own ideas.

Although Miao Jiang is a woman, but the queen is smart, can not let this big loophole regardless.

It is likely that every person who comes to Miao Jiang is known by the Queen, and even if the queen does not know, someone under the Queen knows.

The way that only one person can come down at a time ensures the safety of the Miao area to the maximum extent.

Even if there is an uneasy good will down, down one, still afraid can not deal with it?

If several people go down at once, it will inevitably attract the attention of the upper echelon of Miao Jiang.

"Well, of course I know what you do." Lin Qingya said softly.

"You know what? Li Yuan smiled and joked, "Does Miss Lin know me so well?"

Lin Qingya was Li Yuan so ask, suddenly feel cheek hot.

"Master Li has never been so glib." Lin Qingya voice low, iceberg president unexpectedly scattered a jiao.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was rude." Li Yuan's voice suddenly a right, it sounds like to offend Lin Qingya feel very sorry general.

"No... No." This time, Lin Qingya panicked, "I don't mean that."

"What do you mean?" Li Yuan asked rhetorically.

"It's just not... Like..." Lin Qingya feel tongue-tied, is it not to say glib, like you so?

This kind of words how to say export, this is not her Lin Qingya can say.

And, so far, they have only met once, perhaps not even as friends.

"Ha ha ha! Li Yuan suddenly laughed, "I'm kidding you, I'm not so stingy."

Lin Qingya this just know, she was Li Yuan played.

Suddenly angry, hard white glance Li Yuan, just think of her in the office, Li Yuan is not by her side.

"Master Li is so bad." Lin Qingya pursed her mouth, "Well, I have to go to the meeting, otherwise they will start gossiping again."

Li Yuan this just know, Lin Qingya is in a meeting.

Lin Qingya alone in charge of the entire Lin group, but also a famous overbearing.

Now, because of a phone call to interrupt the meeting, Li Yuan suddenly had a warm current in his heart.

His voice could not help but gentle down, "Well, you have a meeting first, you are busy and we will talk slowly."

Li Yuan's voice let Li Qingya heart suddenly leak a beat.

She nodded gently. "HMM! Yes!"

The voice of the two people could not help but be gentle down, and the atmosphere became warm unconsciously.

Hung up the phone, Li Yuan looked at the phone in a daze.

"Why, reluctant to hang up?" Wen Xin sat next to Li Yuan and said with a straight face.

Wen Xin this straight face, let Li Yuan for a time can not tell whether she is joking, or mocking.

"A little hungry, what do you want to eat?" Li Yuan saw a cart coming in the distance and asked.

"Whatever." Wen Xin is also not welcome, said directly.

On the high-speed train, there is nothing to eat, Li Yuan asked for two boxes of lunch and two bottles of water.

Wen Xin also did not mind, began to eat from the Gu.

On her face, there was always no expression.

Not a stern aura like Lin Ching-ya.

She just doesn't have an expression, like she's wearing a mask, as if nothing in the world is enough to cause her expression to change.

It was already around ten o 'clock in the evening when Li Yuan and Wen Xin arrived at the Yunhai high-speed railway station.

"Don't leave a phone so I can contact you." Li Yuan said.

After all, two people in Miao Jiang has joined forces once, Li Yuan in front of her also revealed a lot of real skills, Li Yuan feel, leave a contact is not impossible.

"No need for phone calls, fate will naturally meet again." Wen Xin turned and walked away, in the opposite direction of Li Yuan.

Her back is straight, as if she is not among the thousands of sentient beings.

Li Yuan can not understand the heart, said she cold-blooded, she is in need of help in Li Yuan, in time to solve Li Yuan's difficulties.

Said she was kind and warm, but she was as cold as a stranger.

What a strange man!

Li Yuan shook his head and thought no more.

Although it was already night, there was never a shortage of taxis near the high-speed rail station, and Li Yuan easily found one.

"Little brother, I see your print is black, I'm afraid something bad will happen!"

In the taxi, Li Yuan sat in the back. The taxi driver glanced at Li Yuan in the rearview mirror and then said.

"Ouch! Is it?" Her eyes twinkled, and she said, "Tell me."

"By the looks of it, you've had a lot going on lately." The taxi driver paused, as if thinking.

"Master can still meet?" Li Yuan said in surprise.

"Well, I haven't studied much, but I know a little." The taxi driver smiled shyly, "But there's something really wrong with your face."

Li Yuan smiled without saying anything.

The taxi driver thought Li Yuan didn't believe him, and continued, "Is my little brother not going to school anymore?"

"HMMM! Li Yuan nodded, he has graduated from college, naturally did not go to school.

When the taxi driver saw that he was right, he suddenly became more energetic.

"Little brother, this kind of face of yours is called 'no sense of confidence' in physiognomy, and the so-called" no sense of confidence "means that this talent will not have great talent in learning and will drop out early..."